The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1037 It's All Arrangements

Chapter 1037 It's All Arrangements
Of course, it is impossible to be allowed to enjoy any good treatment as cannon fodder.

Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan were directly picked up and thrown to the back of the team, and then a group of "noble" blood elves began to bathe in the light that bloomed behind the door.

"What's that?" Zhiyuan asked in the team channel.

Ling Huohuo hesitated for a moment, as if thinking.

"It is likely to be a kind of inherited power of the elves, and it may even be an artifact! But it is difficult to judge the specifics." Ling Huohuo replied.

Zhiyuan narrowed her eyes.

At this time, the blood elves obviously knew that the things behind the door were beneficial to them, and then the blood elves who were standing behind the team all walked into the hall, Ling Huohuo and Zhi Yuan followed behind the door Space.

In the center of the hall is suspended a bright orb that is shining with light.

This is the treasure in the hall.

Zhiyuan looked at the orb in the distance.

"It shouldn't be an artifact, or even a semi-artifact, but at least it's top-level equipment, or a rare item."

Zhiyuan's expression was a bit ugly, she also wanted such a good thing, but...

Ling Huohuo rubbed his nose, yes, it was arranged by him.

However, regarding this orb, some disputes occurred among the leading blood elves, and the reason for the dispute was naturally the ownership of this orb, or the right to temporarily hold this orb.

Treasures touch people's hearts. The blood elves are not humble, let alone a race with collective spirit. The main purpose of the blood elves is only one, and that is self-interest—strengthen themselves and trample others down!
In the end, after a lot of fighting, the orb was accepted by one of the most powerful blood elves. Although it was not necessary to fight, the quarrel was quite fierce.

In the end, it is still strength that speaks.

The reason why they didn't fight is because this orb has limited utility to these blood elf bosses, it can only be used by the younger generation, there is no need to fight for it for the time being, it will be better to wait until the ruins are out, and this kind of orb is useful to the younger generation How can something be exclusive?

After the strongest blood elf took down the orb, a door suddenly opened in the hall.

Then, Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan felt that everyone's eyes fell on them again.

Zhiyuan's complexion became even uglier.

Ling Huohuo rubbed his nose again.

This channel is also his arrangement.

Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan walked into the passage first again. Because the passage was narrow, Zhiyuan cheered up, because it would be difficult for them to deal with danger in a narrow passage.

Perhaps because of nervousness, the kite's footwork became faster and faster, and Ling Huohuo naturally followed the kite's pace. As for the blood elves, they didn't have anything to say, and they didn't want to wait for this long and narrow passage.

Surprisingly, there is no danger in this passage.

If it weren't for the previous battle, the blood elves and Zhiyuan would almost have thought that this was a very safe ruin.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

The blood elves must have never read Gorky's "Petrel", because the situation at this time is called "the calm before the storm".

Let Ling Huohuo, who designed the situation of this ruin, lead the way, and the future of this group of blood elves is already doomed.

Blood elves, take care of yourself!

Finally, Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan led the blood elves out of the passage, Ling Huohuo closed his eyes ahead of time, but Zhiyuan and the blood elves screamed.

"It's so dazzling!"

"my eyes!"


A golden light almost blinded the kite and all the blood elves.

"What exactly is it?" Zhiyuan asked through gritted teeth, closing her eyes and making a defensive gesture.

"It's a treasure! Countless gold coins and jewels." Ling Huohuo's voice rang in Zhiyuan's ear.

Zhiyuan tentatively opened her eyes, and then stopped breathing suddenly. Zhiyuan understood for the first time what "Jinshan" meant.

The blood elves also stopped shouting, and stared at the scene in front of them in disbelief with their mouths wide open.

I saw a huge space outside the passage, and this space was full of gold coins and jewels, and the light came from some jewels that could shine.

"What is this..."

"Wait, these jewels!" A strong blood elf stretched out his hand, and a gem long sword fell into his hand. The strong blood elf looked at it.

"This is no ordinary handicraft, this is an offensive weapon!"

The strong blood elf looked at the golden mountain in front of him. If all jewelry weapons were like this, then the value of this "golden mountain" would be even more inestimable!

Even the blood elves can't easily produce so many things. If they get these resources, then the blood elves will go to a higher level, and the blood elves who get these things will also be stronger!
The blood elves were all jealous.

Seeing the reaction of the blood elves, the corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up, and then quickly returned to normal.

"My eyes hurt." Zhiyuan rubbed her eyes. Although she was a character in the game, Zhiyuan still felt uncomfortable. Although the blood elves also felt uncomfortable, these pains were nothing compared to the massive harvest.

"Come out in the dark, of course you have to be careful, you are still too careless." Ling Huohuo reminded.

"Don't you feel moved when you see these things?" Zhi Yuan asked curiously. To be honest, facing the mountains of gold and all kinds of jewels, her heart beat faster than expected.

It's okay if it's vulgar, but these gold coins and equipment are not vulgar!

Ling Huohuo glanced at Zhiyuan.

"So, you need to read more and cultivate yourself to stay calm at this time."


Zhi Yuan gritted her silver teeth and ignored Ling Huohuo, because some blood elves had already started stuffing things into their pockets.

At this time, Zhiyuan would not choose to continue watching the play.

But no one cared about Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan anymore, and Zhiyuan and Ling Huohuo could move about freely.

Ling Huohuo shrugged, and walked towards the Golden Mountain. Ling Huohuo has a lot of these things. After all, Ling Huohuo's family fortune is quite rich.

However, just as the blood elves were pretending to be working hard, a cold shout came from a distance.

"Despicable blood elves, hand over the treasures of our trolls!"

The blood elves looked up and saw a group of trolls surrounded them at some point.

"It's finally here." Ling Huohuo looked at the trolls. This was the first place Ling Huohuo chose to meet the various races, and it was also the first place where battles between races took place.

As for how to cause the battle between the two clans...

Ling Huohuo raised his hand, holding a crossbow bolt in his hand.

Aim, shoot.


(End of this chapter)

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