The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 101 The Mysterious "Woman"

Chapter 101 The Mysterious "Woman"

Sun Weilong opened his mouth.

Zhang Zhuo pushed his glasses.

The audience also stared at Ling Huohuo intently.

Everyone felt that after this time, not to mention Ling Huohuo's previous songs, this dance would completely make Ling Huohuo popular in the academy.


Soon, Ling Huohuo stepped off the stage.

Xiao Yunyun and senior sister Anna stood side by side, showing an ambiguous smile to Ling Huohuo, and then they all gave a thumbs up, and other people who saw Ling Huohuo's performance also gathered together to watch Ling Huohuo.

"Is this Ling Huohuo? I heard it's Ling Miao's twin brother."

"I suddenly felt that no girl in me is as coquettish as a boy, and my life is such a failure."

"Student Ling Huohuo, I want to ask, what do you think of women's clothing?"

Ling Huohuo smiled awkwardly.

"Xiao Yunyun, what is this?" Senior Anna asked the box Xiao Yunyun put on the table.

"This is the Christmas present I received today~" Xiao Yunyun smiled triumphantly, and glanced at Ling Huohuo.

All the vacant programs were successfully filled, and Xiao Yunyun and senior sister Anna also breathed a sigh of relief. Taking advantage of the time, Xiao Yunyun was going to see what Ling Huohuo gave him.

She just received Ling Huohuo's gift, although she was a little surprised, she was still very happy. After all, it was a Christmas gift from Ling Huohuo, and it was also the first gift she received this year.

It shouldn't be too bad, Xiao Yunyun guessed.

Then Xiao Yunyun opened the gift box under the gaze of senior sister Anna, and a big papaya appeared in front of the two of them.

Senior Anna looked at Papaya, then at the flat headquarters on Xiao Yunyun's suit, and covered her mouth with one hand.

Xiao Yunyun was silent for a while, then took out her mobile phone, called up Ling Huohuo's magical girl costume, checked a few names, and clicked on the group post.

Ling Huohuo's cell phone vibrated suddenly, showing a message. Ling Huohuo clicked on the message in doubt, and her own magical girl photo appeared on the screen.

Ling Huohuo cried and pushed away the crowd, and ran out.

"What's wrong with Ling Huohuo?" Seeing Ling Huohuo who suddenly lost control, Senior Anna asked suspiciously.

"Probably, I remembered something sad."

Xiao Yunyun took back the phone, turned his head, looked out the window, stretched out his left hand, and touched the papaya in front of him.

so big.


Ling Miao's cell phone vibrated suddenly while she was resting.

Ling Miao took out her mobile phone.

"Xiao Yunyun?"

Then Ling Miao clicked on the message, and a long-haired "beauty" appeared on the screen with the night sky as the background. Although the "girl" was only profiled, it did not reduce her beauty at all, and added a sense of mystery.

Looking at the photo on the screen, Ling Miao was a little stunned for some reason, and naturally developed a sense of intimacy with the person in the photo.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yue and the others leaned over and saw the photo.

"Ah! Beauty!" Wang Wei exclaimed.

"What, what, your girlfriend?" Wang Wei bumped Ling Miao's arm with his arm.

"Just kidding, how is it possible!" Ling Miao pushed a few people away.

"Then introduce it to me! Don't waste it." Zhao Yue said.

"Senior, I'm also single." Xia Ri raised her hand.

"I don't know either, hahaha..."

Ling Miao laughed, and then changed the topic to another direction.

Why did Xiao Yunyun take this picture of himself?Forget it, ask him after this incident.

After saving the photo casually, Ling Miao put the phone in his trouser pocket again.


At this time, the base of the Demon King.

Eisfeldt and others surrounded Yin Ya, but Ling Tian was not here.

"Cut, it's not the devil concubine, what a disappointment." A devil general said.

"But it's okay to hear that she might be the concubine of His Highness Ling Miao."

"Okay, prepare to send her to the hospital, and leave the rest to the Lord." Esfelt said.

"Alright alright."

Bei Siqi smiled and hugged Yin Ya.

"Huh? There's another message coming from his phone."

Lal looked at the phone suspiciously.

Yin Ya's cell phone had been calling before, but everyone didn't care, and this time another message came.

Lal turned on the phone casually, and a photo appeared on the screen.


"What's wrong? Lal."

others asked.

"Look at it."

Lal turned the phone around, pointing the screen at the others.

"What do you think of this girl?"

"that's amazing."

"It feels good."

"You... do you feel that this woman is somewhat similar to the Lord?"

Suddenly someone said.

"Ah? You say that, it's really ah!"

"Indeed, the profiles are really similar."

Suddenly, a squinting magic general tapped his hand.

"Wait, I see, could this be..."

"What is it?"

"Husband and wife picture!"

The squinting demon general said in a different way.

"What is husband and wife phase?" You Demon General raised his hand and asked.

"The meaning of husband and wife is that two people have lived together for a long time, and their expressions and movements will become more and more similar. The general meaning of husband and wife is that because of frequent contact, mutual affection, habit convergence, and mutual influence, so that the faces are similar. .”

"Live long?"

"Frequent contact?"

"Spiritual love?"

The crowd fell silent for a while.

"Suddenly felt that the Lord seemed to be hiding something from us."

"Who sent this photo?" Eisfeldt asked suddenly.

"Let me see, it's Xiao Yunyun. I remember that she is Yin Ya's best friend, and she seems to have a good relationship with His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo."

"That's it." Esfelt narrowed his eyes.

"Find her! Don't let the Lord find out!"




The other magic generals nodded.

Suddenly a person similar to the Lord appeared, this matter did not feel simple.

For the relatives of the lord, these demon generals are very familiar with them. Except for Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao, the only ones who can look similar to the lord are the lord's parents.

Ling Huohuo, Ling Miao and the master's father are men, so exclude, while the female is only the master's mother, she cannot be so young.

Therefore, relying on these demon generals' understanding of the human race, only the husband and wife can explain this situation clearly.

Could it be that the Lord has a woman outside?How long has it been?

This matter is very important. We can't let the Demon King be left outside. Now that the army is in chaos, it would be bad if she was accidentally injured. It's best to take her back and protect her.

And it seems that the master should have been with each other for a long time, but I don't know if there is a little devil.

(End of this chapter)

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