Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 417 Long time and thousands of years, the battle of gods and gods

Chapter 417 A hundred thousand years of leisurely time, a shocking battle between immortals and gods

Wang Yu thinks that his talent is not bad, otherwise he would not be able to get to where he is today, but since seeing Wu Shi, he has understood a truth.

There are always some people in this world who are born to beat others!
Beginningless is one of them.

The uniqueness of the congenital sacramental body and dao womb makes Wang Yu, who is only one step away from being able to prove the existence of immortality in the world of mortals, a little jealous!The body is invincible, the soul is free from shackles, the myriad ways resonate with it, and the heavens and the earth praise it!
But the jealousy is the jealousy, Wang Yu doesn't have any bad thoughts about Wushi, and anyway, Sheng Ao, a cheap junior, has a kindred spirit with him.

After An Ran accepted Wushi's ceremonies to the juniors, Wang Yu asked about Sheng Ao's situation: "When the Jagged War Banner woke up, your father's energy and blood were exhausted, and his lifespan was exhausted, so he couldn't leave any message for you. People with extraordinary talents don’t say they were born knowing it, but do you know why your parents died?”

Fengshen's handsome Wang Yu asked about his father's condition before he died as soon as Wang Yu came up, and he immediately recognized this emperor master who only existed in legends in his heart.

"I'm troubled by the concern of my uncle, my father and mother are dead, there is nothing suspicious about it.

The reason why my father sent me back to Uncle Zhanqi to be raised before his death was that he didn't have too many other ideas. "

Ever since Wu Shi heard that Sheng Ao had passed away, Wang Yu's slightly frowning eyebrows relaxed.

He originally thought that the reason why Sheng Ao and Empress Xi would fall after his intervention was that Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor were behind it.

Unexpectedly, this time he really guessed wrong.

With all the restricted areas of life in the world being eradicated forcefully, the dark turmoil that had caused the Queen Mother of the West and Sheng Ao to worry endlessly has long since ceased to exist.

Emperor Zun, a person who combines Gou Dao with Dacheng, is not interested in the origin and Dao of an ordinary emperor and Dacheng Holy Body. At that time, he might as well carve more patterns on the world barrier.

As for the Immortal Emperor, since Wang Yu set foot in the foreign land, most of his energy has been concentrated in the foreign land, and he has no time to go to the human world to target two ordinary supreme beings.

If it wasn't for Wu Shi being too amazing, showing a demeanor no less than that of Wang Yu in the past, and even winning a little, he didn't want to make extra troubles.

A Human Sovereign is enough to cause headaches, if there is another powerful existence of unknown depth and unknown enemy or friend in the world, the water in this world will be even more turbid!
"You have your way, my way may not be suitable for you, so I don't have much advice for you in terms of practice. After all these years, my understanding of the way has been completely engraved in the small world inside Jagged Battle Banner If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

You don't have to worry about the Immortal Emperor's nephew for the time being. He doesn't dare to stand up with me. There is something missing in this world. If you want to be immortal, you need to live nine times in the world of mortals. The traces that time has imposed on us are completely gone. Erase, you're already on the right path, just keep going. "

The arrival of Wushi did not change Wang Yu's life too much. At his current state, other people's Tao may allow him to understand by analogy, but it will never promote his Taoism to advance bravely, so Wang Yu did not look forward to Wushi. too much.

Regardless of whether Emperor Zun is immortal or the emperor, now he can already win the battle, there is no need to pull Wushi to join hands.

Wushi has been fascinated by himself as the emperor's senior uncle for a long time, not to mention his father's earmarks and uncle Zhanqi's admiration, just the life of this senior uncle is enough to make him amazed .

Born in a mortal body with mediocre aptitude.

The heel is very shallow, and the enemy is surrounded.

However, this uncle forcibly used his own strength to flatten the eight forbidden life zones that have existed for countless years, and surpassed the human race, the former blood-eating race, to the number one in the world!

It can be said that without the birth of this human emperor master, the human race would not have to wait until the year of the monkey if they wanted to take the lead!

Even if it is such a feat, he can only look behind him.

Wang Yu, who always thought that Wu Shi and others were people in mythology, didn't know that, with the passage of time, he also became a myth in this world.

Outside the chaotic pure land between the human world and the foreign land, a figure wrapped in five-color divine light suddenly appeared.

With the appearance of this figure, the chaotic pure land that was originally peaceful and peaceful suddenly surged.

"No, death, boy, you actually dare to appear in front of me in an open and aboveboard manner, haha, since you are looking for your own death, then I will take your dog's life." A supreme figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the chaotic pure land When he raised his hand, nine shocking dragons appeared on his fist.

With one punch, the barriers of the world surrounding the Pure Land were shattered inch by inch.

Faced with this powerful punch, the Immortal Emperor's expression was extremely solemn. If he could be cautious, he would never show up here today.

However, compared to Emperor Zun, the former archenemy, Huang, the present archenemy, made him even more afraid.

The five colors of divine light gathered together, and a world-brightening blade light amazed the world.

Facing the nine flying dragons, he chopped them into ashes with a swipe of the five-color sword light.

"Di Zun, have you played enough? Can you keep me with only one divine mind?" Looking at the supreme figure who was about to punch, the Immortal Emperor revealed the identity of this person.

"Hehe, the power contained in a divine body is indeed not enough to keep you, but my real body can arrive in a moment and kill you like a chicken."

Emperor Venerable, whose identity has been called out, is not ready to stop there. As a clone of divine sense that shares his mind with his main body, he knows how much his main body hates the traitor, the Immortal Emperor.

"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins. The emperor is still watching! Guess what his attitude will be towards us, guess if he will treat you after he knows that you are going to melt this world to fulfill your plan Draw your sword and face each other?"

The avatar of Emperor Zun, whose aura was infinitely high, struggled a little after hearing the words, but after a while, he became firm again, and he would never believe the hype that the undead child said.

In order to avoid future troubles, it is better to kill the undead child.

As for the Human Sovereign whose footsteps he can't even figure out, it's not due to conspiracy and tricks that he can come to the common respect of all races, it's just to kill him at that time.

Victory, take the invincible momentum to a higher level.

If you lose, you can't blame others if you die.

With a certain belief, a figure with the same face as Emperor Zun's avatar stepped out of the chaos, swung the "Emperor Dragon Fist" that had long since disappeared in the billowing red dust, and attacked the Immortal Emperor.

'Fist moves mountains and rivers. '

Looking at Emperor Zun's fist without the shadow of a dragon, the Immortal Emperor suddenly cursed in his heart: "Zi Zi is not enough to seek. '

He put aside his previous suspicions and risked his life to come to Emperor Zun to conspire with Emperor Zun. Who would have thought that Emperor Zun would act brazenly without even listening to what he said.

If he had known about him, he would have obeyed the guidance of heaven and went to find that stupid pig in the foreign land to conspire with the emperor.

 Explain why the update has been interrupted in the past few days. I don’t know if people are unlucky or if they really drink cold water and stuff their teeth!The author, I am broken in love. I don't know if there is a home with a happy goat on my head - Qingqing Prairie. According to my impression of my ex-girlfriend, there should be no one!When people are in a bad mood, they will find ways to numb themselves. I am the same. I drank and vomited. I went to eleven places in four days. I went through all the white beer and red ones, and then I went to the hospital without accident I was given a drip, and now I am recuperating on a hospital bed, hiding.

(End of this chapter)

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