The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1045 Lord of Greed, Mammon

Chapter 1045 Lord of Greed, Mammon

The information brought back by Ding Ning and others showed a message—boy juice, don’t be salty, the world is going to be chaotic.

Although the Demon King's Army is pressing at the top, it doesn't mean that the Demon King's Army can absolutely control the strife between the gods and the world that is about to be accidentally injured.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo has to be aware of one thing, if the Demon King's army is defeated, then...

The matter seems to be getting more serious, because it is Ling Huohuo's daughter-in-law who is fighting against the Demon King's army now!
Still two!

Unless all the gods work together to save the world, the problem is that things are not as good as imagined. Some of the revived gods want to rule the world, and some of them want to destroy the world. Only a few want to save the world. Save the world, spread love and peace.

and so……

The future is bleak.

Then, from this point of view, it is necessary to temporarily truce between the Demon King Army and the Holy Army, and it is best to turn the eyes of the gods to the Lost Land.

Because the Lost Land is resistant to spoilage, it is riddled with holes, and I don't mind becoming more fragmented, just like RBQ doesn't mind being filled with orthographic characters, and it is very convenient to do it in the Lost Land.

"How's the next thing going?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's been dealt with. Those who should be let go have been let go. There are also sun elves who left with the inheritance in full view. After that, I will have someone snatch the inheritance back and give it to you. The traces are guaranteed to be clean. The people below will also leave." Almost dead," Lawrence said.

"That's unnecessary." Ling Huohuo shook his head, "I released that inheritance in the first place, and you can take it away directly." Ling Huohuo said.

Ding Ning smiled.

"No, I'd better give it back to you, we don't like it."


Ling Huohuo felt that Ding Ning and the others seemed a little drifting.

"Well, anyway, thank you for this incident." Ling Huohuo said.

"It's okay, it's easy to do, but you should leave quickly, we are going to destroy this place." Lynch said.

Ding Ning and Lawrence opened their mouths, as if Lynch hadn't done anything, not even raising his hand.

"Oh, your new mistress is here, so let's go first." Ding Ning said.

"What new concubine? Don't talk nonsense!"

"By the way, you have to do a full set of acting." Ding Ning suddenly smiled at Ling Huohuo.

"What?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

A giant snake appeared behind Ling Huohuo, and then swallowed Ling Huohuo in one gulp.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ling Huohuo didn't fluctuate in his heart in the dark snake's belly, and he could even judge the situation outside by the movement outside, and drink a healing potion to restore his blood back.

From the sounds outside, Ling Huohuo could tell that something was going on outside.

I don't know how long it has passed, so long that Ling Huohuo stared at the timer and forgot to count the time.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo felt the body of the giant snake that swallowed him tremble, and then a long sword stuck to his face and plunged into the snake's belly.

This sword...

Kind of unfamiliar.


"Hi everyone, I'm Brother Wen, your favorite cute outdoor anchor. Today I came to a wilderness with few people. Let's see what I found. Oh, a giant snake. Our prey today is this giant snake. Snake, after I kill this giant snake, please pay attention to it, thank you, huh huh..."

"Little Huahua, come on!"

At this time, in the wilderness, a girl with a petite figure but a huge chest and a slim girl in a samurai uniform were surrounding a giant snake.

"Don't call me Xiaohuahua. Also, the giant snake's abdomen is bulging. It should be just after eating. It will be much easier to deal with." Said the girl in samurai uniform.

Then, the two rushed up.

The samurai girl is a boxer, while the petite girl is a swordsman.

"Huh? The introduction said that this is a special monster. It's the first time I've seen this kind of monster. Forget it, let me see how special this monster is."

After a fight, the giant snake fell to the ground and died.

The petite girl curled her lips and said to the camera: "I thought it was some special monster, but I didn't expect it to be just an ordinary elite monster."

"There will be no problem with the system. Let's take a look at the giant snake's body first."

"Then I'll dig it out."

Then the petite girl drew out her long sword and inserted it into the belly of the giant snake.

The petite girl used the harvesting technique on the giant snake. The harvesting technique was successfully used and a complete snake skin was harvested.

The collection technique was used successfully, and some snake meat was harvested.

The collection technique was successfully used, and a snake gall was harvested.

The collection technique was successfully used, and a player was harvested...

and many more!

player! ?
The petite girl and the girl in samurai clothes looked at Ling Huohuo, which she had taken out of the snake's belly.

Ling Huohuo, who came out of the snake's belly holding the healing potion, looked very much like a retired veteran cadre.

"What's the matter?" the petite girl asked.

"This is a story no less than the legend of the white lady..." Ling Huohuo looked up at the sky and said quietly.



It was night now.

Ling Miao walked down the mountain, and the mad fighters on the mountain had disappeared, leaving only half of the mountain destroyed.

Although some people from the capital came here to investigate the situation, they did not dare to approach easily because of the fierce battle. After the battle was over, Ling Miao also easily avoided those people.

"Berserker, you really are a bunch of troublesome guys."

There is nothing wrong with the Berserker and the master behind him wanting to intervene in the Holy Grail War, but they have found the wrong target.

Ling Miao originally wanted to fly back to the capital, but a taxi happened to come, so Ling Miao chose to take a taxi back.

However, for some reason, the inside of the taxi seemed a little dark.

Ling Miao sat in the back row, closed her eyes and meditated, the taxi was driving on the dark road, all the way forward.

Suddenly, the driver of the taxi spoke.


"Huh?" Ling Miao opened her eyes.


"Is there a problem?"

"Sir, you have fallen into hell."


Feeling a sense of weightlessness, Ling Miao looked out of the window. It was no longer the night, but bloody. At this time, the taxi was driving on a road paved with bones.

"Where is this place?" Ling Miao asked with a frown, staring at the seat in front of her.

He didn't expect that he was actually plotted against, and he didn't realize it yet. To achieve this level, the strength of the other party must far surpass him, and the existence of that strength is...

The driver grinned and laughed, then turned his head, revealing a strange face.

"I am the Lord of Greed, Great Demon Mammon! I have seen your greed!"

Ling Miao narrowed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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