Chapter 1011 Holy Army

"I have endured strength that I shouldn't have at my age."

Ling Huohuo looked at the second-order strength on his panel, with a smile on his face.

With more experience, Ling Huohuo found that it was easy for him to practice, and he felt that his strength was very solid.

Ling Huohuo's current cultivation path is very clear, which is the path of life and death.

With the understanding of the way of life and death before, Ling Huohuo's cultivation went smoothly, and these insights are enough to support Ling Huohuo's cultivation to the eighth level!
But Ling Huohuo was not in a hurry to improve his own strength, starting from the heart, Ling Huohuo's state of mind was different.

in a hurry?No, I'm Ling Huohuo, who's being forced by the Buddha now!
I just want to eat oranges.

Ling Huohuo still didn't find anything about oranges.

However, Mandrill found the door first.

Today's Mandrill's strength has also been greatly improved. He has reached the ninth level. Mandrill is a little curious about Ling Huohuo's strength, but he doesn't have any wrong thoughts. After all, Ling Huohuo's strength impresses him deeply.

Mandrill came to form an alliance, not him and Ling Huohuo, but a force of heroic spirits—the heroic spirits of the Yaozu.

Specifically, it is one of the heroic spirit forces of the Yaozu.

This time it was Shuten-douji who came to talk. Shuten-douji is a big Japanese monster who led some monsters from Japan.

Ling Huohuo did not refuse this alliance, and the two parties got along very happily.

The final result is that Shuten Doji and Mandrill both joined Ling Huohuo's forces.

Now Ling Huohuo's power has also been further developed. Although it is still only within the scope of Zhonghai City, it has the capital to compete in the world. After all, there are more than 50 heroic spirits, and there are even god-level heroic spirits. It is already the strength of a first-class force. , If Ling Huohuo is released from the restraints, not to mention his strength.

It's a pity that Ling Huohuo has no ambition to compete in the world.

Moreover, Zhonghai City seems to be separated from the world. Every day, battles are happening all over the world. I heard that the Orange Holy Grail forces in Oceania have been picked. Although Zhonghai City is mixed with dragons and snakes, it is inexplicably stable.

In addition to these, Ling Huohuo is also paying attention to Xiao Yunyun's side. Xiao Yunyun has found an opportunity to initiate a rebellion, and the process went smoothly, but Ling Huohuo always has a bad premonition, but he has no clue. Xiao Yunyun and Feng Chen Xiuya can only guarantee to pay attention to her own safety.

Ling Huohuo also let the Void Hundred Ghosts stay by their side, pay attention to the situation at any time, and report the news at any time.

Another thing is that Ling Huohuo also sent people to send a lot of resources to supply Yuexi, but in fact it is for the growth of the child in Yuexi's body.

Ling Huohuo is also building a good relationship with Yuexi, after all... Yuexi is going to give birth to him.

No matter what Ling Huohuo thinks about it, this matter is quite embarrassing.

Xiao Yunyun and Fengchen Xiuya also acquiesced in the existence of Yuexi, but the problem is that Yuexi may not necessarily like Ling Huohuo!
At other times, Ling Huohuo is also honing his strength little by little.

A month passed quickly, and Xiao Yunyun also took control of the forces of the Army of the Brave, which changed the atmosphere and situation of The Lost Land and "The Lost World".

The chaos of the lawful camp gave the chaotic camp an opportunity to take advantage of it. The chaotic camp launched an attack on the lawful camp, but was successfully resisted by the lawful camp.

However, Ling Huohuo's worries were fulfilled. Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya's rebellious incidents were targeted. They were targeted by forces from other lawful camps, but not the direct descendants of the brave. The direct descendants of the brave seemed to give in from the very beginning. Generally speaking, they didn't have much entanglement with Xiao Yunyun and the others at all, which is why Xiao Yunyun and the others were able to rebel smoothly in the early stage.

However, up to now, other forces have begun to intervene, and they are threatening, making it difficult for Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya to parry. Renamed to the Holy Army, it still targets the chaotic camp and the Demon King Army, but the leader has changed.

It is no longer a leadership centered on the brave, but Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya have become the center, leading a larger lawful alliance.

Surprisingly, when the Brave Army's accident happened, the Demon King's Army didn't make any moves. They just played two symbolic fights. No one knows if it is the plot of the brave.

Some people even speculated whether the brave man had already been assassinated by Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya, which also gave Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya a bad name.

Of course, there are also some people who do not want to see Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya, but they have become bigger and stronger, so there is no need to think too much about other things.

Today's Holy Army has just undergone turmoil and reorganized. The biggest difference from the Army of the Brave is that it is not as pure as the Army of the Brave, but it is indeed stronger.

However, it is worth mentioning that in the previous turmoil, although the ghosts of the void took action, the forces of the future city did not intervene, because the future city was actively and secretly contacting various neutral camps under the signal of Ling Huohuo. A family of elves in time.

Today, the elves have established new king cities in other regions, and the leader has also been replaced. She is the younger sister of the former elf king.

The new Sun Elf Queen ascended the throne, and naturally drew and supported her own forces, including the new player forces. Zhiyuan is one of them, and Ling Huohuo is also included. Although the status is not as high as Zhiyuan, as an elder, Ling Huohuo was still reused, and he really had the right to speak in the Sun Elf clan.

Ling Huohuo also often appeared as the elder of Burning Tea. Although he didn't show his relationship with the future urban forces, he still had a bias in some things.

After the catastrophe, the power of the Japanese elves was empty, and the Japanese elves had no way to refuse the future city's overtures and wooing.

Of course, both the Demon King and the Brave were also on the blacklist of the Sun Elf Clan, and the Void Clan was also on the blacklist.

However, the relationship between the devil, the brave, and the void is intricate. They seem to be separate and have a clear camp, but the twists and turns are not that simple.

Even the parties are often unclear about the relationship.


At this time Ling Huohuo was shopping with Yuexi.

Pregnant women need proper exercise.

With the replenishment of energy, the child in Yuexi's body also grew, making Yuexi's lower abdomen gradually bulge, and Yuexi had to wear loose clothes.

Looking at Yuexi who was picking out clothes, Ling Huohuo wiped his nose.

Yuexi likes going around the childcare area very much recently.

Soon, Yuexi arrived at the cashier with several bags of things.

"Bill, please!"

Ling Huohuo obediently took out her wallet.

(End of this chapter)

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