Chapter 1053

Ling Huohuo didn't just meet Master Jin this time to chat and exchange information.

The purpose of Ling Huohuo this time is to meet the orange tree that is the root of the orange incident.

Will Nine Shadows agree?

No, they have no rejection potential at all.

With strength, you can really do whatever you want.

In fact, Ling Huohuo can go by himself. There are hundreds of ghosts in the void, so it is easy to find the orange tree, but Ling Huohuo still chooses to notify Jiuying in advance. There is no reason for the refusal, not to mention that Ling Huohuo is now on the same front as Jiu Ying.


The Ominous Wood Secret Realm is a secret realm left after the family of plant blood awakeners dissipated.

This secret place used to have a very special and beautiful name - Peach Blossom Spring.

However, after this bloodline family died and the secret realm was covered with bloodlines, although this secret realm was still beautiful, there was a fatal crisis beneath the beauty.

"The bloodlines of the bloodline family that lived in the Fierce Wood Secret Realm before had a bloodline from a peach blossom monster. It is said that the bloodline family that lived here was a very friendly clan, but they didn't know when the family in this secret realm died out, or even died out. The reason is not clear, and when it is discovered again, this place has become the Ominous Wood Secret Realm, and this secret realm is also full of blood-soaked things..." Master Jin Xuan told Ling Huohuo about the Ominous Wood Secret Realm.

If you want to enter the Fierce Wood Secret Realm, you need a boat, and there are only four people on board at this time.

Master Jinxuan told Ling Huohuo and Hongshuang about the secret realm of the fierce wood, while Lu Shan was sailing.

There are peach blossom trees growing on both sides of the river, which looks quite beautiful.

"This section of the river is the safest stage. From here, you can see the beauty of the Peach Blossom Land. It's a pity..." Jinxuan shook his head.

"By the way, what are your awakened bloodlines?" Ling Huohuo suddenly asked curiously.

Master Jin Xuan showed a smile, this is nothing worth hiding.

"My blood is a sheep-like creature called the number sheep, which is good at delivering messages." Master Jin Xuan said, and at the same time showed his strength.

Two small and cute little horns appeared on the top of Master Jinxuan's head.

"My blood is Xuanshui snake." Lu Shan said.

"But you still can't see the coldness of snakes at all." Ling Huohuo laughed.

Lu Shan suddenly became sad again.

Ling Huohuo was at a loss.

"what's the situation?"

Master Jinxuan explained.

"Lu Shan is so normal because of his teacher's teaching, so..."

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, and finally patted Lu Shan on the shoulder to express his comfort.


Soon, Ling Huohuo and his party entered the secret realm of Fierce Wood, and Lu Shan also docked the boat on the shore.

"After we get here, we can only walk." Master Jin Xuan explained.

"Why didn't I see you people from Jiuying?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Ling Huohuo remembered that this secret place was protected by people from Nine Shadows.

"They are all inside." Master Jin Xuan continued to explain: "Although the Fierce Wood Secret Realm is dangerous, it is also a good place to practice. Will Ling Zhu go to see them?"

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"No, I'm not here for inspection, so go directly to the orange tree."

"Okay, this way please."

Master Jinxuan led Ling Huohuo to a direction.

"Now that the orange tree is protected, people from Nine Shadows should be able to see us," said Master Jinxuan.

In the Ominous Wood Secret Realm, the surrounding environment looks very ancient, like a primitive wild forest, with many plants that Ling Huohuo doesn't know grow.

But there was no danger on the way.

"This area has been cleared many times, and this road is the safest road, and there is generally no danger on the road." Master Jin Xuan said.

Soon, Ling Huohuo followed Lu Shan to the destination.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo also saw the personnel of Jiuying stationed here. There were not many people, only a dozen or so people, but it could be seen from the momentum that they were all good players.

The people here seem to have been notified a long time ago, and they let Ling Huohuo and others go directly, and Ling Huohuo finally came to the orange tree.

how to say?

The covered orange tree is bigger than Ling Huohuo imagined, but there is nothing special about the others, and there are still a few oranges on the tree.

When seeing the oranges, Ling Huohuo felt a longing in his heart.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Master Jin without leaving a trace, and found that Master Jin was looking at him.

"The oranges on top are new."

Ling Huohuo understood what Master Jin Xuan meant and smiled knowingly.

Master Jinxuan was worried that Ling Huohuo reached out and plucked the oranges from the tree and ate them.

"It seems to be this orange tree." Ling Huohuo said.

Master Jinxuan nodded.

"Because this orange tree is not aggressive in itself, we didn't pay much attention to this orange tree at the beginning, but we didn't expect this orange tree to be so simple." Lu Shan sighed, and grew a His breath seemed to relieve the depression in his heart.

"Can I take a closer look?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"There is nothing you can do." Master Jinxuan said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo nodded, then walked to the vicinity of the orange tree and looked it up, while Hongshuang was still standing there.

Ling Huohuo came near the orange tree and turned around twice, but didn't see anything.

It seems that here is just a well-developed orange tree.

But the oranges on the orange tree can't be faked to attract Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, stretched out a hand and groped around the roots of the orange tree.

"It looks like a real orange tree, but..."

Ling Huohuo's intuition told him that the problem was at the root of the orange tree!

Ling Huohuo let go of his perception and began to investigate carefully.

"It doesn't seem to be... Wait, what is this?"

Ling Huohuo discovered that there are special lines on the roots of the orange tree, which can't be seen if you don't look carefully.

However, even so, Ling Huohuo still didn't see anything special about the orange tree.

Ling Huohuo frowned, and pressed one hand on the root of the orange tree, temporarily releasing the power in his body, and the power of the void began to flow underground along the root of the orange tree.

This time, Ling Huohuo finally found the problem.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Is this a punctured aorta?"

Ling Huohuo discovered that the roots with special patterns of this orange tree were actually absorbing special power, because the orange tree itself was shrouded in this kind of power, so Ling Huohuo didn't notice the problem of this power at all at first.

This is like the smell in the toilet. When you smell it, you will only sigh how bad it is, but you will ignore which pit it is.

After being infected by the power of the void, Ling Huohuo clearly saw that the orange tree was absorbing the power of the earth veins, and the absorption speed was very fast and the amount was large, so Ling Huohuo lamented that it was stuck in the main artery of the earth veins .

"The orange tree that absorbs the leylines..." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, as if he had touched the edge of the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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