Chapter 1029

Ling Huohuo could hear about Xiao Yunyun everywhere on the Internet and in the game, as if someone wanted to push Xiao Yunyun to the top, Ling Huohuo was a little worried.

This time, Ling Huohuo continued to act as the elder of Burning Tea, with the purpose of finding out the truth behind this, but this matter is not suitable for too many people to know, so it can only be operated by Ling Huohuo and a few people. And Ling Huohuo's choice was to use the power of the sun elves!

Today, the elves have migrated into a forest after experiencing the destruction of the royal city, re-established their own royal city, and lived in tree houses. Although the former prosperity is less, it is closer to nature and less The mundane atmosphere makes the life of the sun elves more comfortable, and it also looks more like an elf.

Although Niya came to power by usurping the throne, I have to say that Niya was really hardworking in developing the Japanese elves. It can be seen from the fact that the Japanese elves have a high voice for Niya and respect Niya. Effect.

However, it is undeniable that the strength of the sun elves has indeed been weakened a lot, and it will take a long time for new strong ones to be born. Although there are other elves to help, it is still difficult to restore the former prosperity, and it is inevitable to live in the forest There is no suspicion of avoiding the outside world.

Today's sun elves have entered the stage of wretched development.

However, Niya has also greatly supported the player forces. The current Sun Elf clan also pays more attention to such a large number of thugs like the player forces, and they have indeed attracted many powerful players or player forces. a stable cooperative relationship.

And among them, a figure is indispensable.

That is the player who helped Niya succeed in usurping the throne—Zhi Kite!
Today's kite has also been packaged by the Sun Elf clan, and it seems that it has become a sister in the Sun Elf territory, and there are some voices among all players.

As for the male players, there are many more famous ones. Unfortunately, Ling Huohuo is also one of them. After all, Ling Huohuo's support when he was protecting Wangcheng was really beautiful and shocking. After Ling Huohuo Some people have indeed imitated Ling Huohuo's operation, and there have indeed been many assistant elders who are as powerful as Ling Huohuo. Even in the Sun Elf clan, there are three elder players like Ling Huohuo.

This also makes Ling Huohuo no longer the only one. In addition, Ling Huohuo always lives reclusively. Now the players can remember the time related to the name "Rancha" only "the first player of the Sun Elf". Insignificant titles such as "the leader", "No. 1 who played the elder profession to its true power", "one of the super supports".

However, because Ling Huohuo was the first group of players to join the Sun Elf forces, he was also reused to a certain extent. Moreover, Ling Huohuo and Zhi Yuan had a "fatal" friendship.

"Zhiyuan, do me a favor."

"If you don't help, get out!"

Face slaps always come so suddenly.

Looking at Zhiyuan who turned and left, Ling Huohuo opened his mouth.

"I know the whereabouts of an artifact."

Zhiyuan's footsteps paused, but did not stop.

"Two pieces, I can help you get two artifacts, one offensive equipment and one defensive equipment, both of which you can use, we can sign a contract."

Zhiyuan continued to walk, but made a circle, and walked back to Ling Huohuo.

"Ah, it's much more comfortable to walk around. Oh, if you help, you can help. What do you do with these things? But the kindness is hard to refuse, so I can only accept it. After all, we have a life-threatening friendship."

Ling Huohuo shrugged.

See, let's say we had a life-threatening friendship.

As for finding the divine costume, it is not difficult for Ling Huohuo. He has already completed the mission of the legendary person, and the biggest effect is that he can sense the position of the divine costume!

Of course, the price is that he can only use these divine outfits once, and the usage time is one hour, except for the special binding equipment.

"Okay, tell me what's the reason why you came to me? You, a dead house like you, can ask me for help, you must have encountered difficulties that you can't solve." Zhiyuan said.

For many players, an autistic player like Ling Huohuo is an otaku among nerds. Otaku will stay in the room to play games, but Ling Huohuo actually stays in the room during the game!

"This is not the place to talk."

Ling Huohuo and Zhi Yuan sat down in a private room of a tavern.

The private rooms provided by these systems are safer than the player's own residence, provided that there is no such unreasonable card bug-like sneaking method as the Void Clan.

Of course, the game system also provides props to block the space, which is the so-called "patch".

"Okay, let's talk about what it is." Zhiyuan asked.

Ling Huohuo didn't speak directly, but poured himself a cup of tea.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's presence, a "well" character appeared above Zhi Yuan's head.

Is this really the attitude of asking for help?
Zhiyuan wanted to leave, but when she thought of the two divine costumes, she endured it again. Although she didn't know whether the divine costumes were true or not, she would rather believe it or not. What's more, the contract was signed before, and the contract was established, proving that Ling Huohuo did have the ability to help her get two divine outfits.

Zhiyuan was taken aback suddenly, why does it look like I'm begging Ling Huohuo now?
People who read books are really good and bad!

Finally, Ling Huo moistened his throat, and then began to talk about the things he needed Zhi Yuan to help.

"I want you to help me assassinate a man."


"Xiao Yunyun."


"Wait, just kidding."


Zhiyuan's complexion was not very good-looking.

In fact, Ling Huohuo's original plan did include the assassination of Xiao Yunyun, and this was also a plan that was determined after discussing with Xiao Yunyun.

If you want to pull the Japanese elves into the water, you have to pay some price. For example, assassinating the Holy Army is a good choice. At that time, Xiao Yunyun will directly feign death, and you will be out of the center of this vortex. You can also successfully pull the Japanese elves into the water, killing two birds with one stone. .

It's a pity that Zhi Yuan was not fooled, but if it was Guo Xiaoyu, she might have agreed regardless.

Ling Huohuo poured himself another cup of tea.

Paper Kite:#
Zhiyuan snatched Ling Huohuo's teapot and poured herself a cup of tea.

"I promise you two artifacts, you should be able to understand that what I want you to help me with will not be so easy."

Zhiyuan nodded.

"But don't worry, I'm very confident in my strength. As long as it's not those death-defying missions like assassinating Xiao Yunyun, I can usually complete them successfully."

Zhiyuan is confident in herself, while Guo Xiaoyu is inflated in herself.

Ling Huohuo also nodded.

"Then I'll tell you, I want you to help me explore a ruin!"

"What relic?"

"Light Elf Ruins!"


Zhiyuan stood up abruptly, with an unbelievable look on her face.

 Sorry, veterans, there have been a lot of things recently, and the update will be resumed normally tomorrow... Alas~
(End of this chapter)

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