Chapter 1066 Peerless! (three more)

The people who were affected in the distance hugged each other tremblingly. In this level of fighting, they would die if they touched it.

You know, they are all so-called "strong men" on the outside, but now they understand that they are the emperors sitting in the empire, referred to as the emperor of the emperor!

Mom, I'm going home!
However, after watching Ling Huohuo and Taotie fight for a while, they found that the situation in this world had changed.

"There is a loophole, let's go!"

A group of people hastily ran out from the hole that appeared.

Ling Huohuo also discovered a loophole in this space.

"Can't hold on any longer? But... that's enough!"

The last monster has merged into Ling Huohuo's body.

Rogier in Ling Huohuo's hands has even completed the ghost entanglement with Ling Huohuo.

But at this time, Ling Huohuo's appearance changed dramatically. When all the monsters merged into Ling Huohuo's body, Ling Huohuo, who had already become dissimilar, seemed to be sublimated and turned into a purple figure. The face is invisible, just a human form, like a purple shadow.

But Ling Huohuo knew that he was on the verge of collapse.

This time it is really the kind of collapse that is about to die, it is the double oppression on the soul and body, even Ling Huohuo's consciousness has become chaotic, he can only think simple, and his feelings are almost broken.

However, in contrast, Ling Huohuo's strength has reached its true peak!
"The limit can only attack twice..."

Ling Huohuo swung his hands, and launched two purple attacks. However, before the attack could hit Taotie, Ling Huohuo's arms were directly shattered, turning into purple spots of light, and the rest of his body was also shattered. Trembling violently, as if about to collapse at any moment.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's attack, Taotie ignored Ling Huohuo's situation, and stared at the incoming attack, all he knew was that it had to resist!

That's right, Taotie can indeed eat Ling Huohuo's attack, but it is definitely not as easy as it seems.

For Taotie... No, for any non-void creature, the power of the void is poison that smells like shit, but Taotie can only eat it, if it is hit on the body, it will definitely die very rhythmically.

Respond to the strongest with the strongest!
Devouring is the strongest power of Taotie!
Moreover, Taotie also knew that Ling Huohuo could not let Ling Huohuo attack, and was infected by the power of the void, and his defeat would only happen sooner or later. Therefore, Taotie made a bold attempt——Ling Huohuo didn't want to help it, so it would do it by itself!

The void power devoured by Tao Tie was not wasted by Tao Tie, but was quietly used by Tao Tie to transform his body. For the sake of the past, Tao Tie infected himself with the void power bit by bit, and at the same time frantically absorbed everything around him, It is used to synthesize the damage of void power. For the time being, Taotie's transformation of himself is still very good.

Maybe it can really become a void glutton!
Even Taotie was almost able to destroy this special space.

However, when Ling Huohuo launched Ghost Entanglement before, Taotie knew that something was wrong, but it had no choice but to continue its strength as much as possible to deal with Ling Huohuo's upcoming attack.

Faced with Ling Huohuo's two attacks, Taotie naturally took it seriously.

As a ferocious beast that existed in ancient times, and can even be successfully resurrected now, Taotie naturally has two cards to save his life.

Taotie first quickly mobilized his power to set up countless barriers, trying to intercept or weaken Ling Huohuo's two attacks, but it didn't have any effect.

Seeing this, Taotie did not hesitate.

The moment the two attacks fell into its mouth, Taotie suddenly closed its big mouth, and then Taotie's mouth exploded violently, unexpectedly breaking away from Taotie's body.

Glutton's devouring is naturally not invincible, otherwise he would not have been driven to the edge of the world. As the most important mouth of gluttony, it is often the place where the enemy will actively attack. A trick to play the role of abandoning the car to protect the handsome.

Taotie's huge body quickly retreated, while its big mouth turned into a special force to wrap around the two attacks just now, keeping away from Taotie's body.

Naturally, this move would also cause great damage to Taotie, but it was worth it.

However, Taotie's eyes narrowed abruptly.

The power transformed by its big mouth unexpectedly shattered, and a violent explosion occurred, spreading to the entire space, and Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts of the Night also shattered.

However, those two attacks did not dissipate completely, but...weakened a little!
Taotie felt a fatal sense of crisis.


It still has a life-saving hole card!
With a wave of Taotie's arms, its body unexpectedly faced the two attacks.

No, Master Jin saw it clearly, Taotie's body was like a nesting doll, one was much smaller, only the size of a person, it looked a little... well, it can be said that the cute Taotie fell from the back of Taotie come out.

Naturally, the little Taotie cannot be the son of Taotie, and Taotie is not the Piccolo Demon King who can reproduce by himself. This little Taotie is the most important part of the body of the Taotie. The foundation of Taotie, as long as this little Taotie is still there, Taotie will be able to return to its peak period. When Taotie uses the power of the void to transform itself, it is also the first part to transform.

However, this time the sacrifice was even greater, Taotie almost abandoned everything to save his life.

The huge sacrifice also brought back a glimmer of life.

The huge body abandoned by Taotie launched a secret technique, burning all flesh and strength to resist the two weakened attacks.

There was no sound, everything was like water extinguishing fire, these two attacks annihilated the power emanating from Taotie's body, and the two attacks also dissipated.

If it stopped here, it can be said that Ling Huohuo and Taotie had a tie, and both sides suffered losses.

Taotie lost everything except his foundation, and Ling Huohuo reached his limit.

However, Ling Huohuo rushed to the side of Taotie's root at some point.

"I can still... hit the third blow!"

"You're crazy!" Taotie realized that Ling Huohuo was about to die together!
However, without any extra words, Ling Huohuo passed through Taotie's body.

Taotie's body froze, Ling Huohuo was behind Taotie, and the purple light spots on his body floated into the air, but Ling Huohuo did not dissipate, but returned to his original body, and the ghosts of the void also left one after another, but all With no power left, he can only choose to escape into the void to recover.

Ling Huohuo's body stood in the air, but the position of his arms was empty.

This was the price of the third blow, Ling Huohuo's arms could not be recovered.


"It's worth replacing you with both arms!" Ling Huohuo said hoarsely.

If Taotie is not resolved today, there will be no chance in the future.

Taotie's body was inevitably eroded by void power, and then dissipated, and Taotie could only consume his foundation to buy time to survive.

"Hehe, what's the use of killing me? Don't you know what was in that black light before? The world has been dyed black, this world has no future, why don't you let me eat it...cough cough... ..."

However, Ling Huohuo's eyes did not fluctuate in any way.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth slowly.

"The future of this world... is our business!"


Amid the wild laughter, Taotie was completely eroded by the power of the void, and then turned into the void, and then dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Master Jinxuan who was standing next to him looked at Ling Huohuo's thin back standing in the air because of the loss of both arms. For some reason, two words came to mind - Wushuang!
All the ghosts in the void left Ling Huohuo's body, and Ling Huohuo's body also lost its last support and fell into the sea below.

Master Jinxuan wanted to go forward, but someone was faster than her.

Yi Qianqian hugged the fainted Ling Huohuo, worry and heartache were written all over her face.

When Xiao Yunyun and other women were fighting against the Demon King's army in the Lost Land, Yi Qianqian finally found the opportunity to "take advantage of the void".

A woman in fancy dress appeared beside Yi Qianqian.

"Is this the man you fell in love with?"

Yi Qianqian nodded.

"If he was in my era, I would definitely include him in the harem. This kind of hero can be called unparalleled, and he can suppress the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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