Chapter 1040
The paper kite landed and let out a breath.

clap clap clap...

Ling Huohuo clapped behind Zhiyuan.

But Zhiyuan couldn't be happy. It took more time to solve a white clay knight than Zhiyuan expected. This is not good news.

But Zhiyuan didn't have much time to think about the solution, because the black mud knight had already attacked.

And, soon, the kite confronted a white clay knight again.

It is still to pick the white mud knight to the sky, because it is easier to target the white mud knight without being disturbed by the black mud knight.

For the white clay knight who came to the door, Zhiyuan broke out again and successfully eliminated the white clay knight.

And Ling Huohuo didn't watch, but put various buffs on Zhiyuan, and at the same time tried her best to pretend to be an assistant to protect herself.

Zhiyuan also confronted the White Clay Knight for the third time.

Zhiyuan went up again with a set of combos, smashing the white clay knight into mud, but this time, when Zhiyuan landed, her heart ached, because at some point, four white clay knights appeared beside her!
In the past, when the kites targeted the white mud knights, they deliberately avoided other white mud knights, but now it seems that when the paper kites dealt with the white mud knights, these white mud knights did not let the kites go, but made some calculations. When Zhiyuan solved a white clay knight, the other white clay knights gathered immediately.

Zhiyuan felt that this time she might have to forcibly withstand the attack of the white mud knight.

But it wasn't over yet, because two silver rays of light appeared in the corners of Zhiyuan's eyes.

"No, the Silver Clay Knight has joined the battle!"

Zhiyuan felt uncomfortable, if only there were other fighters with her.

But now, Bai Lian was attacked by a silver clay knight, and Zhi Yuan felt that it would be difficult for him to bear it completely, unless he opened the overlord body, but what about after opening the overlord body?Facing the remaining knights, she will lose her most important life-saving skills, and many accidents will happen, and she may even die here!

"Repulsion halo!"

Zhiyuan found that the black mud knight, the white mud knight, and the incoming silver mud knight all flew around involuntarily.

No, it should be said that it flew out around Ling Huohuo as the center.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Although I'm an assistant, it doesn't mean I don't have the ability to participate in the battle!"

Ling Huohuo raised his hand to the paper kite that fell to the ground.


Zhi Yuan glanced at Ling Huohuo, nodded to Ling Huohuo, then turned around, and looked at the knights standing up again in the distance.

"Clone!" The kite split into two, nodded at each other, and rushed towards the knights in the distance.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

Clone skill is a very rare skill, but not everyone can play it well.

Although avatar skills can allow the avatar to have a certain combat power, even as complete as the main body, it requires the user to concentrate on controlling the avatar, but this will undoubtedly drag down one's own reaction ability and attention. Therefore, many Under such circumstances, it is difficult for clones to be applied to frontal combat.

However, Zhiyuan explained what is meant by the perfect "two purposes at one mind"!
To Ling Huohuo's surprise, both Zhiyuan's main body and the avatar have complete physical strength, and there is no need to distinguish between primary and secondary when fighting. The two figures can not only cooperate well, but can even play well. out of their own strength.

However, what makes Ling Huohuo a little strange is that Zhiyuan's avatar and the main body don't seem to have the same fighting style, and Zhiyuan's avatar seems a bit reckless?

"Could it be a relationship of one mind and two tasks? So he chose this simple and crude fighting method?" Ling Huohuo secretly guessed.

The secret of Zhiyuan's ability to do this is that there is a system in her body.

It is the system that controls the avatar!

"System, can you stop using such a reckless fighting style? It's really unattractive, aren't you a girl?"

"Who said there is no sense of beauty? It's just that you, an ordinary person, don't understand my beauty!"

"I bother!"

"Why, do you want to show off in front of your little lover? You already have me, and you still think about other men, huh..."

"Say, what are you talking about?" Zhiyuan blushed when the system said it, but Zhiyuan was obviously not a little girl anymore, and her mentality quickly returned to normal.

And the system no longer makes such jokes.

"However, having said that, you're already on your way, and it's time to find a boyfriend."

"Are you my mother?"

"Oh? This is what you're focusing on? Could it be that the age on your ID card is false..."

"Hey, I didn't go to the third, I haven't turned 25 this year!"

"Isn't that still an old woman?"

"how old are you?"


The system stopped talking.

"System, does the system still have age?"

The kite ignored the system, because this time the kite faced a silver clay knight.

The clone controlled by the system also dragged down another silver mud knight in due course.

Ling Huohuo in the distance also raised his hand.


"Damage Resist!"

"Attack Enhanced!"

"Speed ​​up!"

Another series of halos covered Zhi Yuan's body.

"And you said you have nothing to do with this little boy? I knew to give you a halo when you were fighting!" the system shouted, obviously having a big opinion on Ling Huohuo's failure to give her a buff to control the avatar.

Zhiyuan directly ignored the tricky system, and seemed to be taking the silver clay knight in front of her seriously.

But Zhiyuan was more wary of the Golden Mud Knight and Diamond Knight not far away.

"It always feels like a platinum is missing."

The kite retracted, turned over to avoid the piercing attack of the silver mud knight.

The Silver Mud Knight is a boss monster, and the biggest feature of the boss is that it has its own nirvana!

Therefore, the paper kite still pays more attention to the Silver Clay Knight.

It's not that I haven't tried the one-on-one boss Zhiyuan, but it's the first time to fight a boss one-on-one when there is a stronger boss watching from a distance.

Zhiyuan can only hope that Ling Huohuo will give more support and the support can keep up.

At the same time, Zhiyuan also knew that she had to end the battle as soon as possible!
The kite and the silver mud knight fought briefly twice, and almost figured out the situation of the silver mud knight, and then Zhi Yuan opened the distance from the silver mud knight.

However, the Silver Clay Knight did not rush over directly, but began to accumulate strength.

"It's time to release skills!" Ling Huohuo and Zhi Yuan both made judgments.

Zhiyuan raised the long sword again, brushed the blade of the long sword with one hand, fixed her eyes on the silver mud knight, and watched the silver mud knight's movements.

The silver mud knight rushed towards the kite.

Nirvana Knight Shock!


The figure of the kite suddenly turned into an afterimage and faced the silver mud knight.

Ling Huohuo stared at Zhiyuan.

When the kite and the silver mud knight intersected, the silver mud knight's knight spear pointed directly at the kite's head, wanting to kill it with one blow!

However, just when the knight's spear was about to pierce her head, Zhiyuan tilted her neck violently.

The Knight's spear of the Silver Mud Knight brushed Zhiyuan's cheek, and Zhiyuan also raised the long sword in her hand and sent it out directly.

The light of skills flashed on the long sword.

The target - the neck!
From the kite's point of view, the silver mud knight's neck is one of the few places without any protection.

One shot is a sure blow!
Finally, the long sword in Zhi Yuan's hand pierced the Silver Clay Knight's neck through a gap in the armor, making a popping sound.

Silver Mud Knight no longer acts.

And Zhiyuan maintained the posture of holding a sword, standing beside the Silver Clay Knight.

For a moment the air seemed to be quiet.

Ling Huohuo covered his eyes.

"That's a mud knight. It's a dick for you to stab its neck!"

Ling Huohuo's shout rang in Zhiyuan's ears, Zhiyuan was startled, and hurriedly raised her head, while the silver clay knight was looking down at Zhiyuan.

The silver mud knight's eyes glowed red, and the knight's spear in his hand waved again...

(End of this chapter)

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