Chapter 1068 Our Times

When Ling Zhuo saw Xiao Mo's situation, he was taken aback for a moment, then reached out and closed Xiao Mo's open eyes.

"It's hopeless, wait for death, and leave!"

Ling Xian'er: "..."

Xiao Mo: "..."

Xiao Mo now only has one pair of eyes that can move due to the secret method, so he quickly opened his eyes again and glared at Ling Zhuo.

"What are you?"


Xiao Mo just couldn't speak, he felt that if he was in his prime, he would definitely fuck Ling Zhuo's head... For Ling Xian'er's sake, let's fuck his head and fart.

"Brother!" Ling Xian'er called Ling Zhuo dissatisfied.

Ling Zhuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, at this time..." Ling Zhuo fished in his trouser pocket, and Ling Zhuo pulled out the forest turtle that had shrunk to the size of a palm.

"Brother, save people!"

Ling Xian'er was a little strange, she didn't understand what was so special about this pet turtle.

The forest tortoise looked at Xiao Mo, then nodded, expressing that it could be saved.

Then Ling Zhuo put the forest turtle on Xiao Mo's head.

The forest turtle's small tail swayed in front of Xiao Mo's eyes, and Xiao Mo's eyes swayed accordingly.

Then a blue light appeared on the forest tortoise.

"This is..." Ling Xianer's eyes widened.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Although Ling Xian'er has never seen the source, she still has an understanding of the power of the source.

When she activated the power on the forest tortoise, Ling Xian'er was certain that it was the power of the source of water!

Xiao Mo also discovered that the power of the forest turtle is the power of water, and he couldn't help being a little surprised, and then looked at Ling Zhuo——Ling Xianer, the salty fish brother, still has such a treasure by his side?

Ling Zhuo, I, Xiao Mo, look at you with admiration!
Ling Xian'er also looked at her elder brother.

What secret does this brother of mine have?
Ling Zhuo touched his nose.

At this time, there was a strange movement on Xiao Mo's body.

A phantom began to struggle in Xiao Mo's body.

"This... this is the source of water! No, don't, you can't kill me, you don't know what's going on in this world now, only by letting me take you away can you save this world... No!!!!"

Then the phantom was shattered by the forest turtle.

Xiao Mo got up suddenly, and immediately began to meditate, the forest tortoise was thrown into the air, but fortunately Ling Zhuo caught the forest tortoise in time.

At this time, Xiao Mo needs to strengthen his body and cultivate, otherwise all his cultivation will be in vain. Moreover, there are still some leftovers from the phantom that died before, the sooner he absorbs it, the better.

The forest tortoise glanced at Xiao Mo unhappily, but found that Xiao Mo was practicing martial arts, so he didn't bother.

After a long time, Xiao Mo received his work and heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, immediately after a stream of water shot Xiao Mo's face, Xiao Mo quickly closed his mouth, who knows what was shot?In short, you must not drink it!
When the water flow disappeared, Xiao Mo opened his eyes, saw the forest turtle in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not dare to attack, but first expressed his gratitude and apology to the forest turtle, and then wiped his face clean.

However, Xiao Mo's complexion was not very good.

"problem occurs."

"What's wrong?" Ling Zhuo and Ling Xian'er looked at Xiao Mo curiously.

"I absorbed what was left of that soul, and got some memories..." Xiao Mo's face was quite serious, and he began to speak slowly.

It turned out that it was not accidental that this soul would take him away, but a kind of necessity, and not only Xiao Mo, in this era, as long as the strength and attributes reached the standard, they were all taken away by the soul!

In other words, there is more than one soul that can take away others!
As for the origin of these souls, they were all participants in the "slaying demons" in ancient times. They sealed their souls in the earth veins. Body, and then resurrected with the help of the strong body, and then guard the world!
The reason for this kind of calculation is that the foundation of the world was damaged in the "Slaughtering Demon" battle back then. They expected that the future world powerhouses would be inferior to the next generation, so they needed people like them to stay behind and protect the world.

And now, the world has reached the time when they need to be resurrected!
Speaking of this, Xiao Mo's face was a little mocking.

"I have to say that these guys who have been eliminated by the times are still very thoughtful."

Although these people's ideas are selfless and great, who would like to be taken away and lose their lives?
Xiao Mo was very disgusted with this wanton method.

"But... as long as the strength is strong, there is no need to explain anything." Ling Zhuo said.

Ling Xian'er was a little surprised that her brother could say such a thing.

"Don't look at me like that, I've also experienced a lot of people." Ling Zhuo said.

Xiao Mo got up suddenly.

"What are you going to do?" Ling Xian'er asked.

Xiao Mo smiled.

"To prove that our own era will be guarded by ourselves!" Xiao Mo said, he believes that there are definitely strong people in this world who can avoid the fate of being taken away, and they all have the same idea as him.

This is the reply of the strong of an era to their predecessors.

At the same time, it is what they must do.

Who can watch their own world being destroyed?
If this world is destroyed, none of them can escape!
"I'll go too." Ling Zhuo said.

"Although I see you are upset, I have to say that what you said has reached my heart."

"I'll go too." Ling Xian'er took a step forward.

"No!" Xiao Mo said directly, he knew how strong Ling Xian'er was, and, out of some kind of male chauvinism, Xiao Mo didn't want a woman to appear in the next battle, or in other words, he didn't want her strength to be inferior. A strong woman appears.

However Ling Zhuo shook his head and showed Xiao Mo a disdainful smile.

"Do you really understand my sister's strength?"

Ling Xian'er's body froze.

What?Has his elder brother seen through his true strength?

Xiao Mo's eyes were a little strange.

Of course Ling Zhuo didn't see anything, but this was what the forest turtle told him, and...he also knew that with Ling Xian'er's temper, he couldn't stop Ling Xian'er, and Xiao Mo couldn't stop Ling Xian'er either.

The legs are on Ling Xian'er's body, who can stop her from going by herself?
"Okay, let's go." Ling Zhuo turned around first.

At the same time, countless figures stood up and set off all over the world. Some of them came from ancient times, and some of them came from this era.

As for the destination-

The darkest place is their destination!

In the future city, everyone is feeling a little dull now.

Yin Ya pushed the room away and looked at the pitch-black world outside, her eyes were full of worry. She didn't know when her heart was aching.

Yin Ya looked towards the sky with a feeling, and two eyes with blood-colored halos were looking at her.


(End of this chapter)

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