The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1022 The Heroic Spirits of the Parents

Chapter 1022 The Heroic Spirits of the Parents (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo brought Ling Zhuo back to the real world. As for the matter of the ghost world, it has temporarily come to an end. It is a training place for the knights. When the ghost world is no longer suitable for the knights to stay, or when they encounter danger, the knights will return to the real world by themselves.

When Ling Huohuo had just returned to the real world, Lu Shan approached Ling Huohuo.

However, Lu Shan's expression was a little serious, and Ling Huohuo could feel Lu Shan's alienation from him, as well as a touch of... vigilance.

The reception room.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't know the reason for Lu Shan's visit and the reason for the change, since Lu Shan would come alone, it meant that Lu Shan or Jiu Ying hadn't meant to tear up his face yet.

Besides, Ling Huohuo didn't think that Jiuying had any reason to tear himself apart.

"What happened?" Ling Huohuo asked while sitting on the sofa.

"Those who ate the oranges are dead!" Lu Shan said seriously, looking at Ling Huohuo, as if he wanted to see something.

"Dead?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"Those who ate the oranges were killed and devoured. At the same time, members of our Nine Shadow Guards also died." Lu Shan said word by word.

"Oh, sorry." Ling Huohuo could only comfort him in this way.

"Your strength..." Lu Shan didn't get angry, but spoke again.

Ling Huohuo sat up straight.

"You suspect I did it?"

Lu Shan neither admitted nor denied it.

"It was only after I came here that I realized that your strength has increased a lot. Although it is not enough to kill those guard members, it doesn't mean that you must do it yourself. know the location of those people."

Ling Huohuo listened to Lu Shan's words quietly, without any attitude.

Because what Lu Shan said was the truth, and Ling Huohuo felt that Jiuying should have investigated him further, but they probably didn't investigate completely, otherwise they would not have dared to talk to him like this.

The person who ate the oranges was devoured, his abnormal strength increased, and some of his subordinate forces, at least the knight force Ling Huohuo, did not hide his relationship with them.

Because Ling Huohuo also transformed into a knight in an aboveboard manner.

Ling Huohuo smiled, but did not explain.

"see a visitor out."

After Lu Shan was sent away, Ling Huohuo looked out the window.

"The rain is about to come and the building is full of wind... What do you want to eat at night?"

Ling Huohuo doesn't think there is anything worth paying attention to about an orange, and Ling Huohuo is completely autistic now, and doesn't develop relationships with other forces at all, and Ling Huohuo doesn't see outsiders very much. The problem really came to the point where it had to be solved, so he went to dig the orange tree back.


On the Pacific Ocean, a luxurious private ship sails on the Pacific Ocean.

Ling's mother and Ling's father took a few photos of themselves.

"Send it back to the children, so that they think we are traveling outside."

Doing the same thing are Lu Sisi's parents, Guo Xiaoyu's parents, and Xiao Yunyun's parents.

After finishing off the Orange Chalice, they set their sights on America's Purple Chalice!
Now they know that apart from the cyan Holy Grail that was maimed by Father Ling and Mother Ling, only the Purple Holy Grail in America is damaged. Of course, it is not ruled out that they have found a way to make up for the damage.

The European cyan Holy Grail force disappeared mysteriously after being disabled, and there was no clue at all, so Ling's father and mother could only attack the purple Holy Grail.

Apart from Father Ling and Mother Ling, only Father Lu and Mother Lu have strength in themselves. The two were descendants of the ancient martial arts family, and they were old friends with Father Ling and Mother Ling. Now both of them are strong. To the seventh level.

The other four are not too strong transcendents. Although they have become transcendents for various reasons and are working hard to cultivate, the effect is not obvious. Up to now, the four have just broken through to the fourth level, which is enough It's time for the battle of the Heroic Spirits.

In order to ensure the fighting power of the summoned heroic spirits, the new Holy Grail system does not have the concept of replenishing magic, but there is a setting that the heroic spirits will consume the power of the master when they fight. Although their own strength is weaker, their heroic spirits are not bad.

However, for some reason, everyone's Heroic Spirit combination is full of malice.

Ling's father and Ling's mother's heroic spirits are sex-transformed Saber girls Liu Bang and Rider Xiang Yu respectively. They are mortal enemies in terms of identity. By the way, Xiang Yu is looking for the heroic concubine Yu recently. Yes, it's useless to think so much.

