The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1061 I just want to eat a meal~

Chapter 1061 I just want to have a meal~
"Goodbye, old ancestor." Ling Miao bid farewell to Fan, and then continued to follow the dragon.

Although Fan ignored the revived Taotie, Ling Miao couldn't ignore it, not to mention... who knows if what Fan said is true?

Fan has nothing to convince Ling Miao, except for that very similar face.

And Fan looked at the back of Ling Miao leaving with the dragon, with a faint smile on his face.

"My junior, it's a pity that I can't go against my fate... I can never see it again, this world..."

Fan looked at the pitch-black earth vein space.

There is only darkness and loneliness here, but he is used to it, it seems that since he chose to help that guy, his life has been full of darkness and loneliness.

Some people are born to be kings, while others are destined to stay in the dark.

Fan still had a smile on his face.

Not because I'm happy, but because...

What else could he do but laugh?Even despair is gone. When there is no desire or thought, the corners of the mouth are raised, at least it can look better.

"Time is running out..."

Fan's figure seemed to fade a bit.


Ling Miao followed the dragon forward.

"Long, do you think... Fan, is his words credible?" Ling Miao asked.

Long was silent for a moment.

"I do not know."


"It's not that suspicion." Long frowned.

"I think I should know Fan."

"What?" Ling Miao paused.

Long turned around and looked at Ling Miao, "But I don't remember him, but my intuition tells me that he won't lie to me, and..."

Long looked forward again.

"Going forward there should be answers."

Ling Miao was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I believe you."

The corner of Long's rare mouth curled up slightly, but it was fleeting.

"Thank you."

In the darkness, one person and one heroic spirit moved forward.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Long finally stopped.

Ling Miao also discovered the situation.

Ling Miao heard a heartbeat.

The appearance of the ground veins in front is no longer simply continuing forward, but forming a cocoon, as if it is gestating something.

Although the scene is dazzling, it makes people feel unknown.

"Someone!" Long reminded.

Ling Miao looked intently, and saw a woman sitting beside the giant cocoon, and the woman was flipping through a book in her hand.

This is a beautiful woman.

"Who are you?" Ling Miao asked aloud. The other party should have discovered them, but they didn't make a sound, or they ignored them.

The girl's voice sounded like a clear spring.

"On the mountain of Gouwu, there are many jades on the top, and there are many coppers on the bottom. There is a beast, its shape is like a sheep's body and a human face, its eyes are in the armpit, tiger teeth and human claws, its sound is like a baby, the name is roe owl, it is a food People. The roe owl is gluttony." The girl raised her head, closed the book in her hand, and shook it at Ling Miao. The girl held a copy of "Shan Hai Jing".

"However, after so many years, who can explain the situation back then?"

Ling Miao and Long didn't say anything, but they both felt a chill.

"Actually, in ancient times, Taotie was also one of the gods and beasts, not a murderer. Among the four ancient murderers, only Qiongqi can truly be called a complete murderer."

The girl stood up.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Master Jinxuan, a bloodline awakener from Nine Shadows." Master Jinxuan said with a smile.

But Ling Miao gave Master Jin a look of "I believe you a ghost".

"Speaking of which, you and General Ling Zhu are very similar. Oh, by the way, you should be General Ling Zhu's younger brother Ling Miao. I have read your profile."

Ling Miao frowned.

"Is all this related to you?" Ling Miao asked directly, ignoring Profound Master Jin.

"You won't be liked by girls if you are so direct~" Master Jinxuan said with a smile.

"You are the first and only one to say that I am not liked by girls." Ling Miao smiled, "By the way, I have a girlfriend."

Master Jinxuan curled his lips.

"Damn it now."

"Then, Miss Jinxuan, can you explain what's going on? Or..." Ling Miao's eyes flashed coldly, "Get out of here, let me destroy this cocoon, or do you want to be chopped off by me together?" Woolen cloth?"

However, Master Jin Xuan didn't look nervous.

"The Taotie has been revived, you can't stop it, even if you destroy the cocoon, it's useless, and this space is also imprisoned, you can't go out at all." Xuanshi Jin said with a smile.

Ling Miao looked at Long, who was also taken aback for a moment, then Long sensed it, nodded, and confirmed that what Master Jinxuan said was true.

"Is the method very clever?" Master Jinxuan asked with a smile.

Ling Miao didn't reply.

"Since you are here, you will be the food for the first meal after Taotie's resurrection." Master Jin still had a smile on his face.

"What about you? Are you going to be here together as rations?" Ling Miao asked.

"This... who knows?" Jinxuan winked mischievously at Ling Miao. If Ling Miao knew Jinxuan before, he would find that the current Jinxuan is very different from the previous Jinxuan. s difference.

"How about listening to me tell a story during this time? Let's get to know each other..."

Ling Miao was very familiar with Xuanshi Jin's tone. Those girls on the side of the road used this tone when they approached him, even though he didn't agree.

Ling Miao didn't agree, but Jinxuan explained it on his own.

"They all thought that I awakened the bloodline of the number sheep, but in fact, they awakened the bloodline of the very rare Taotie. You must know that Taotie was one of the top ten divine beasts in ancient times. How about it? Isn't it very powerful? But Well, awakening this bloodline is also very hard for me, I feel hungry all the time, but, for the sake of my body, in order not to expose myself as a big eater, I can only endure, endure the hunger, just like this, endure, Shinobu, my spirit...has finally collapsed~"

A gleam of blood flashed in Master Jinxuan's eyes.

"I have also sensed the existence of the real glutton through my blood. Although I know that resurrecting the glutton will definitely bring bad things to this world, or even destroy it, but I feel that... before the world is destroyed, maybe we can really pay for the meal. One meal!"

Master Jinxuan licked his lips, looking very attractive, like a cherry combing his hair, but Ling Miao and Long could only feel an unparalleled ferocity and an extremely strong desire to eat.

This is definitely not something that humans can have!
The reason why a person can become a person is because people are contradictory. They have desires, but they use reason to suppress desires. In the midst of contradictions, they are people. However, when reason collapses and suppressed desires are released, then , people will become—monsters!
“I just want to have a full meal~”

(End of this chapter)

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