The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1048 Inquiring and Beating

Chapter 1048 Inquiring and Beating

Ling Miao realized a problem, why did six unknown people appear in her WeChat?
"Guests, I pushed your WeChat to them, you can find them if you need it, I don't mind..."

Ling Miao closed the phone and fell into deep thought.

I seem to be in trouble.

It's okay to say one, but now there are seven... who can bear this.

"Miao, what's the matter?" Yin Ya came out with breakfast, her apron outlined her fine figure.

Moreover, recently, Yin Ya's figure has been "redeveloped" by Ling Miao, and the big things are even bigger.

Ling Miao rubbed her nose.

"Who can bear this~"


"Okay, let me come, you sit down for a while."

Long Zaiyi watched the scene in the early morning with a blank expression, then lowered his head, and flipped through the magic book in his hand.

"A demon? It's really interesting. Find a chance and find a way to take advantage of it."


Meng Yanshan knew what Ling Huohuo was talking about.

Meng Yanshan is Ling Huohuo's female secretary, and the name of a vest in the game account is Zhiyuan.

Moreover, she is a systematic woman.

Meng Yanshan was a little surprised when she saw the message in her hand.

What she didn't expect was that according to Ling Huohuo's actions, there were not too many disturbances. General Ling Zhuozhu agreed to the borrowing without any objection, and General Yi Yizhu, who had heard the news, also sent someone to help. The column general had a very good attitude towards the people Ling Huohuo sent to inquire, and even came forward in person, and wanted to send someone to help after expressing that he did not cooperate with the Berserker, but Ling Huohuo refused.

The rest of the pillar generals didn't do anything wrong, and many pillar generals personally received the people sent by Ling Huohuo, saying that they did not cooperate with the berserkers, and even offered to help.

Although he didn't produce any evidence, Ling Huohuo also didn't ask for any evidence, as if he was just asking a question.

"What's going on?" Meng Yanshan was a little surprised, he suddenly felt that Ling Huohuo had some strength.

Under Ling Huohuo, it was very difficult to stand out, but Ling Huohuo seemed to have a lot of status.

In fact, you can't blame the pillar generals for this, because Ling Huohuo has become a taboo among the pillar generals.

Have you ever seen someone who is still alive after fighting against the Demon King's army, and still serves as a pillar general, but does not interfere with any activities of the Demon King's army, and does not even come to meetings?
Ling Huohuo was the only one.

What does this represent?
This means that Ling Huohuo is a heifer flying a plane-it's awesome!

Even Ling Zhuo and Yi Yi who have a good relationship with Ling Huohuo have a different status, and Xiao Mo, after all, the conflict between Ling Huohuo and the Demon King Army has something to do with Xiao Mo, the most important thing is that Xiao Mo She has something to do with Ling Zhuo's sister.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo, Ling Zhuo, Yi Yi, and Xiao Mo all have special status in the meeting of pillar generals, and they are called Ling Huohuo's family.

For the time being, no one dared to touch them openly.

Fortunately, Ling Zhuo and Yi Yi don't seem to have any ambitions, they are completely in the state of herding sheep, and Ling Huohuo has been disconnected for a long time.

The only thing that is special is Xiao Mo. After all, Xiao Mo himself has conflicts with other pillar generals, and it is said that he also has conflicts with the life and death pillar king. It is an untimely bomb, but Xiao Mo did not do anything special.

But now, Ling Huohuo actually sent someone to start "accounting for" other pillars. Yes, Ling Huohuo's actions were "accountable" in the eyes of others.

This made many people unable to sit still. When Ling Huohuo sent someone to inquire, they felt that Ling Huohuo handed over the knife, so most of them decided to take it seriously and express their position—I Not the one who is against you.

It's not that the Zhujiang generals are cowardly, but that it's purely mentally handicapped because of the tongue and Ling Huohuo at this time.

After the person who came to inquire left, the pillar generals began to inquire in many ways, and then it became clear that the berserkers had stolen the house while Ling Huohuo was away, but not only failed to break the protection outside Ling Huohuo's house, but It was almost wiped out by a group of beings who called themselves God Warriors, and then what happened today.

Some pillar generals secretly scolded the berserker for not being a thing, while some pillar generals started to act secretly. As for what to do, it is not for outsiders to know.

In short, the water is not level and the wind is starting to blow.

The feedback from the various pillars naturally came to Ling Huohuo's hands.

"Master Zhujiang, all Zhujiang said that they have never cooperated with Berserkers." Meng Yanshan reported with a calm expression, because she had been surprised a long time ago.

Ling Huohuo threw the feedback sheet into the trash can.

"Crap, without cooperation, can those berserkers touch my door?"

It wasn't that Ling Huo was fussy, but his intuition told him that there was something very wrong with the pillar generals, not just one of them, and even this matter had something to do with the X organization.

Again, Ling Huohuo has always believed in his intuition.

For example, Ling Huohuo's intuition told him that the secretary in front of him was a capable secretary...capable in the literal sense, without any deeper meaning.

"Master Zhujiang, why..." Meng Yanshan was a little puzzled. If she knew that there was something wrong with those Zhujiang, why didn't she investigate it, and let people ask it like a child's play?

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Feel it with your heart."


In fact, this is a kind of beating and warning, at least those pillar generals can't be so blatant, because what Ling Huohuo means is - if there is another time, they will be chopped down one by one!
As for whether those pillar generals can realize it is their business, anyway, it is not Ling Huohuo who died.

However, the beating is over, and the next thing is to solve this incident-it's time to kill Ares!

Hongshuang's figure suddenly appeared beside Ling Huohuo, which made Meng Yanshan's expression change, a little vigilant.

Hongshuang looked at Meng Yanshan amusedly, but Ling Huohuo ignored Meng Yanshan.

"Have you found it?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Some gains. Although I don't know where Ares is, I found the figure of the Berserker."

"You can arrange it, no one will stay." Ling Huohuo nodded and said.

"General, I think those berserkers should be recruited into our forces." Hongshuang said suddenly.

"Oh? Why?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously, Hongshuang is not a kind person.

Hongshuang showed a charming smile.

"Our forces lack a lot of cannon fodder."

Ling Huohuo realized that, indeed, there are quite a few strong men under Ling Huohuo, but there are not many members with average strength, especially in the real world.

Although there are knights and ordinary heroic spirits, they are only enough to be active in Zhonghai City. This time, I borrowed from others to ask questions.

"That's fine, you can see and do it." Ling Huohuo agreed.

Hongshuang's smile was bright.

"Don't worry, general, I will transform those berserkers into qualified puppets."

Meng Yanshan looked at Hongshuang and felt a little dazed on her back. She had a premonition that the transformation Hongshuang was talking about would definitely not be such a beautiful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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