The heroic spirits of Lu's father and Lu's mother are Caster Sima Guang and Wang Anshi respectively. The reason why Wang Anshi has no job title is because Wang Anshi is the heroic spirit that Lu's mother subdued by the roadside.

Because the Holy Grail can only bring seven heroic spirits, Mother Lu, who is capable, withdrew from the contract, but later, Mother Lu and others were in Oceania, after solving the orange Holy Grail in Oceania, one day when they went out to buy vegetables, they picked it up on the side of the road. Arrived at Heroic King Anshi.

Heroic Wang Anshi is in Oceania. Because of the language barrier, he is not willing to do evil, and there are forces who want to arrest him, so his life is quite miserable. When he was taken back by Lu Mu, a lot of old Wang Anshi cried directly. When Wang Anshi saw Sima Guang, he couldn't cry anymore.

The two old men fought directly.

In fact, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang were both very famous ministers during the Shenzong period of the Northern Song Dynasty, but their political views were different.Wang Anshi represented the reformist faction, while Sima Guang represented the conservative faction.The purpose of Wang Anshi's reform is to enrich the country and strengthen the army, so as to reverse the poor and weak situation in the Northern Song Dynasty.However, the reform violated the interests of conservatives and was opposed by conservatives.Less than a year after the decree was promulgated, fierce debates and struggles have been launched between the supporters and opponents of the reform.

Because each other's political views are different, so they are also in the same situation.Anyway, if the conservatives gain power, the reformists will be suppressed and exiled. On the contrary, if the reformists gain power, the conservatives will not get good results.

The beams of the two are not small.

But apart from their differences in political views, both Wang Anshi and Sima Guang admired each other's talents. Therefore, in the end, apart from some psychological difficulties, the two did not make too much trouble.

The relationship between Xiao's father and Xiao's mother's heroic spirits is not so good. If Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were not watching, the heroic spirits of the two would have been fighting.

Father Xiao's Heroic Spirit is Assassin Qin Hui, and Mother Xiao's Heroic Spirit is Archer Yue Fei.

There is no surprise that Yue Fei became a heroic spirit, and Yue Fei can "hold a bow of three hundred catties, a crossbow with eight stones, and can shoot left and right", which is very powerful.

But Qin Hui became a heroic spirit, but no one expected it.

Even Xiao's father didn't expect that Qin Hui could become a heroic spirit.

The reason why Qin Hui became a heroic spirit can be said to be an anti-hero.

Although Qin Hui was a treacherous official who killed Yue Fei, it was also because of Qin Hui that the Song Dynasty postponed its demise.

Everyone who knows the truth has only one sentence——

What the hell!

 To explain, from another perspective, it is an indisputable fact that Qin Hui did delay the decline of the Song Dynasty.

  Moreover, the death of Yue Fei is not only the problem of Qin Hui. On the issue of killing Yue Fei, Gaozong and Qin Hui had their own ghosts and used each other.From Qin Hui's point of view, it is difficult to reach a peace agreement without killing Yue Fei; but from Gaozong's point of view, it is more important to kill chickens and monkeys so that he can control the generals more freely and control the government and military power.Therefore, what Gaozong and Qin Hui were playing was the trick of "combining each other and using each other to form one another".Therefore, Yue Fei must die.In literary works, Qin Hui is often described as a spy sent by the Kingdom of Jin to kill Yue Fei.

  In folklore, Qin Hui is a treacherous minister who has been transformed into a facial makeup, with more than vivid images and insufficient historical basis.Since modern times, some scholars have begun to analyze Qin Hui from a broader perspective, and reshape Qin Hui's image with literary genres such as biographies, historical data analysis, and miscellaneous reviews.Moreover, Qin Hui himself is also a talented person, such as the creation of "Song style".

  People like Zhao Gou, Zhang Dai, Hu Shi, Zhu Xi, and Zhao Yi also turned against Qin Huiping.

  All in all, just have fun watching it, don't take it too seriously.

  Didn't Sima Guang, who harmed Wang Anshi, save children by smashing tanks?

  We descendants should be more objective in evaluating our predecessors. After all, we are not standing in the position of anyone at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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