Chapter 1014 Carried away (second update)
"These oranges with ordinary knowledge, when you want to eat oranges, eating ordinary oranges can give you some spiritual comfort and suppress your desire." A pleasant voice came from the girl in the carriage.

Ling Huohuo nodded, got into the car, closed the door, and sat opposite the girl, but Lu Shan didn't follow.

The girl doesn't look very old, she should be around 20 years old, her black hair is simply tied into a ponytail, refreshing and neat, and the girl's expression is also very calm and indifferent, she should be called a beauty, both in temperament and appearance. posture.

Feeling Ling Huohuo watching her, the girl smiled and said, "Why, it's a woman who ate the orange by accident?"

"No, I'm just a little bit emotional that Jiu Ying is really willing to sacrifice such a beautiful woman like you." Ling Huohuo said.

Being so "outspoken" by Ling Huohuo, the girl's face turned red, revealing the shyness of her little daughter.

"Do you see all the girls like that?"

"No, only for beautiful women."

"Miss Yuexi must be very unhappy, right?"

"It's okay, it won't."

Ling Huohuo silently pretended to be cowardly, although in fact Yuexi had no special relationship with him except that she was pregnant with his child, and indeed she would not be jealous.

The girl looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise.

"It's really not that simple."

"low profile."

"My name is Xuanshi Jin, just call me Xuanshi." The girl introduced herself.

"My name is Ling Huohuo." Ling Huohuo also nodded and said his name.

"Then I'll call you Brother Ling." Master Jinxuan said with a smile, she had a pretty smile.

Ling Huohuo shrugged, noncommittal, although he looked younger than Xuanshi Jin, but in terms of age, he was indeed older than Xuanshi Jin, unless Xuanshi Jin was the kind of existence with good looks, or the same He changed his skin, but judging from his aura, Master Jinxuan is indeed very young.

Although Ling Huohuo looked young on the outside, Master Jinxuan still felt Ling Huohuo's special aura, but when she took the initiative to test it, it made her breathing a little difficult.

"Is this... the aura of the boss?"

Master Jin Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

Regarding Ling Huohuo's information, Nine Shadows did not collect comprehensive information, and Master Jinxuan couldn't easily make a judgment on Ling Huohuo, after all, Ling Huohuo conquered the existence of Yuexi.

Master Jinxuan met Ling Huohuo this time not only to share information about oranges with Ling Huohuo, but also to test Ling Huohuo's situation.

But just after meeting, Master Jin Xuan felt that Ling Huohuo might not be that simple.

After figuring this out, Master Jin withdrew his mind. Ling Huohuo's aura was only emitted unconsciously, so Master Jin could easily get rid of Ling Huohuo's aura.

Putting on a sincere smile, Master Jin Xuan began to exchange information about oranges with Ling Huohuo.

Lu Shan has already said most of the information about oranges. Master Jin just explained in more detail, such as the birth of the Ominous Wood Secret Realm, and some of the conditions inside, including those who were protected and ate oranges. The position of the person, continuing to eat oranges or eating the person who has eaten oranges will improve their strength, and so on.

Ling Huohuo listened silently and wrote it down.

In addition to these, Jinxuan also chatted with Ling Huohuo, brushing Ling Huohuo's favor.

"I like to smile the most, because girls who love to laugh are not bad luck. I believe the organization will find a way to save us." Master Jin Xuan comforted.

Ling Huohuo nodded in agreement.

"That's right, after all, girls with bad luck can't laugh."

Master Jinxuan's smile froze.

After the conversation ended, Ling Huohuo left alone.

Master Jinxuan and Lu Shan watched Ling Huohuo leave.

"Master Xuan, how do you feel about Ling Huohuo?" Lu Shan asked.

"Although he is a nice person, but... talking is a bit annoying." Master Jinxuan sighed.

Lu Shan nodded in agreement.

"There is also an attitude, which makes people angry. I don't know why Yuexi will fall in love with this person?"

"Maybe radish and cabbage have their own love, anyway, I can't stand such a man." Master Jin Xuan said.

"I can't bear it either." Lu Shan echoed.

"Since when did you like a man?"


"Drive, go back."



Ling Huohuo put his hands in his pockets and walked on the street alone.

"Nine Shadows, Master Jinxuan..."

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes. Although Master Jinxuan was a very attractive girl, Ling Huohuo didn't have the slightest affection for her.

This is a judgment based on feeling, and Ling Huohuo has always believed in his own feeling.

Well, this proves one thing, Master Jin and his temper are at odds, and they cannot communicate well, and in the communication just now, Xuan Master Jin did not really distract himself, that is to say, Master Jin kept a hand , or Master Jin hates himself, or it may be that Master Jin is not what he is, these are all possible.

Although Ling Huohuo wants to have sex with Master Jinxuan more, no matter what, Master Jinxuan is a beautiful woman with top-notch figure, temperament and appearance. After all, Ling Huohuo is a man, and not the kind of majestic man, but Ling Huohuo has already passed the age of youth and impulsiveness, and he still has to be loyal to his feelings, loyal to Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya.

Desire is a manifestation of normal human beings, and Ling Huohuo still has this ability. It is normal for a man to want to communicate with a beautiful woman when he sees a beautiful woman, but it is the performance of a mature man to control his desire and restrain his nature.

A bull in heat is destined to be difficult to be elegant.

"Forget it, Master Jinxuan has nothing to do with me. If you want to do so much, let's go back first."

Ling Huohuo is right to think so, but accidents always happen.

"Little universe, let's explode!"

A loud shout came into Ling Huohuo's ears, and then, a bald head rushed out of the crowd.

Oh no, there's also a gay guy.

Two men fighting on the street in broad daylight, is it a loss of humanity, or morality... Cough cough.

Ling Huohuo looked at the two people who were fighting in the distance, as well as the panicked crowd and the damaged street, and couldn't react.

"Shut up, that is to say, someone is causing trouble on my site?"

Can this be tolerated?

Can't stand it!
Ling Huohuo took his hand out of his pocket, took out a purple belt and tied it around his waist.

Although Ling Huohuo's strength is not there, the equipment is still there.

This belt is Ling Huohuo's purple battle armor soaked by the power of the void. Because of Ling Huohuo's strength, he can't drive this battle armor casually like before, but Ling Huohuo has modified it so that he can Drive your own armor with today's strength.

However, just when Ling Huohuo was about to put on the battle armor, a person suddenly picked up Ling Huohuo and picked him up.

"Run, are you still here looking for death?"

Ling Huohuo was carried away from the battlefield with a confused face.

According to the feeling, the one who carried him away seemed to be a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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