The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1043 It Doesn't Look Like I Arranged This

Chapter 1043 It Doesn't Look Like I Arranged This

From the perspective of combat effectiveness alone, the Sun Elf army has absolute crushing strength.

And so is it.

However, the sun elf army had the upper hand, and the kite in the sun elf camp was in a hurry.

"Rancha, think of a way quickly, the statue of inheritance will soon be taken away by the sun elves!"

This is the difference between gamers and natives.

Zhiyuan only cares about her own interests, and...they came first!

Ling Huohuo didn't panic.

"The Sun Elf family should have discovered what I discovered."

"Didn't you clean up your tail?" Zhiyuan asked speechlessly.

"Do you dare to destroy the things in the Sun Elf Library at will? And..." Ling Huohuo lowered his head slightly.

"Maybe the other party knows that I know what's going on here."

"What?" Zhiyuan was startled.

"There are annotations in that book that I made casually. If the sun elves study it carefully, they will find that I already know this ruin."

"Why don't you pay attention!" Zhiyuan shouted.

"I didn't expect anyone to find traces of this ruin in the books in the library. You know, apart from me, no one has read that pile of ancient books for many years, and the materials inside are all damaged. It took me a lot of effort to find some clues from the clues." Ling Huohuo spread his hands innocently.

Of course, those clues were deliberately left by Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo's purpose of attracting the sun elves is very simple. Ling Huohuo's purpose is to use the inheritance of the light elves as bait to cause civil strife among the elves.

From the relationship between the blood elves and the sun elves, it can be seen that there are contradictions within the elves.

And there are forest elves in the future city. Although the forest elves live in the forest, they have great opinions on elves.

As long as the sun elves come, no matter whether the inheritance of the light elves falls into the hands of the sun elves, the elves will definitely be in chaos at that time, and then Ling Huohuo will let the forest elves push behind, and the elves will be in chaos. It will be even bigger, and once the elves scattered all over the continent become chaotic, the continent will also become chaotic.

Of course, there is a premise for all this, that is, things can go smoothly today.

The so-called smooth progress includes two aspects.

One is that people from other races who came today will not be wiped out here, and the other is that the sun elves are the final victors.

At that time, the sun elves will become the final victors, so no matter whether the inheritance of the light elves falls into the hands of the sun elves, the sun elves will also be in an embarrassing situation.

Theoretically speaking, as the final victor, the fruits of victory will definitely be picked by the sun elves. At that time, the situation of the sun elves will become - yellow mud in the crotch.


How did that sentence come from?
What to be afraid of, what to come.

Ling Huohuo looked at the snake appearing at his feet, and was stunned, and Zhiyuan was also stunned.

"Why are there snakes here?" Zhiyuan asked.

"how could I know?"

Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes, he didn't remember letting snakes into the ruins.

Then, soon, Ling Huohuo discovered that there was more than one snake!
All kinds of snakes appeared on the surrounding squares and stone walls.

The kite's complexion became unattractive.

And Ling Huohuo unceremoniously occupied the only high ground around him to avoid letting the snake crawl back and forth by his side.

"Rancha, come down!" Zhiyuan said.

"I don't!" Ling Huohuo refused without hesitation.

A snake crawled across Zhiyuan's feet, causing Zhiyuan to get goosebumps all over her body.

Looking at the snakes around, Ling Huohuo was a little restless, he didn't remember that it was arranged by him.

The appearance of the snake group obviously also attracted the attention of all parties in the square.

"what's going on?"

"The backhand left by the light elves?"

"It's delicious."


Seeing the ogres eating the snakes around them heartlessly, all parties subconsciously distanced themselves from the ogres.

"My snake is not so delicious!" A magnetic voice sounded in the hall.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, the voice sounded familiar.

The snake on the ground suddenly jumped up and twisted towards the ogres.

Although the ogres are low in IQ, they are not mentally retarded and will not wait to die. Seeing the attack of the snake group, the ogres jumped up one after another, beheaded a large number of attacking snakes, and stuffed the snake corpses into the entrance by the way. middle.

Ogres don't just eat to satisfy their appetites. Ogres can eat to restore their strength.

The snake group did not pose too much threat to the ogres, but instead gave them a good meal, and the ogres couldn't help laughing.

But soon, they stopped laughing.

One ogre fell down with a purple face, followed by a second, and a third...

"Impossible, how could our ogre be poisoned?!"

As famous as the ogre's eating is the ogre's digestion ability and various powerful resistances, otherwise the ogre would not have reproduced so much, and would have been extinct because of eating bad things.

Therefore, in theory, ogres are very resistant to poison!

But, now, the ogres are still poisoned.

And it's not over yet.

Ling Huohuo and Zhi Yuan in the distance noticed that something was wrong with the snake group around the ogre. The snake group seemed to gather into a special shape——the shape of a huge snake!

Then, these snakes fused together and turned into a huge giant snake, and this giant snake was coiling its body around the ogres, staring at all the ogres with a pair of snake eyes.

However, the ogres thought they were poisoned and had no ability to resist.

The giant snake spat out the snake letter, then bent down suddenly, and opened its mouth wide.

Seeing the ogres being swallowed by the giant snake, the rest of the parties felt chills down their spines and couldn't help but gather together.

However, at this time, the sound of a wolf's roar sounded in the hall.

The wolves howled, and the werewolf orcs seemed to be stimulated by something, their eyes turned red, and they started to attack other people and horses frantically.

The other parties had no choice but to guard against the giant snake while defending, and at the same time deal with these crazy werewolves orcs.

"The ability to control wolf species is really interesting." A figure walked out of the darkness, and there were three figures beside him.

It was Lawrence who came, and beside him were Ding Ning, Lynch and Rock.

Behind the four, there were many figures in battle armor. This was another army, and it looked braver than the army of the sun elves.

Lynch and Rocko made a gesture of the cross.


"My little cutie seems to have seen an acquaintance." Ding Ning said suddenly, with a strange expression on his face.

"Who?" Lynch asked nicely.

"Ling Huo Huo."

(End of this chapter)

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