The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1071 Today, I, the brave, will jump up the devil grass

Chapter 1071 Today, I, the brave, will jump up the devil grass
The nameless wilderness, this is Ling Tian's chosen battleground.

The battle begins!

The Demon King Army screamed and rushed towards the enemy on the opposite side.

On the other side, Xiao Yunyun and other women also stood on a high place, overlooking the entire battlefield.

There is no special place in the nameless wilderness, it is surrounded by open space, suitable for frontal battles, and also suitable for being a meat grinder!
"Crazy?" Xiao Yunyun looked at his own army below.

Because the army came from different forces, it was difficult to integrate together. After the Demon King Army organized the army, this group of people and forces panicked. Under pressure, the army quickly formed.

Moreover, because of the Demon King, the brave... Li Yinman also became the nominal leader of this army, and Xiao Yunyun and other women also became her assistants.

Li Yinman flew to Xiao Yunyun's side.

"Yunyun, let's fight later, pay attention to protect your own safety, if there is an accident... don't come to rescue me, take other people away immediately."

"Accident? Do you suspect that the Demon King's army is cheating?" Xiao Yunyun said in surprise.

Li Yinman nodded.

"Actually, the final result of this war will only be a decisive battle between me and the devil. If it was before, it would be fine, but now I feel that the devil has changed. Although he will face me face to face, he will not accept his fate. There could be accidents."

Xiao Yunyun narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled.

"So what? Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, you just need to smash the Demon King, and leave the rest to us."

Hearing Xiao Yunyun's words, Li Yinman smiled.

Lu Sisi looked at Li Yinman's Xiao Yunyun who was in the air, and then looked at Guo Xiaoyu beside him.

"Xiaoyu, what do you think the outcome of this battle will be?"

Guo Xiaoyu took a bite of banana.

"It doesn't feel good."

"Why do you say that?" Toyotomi Hideya, who had just returned from inspection in other directions, asked.

"Well... because I don't know, haha... In short, just fuck it!" As he said, Guo Xiaoyu swallowed the banana in his hand, and then threw away the xiangjia peel.

Lu Sisi and Toyotomi Hideya glanced at each other.

Maybe something unexpected will happen in this battle.


The two armies are fighting with great momentum, not to mention that the two sides are powerful and extraordinary legions.

However, whether it is the Demon King Army or the Hero Army, the methods of fighting are extremely simple and rude——

Melee fights in the front row, long-range output in the back row, mages try out various spells, and support assists at the end.

There are no so-called battle formations and formations, but it does not mean that there are no such formations, but that they are not used, because no matter which side it is, the strength and means are extremely powerful and superb. Except for absolute strength, any remaining means may be used. The opponent countered.

Only players in ordinary rounds will pay attention to tactics and strategies, while high-end rounds and rookies pay attention to absolute strength!
Die or let the enemy die!

In addition to the ordinary army below, the stronger fighters above also fought against each other. Here, the lowest strength is also the ninth rank!

And any trace of power leaked from the battle above would be devastating to the troops below.

However, the battle above was quite fierce, and the forces annihilated each other, and no excess power was leaked out.

And in a higher place, the brave and the devil finally meet.

This is above the battlefield, but it is already out of the scope of the battlefield. The sound of the battle below cannot even reach here, and above is the purple void turbulence. This is a scene that can only appear in the lost land. Above the sky is void.

"Brave, long time no see." The Demon King spoke first.

"Devil King." The brave man also said, but his mood was a bit complicated, but she quickly extinguished this complicated emotion, she came to end the devil king!

The brave man quickly scanned around four times, but found nothing strange.

"Brave, are you afraid?" The devil smiled mockingly, "Are you thinking that I will use despicable means to deal with you?"

The brave man's face darkened.

"Hmph, the devil king is despicable and shameless, who knows what methods you will have?"

However, the Demon King shook his head.

"No, today you and I just faced each other!"

The Demon King opened his arms, his cloak shook behind him, and twelve Demon Generals appeared behind him one after another.

"The last time I was attacked by you, I didn't show my true strength. This time, I will show my strongest strength!"

The brave man snorted coldly.

"However, fate made me defeat you!"

"Fuck his mother's fate, I want to change my fate against the sky! My fate is up to me!"

The brave man curled his lips, saying that there are many existences who claim to be "heaven", but "heaven" does not mean fate.

"Actually, the power of the Demon King is divided into two parts..." The Demon King spoke slowly, with a solemn voice.

"One part is my own power, and the other part is the power of the demon general. When the two merge with each other, what emerges is the power of the real demon king!"

The Demon King pointed at the hero.

"Last time you took advantage of me being alone and attacked and killed me in the rear, but this time, I will not give you this chance!"

The bodies of the Demon King and the Twelve Demon Generals glowed with purple light.

A figure appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

"Phew... it's time to catch up, it's not too late... damn it!"

The figure found that his body began to glow.

"How come it's fully opened when you come up?"

However, the figure immediately turned into light and flew into the sky.

The demon generals turned into strange purple rays of light one after another, and finally, all the rays of light converged on the body of the devil king.

The brave man counted curiously, and then gave a light snort.

"How come there are thirteen ways? Is there something wrong with the fusion?"

However, the demon king who merged with the light slowly opened his eyes, and his voice became neither male nor female, neither old nor young.

"Demon had arrived!"

The face of the brave man became serious. Compared with the previous Demon King at this time... he only had a layer of light on his body.

However, the pressure the Demon King put on the brave man made the brave man a little breathless.

"Is this the strongest form of the Demon King?" The brave man thought in his heart that it was impossible to kill the Demon King like last time.

In this battle, you must hold the belief that you must die!
But the brave man has no timidity or doubts, because she is a brave man!
The Demon King will surely be defeated by him!

The brave's body blooms with the sacred light that belongs to the brave!

The demon king slowly drew out the magic blade from his waist, and the brave man also drew out the holy sword from his waist.

The Demon King pointed his magic blade at the brave man.

"Come face me!"

But the brave man didn't speak, but rushed towards the devil with his sword in hand.

Today, I, the brave, will give the devil a fuck!


Down below, Xiao Yunyun and the others are also paying attention to the battle above, if any accident occurs, they will go to the rescue as soon as possible.

However, an unexpected person found them—the seventh prince of the devil!

The seven strongest demons in the demon world representing the seven deadly sins!

"Are you here to fight?" Xiao Yunyun and the girls drew out their weapons, their faces becoming serious.

However, what is surprising is that there is no hostility on the body of the Seven Great Demons.

"Xiao Yunyun, long time no see." Walliver and Xiao Yunyun greeted each other.

Xiao Yunyun just nodded to Hua Lifu. Although Hua Lifu is Xiao Yunyun's magic enlightenment teacher and has helped Ling Huohuo a lot, the most unbelievable thing is the words and feelings of the devil. Now from the standpoint Said, she and Walliver are enemies!

"Hee hee hee, beautiful ladies, we are here to help Lord Demon King spread the message. We are not hostile. Lord Demon King asked me to tell you, in fact, his real identity is...he needs your help..."

The task of the Seven Great Demons was actually to instigate Xiao Yunyun and the others, but Ling Tian expected that Xiao Yunyun and other women would not easily believe it, so, in order to increase the possibility of persuasion success, all the Seven Great Demons came.

No race is better at changing the minds of intelligent beings through words than the daemon race.

However, to the surprise of the seven demons, when they revealed the true identity of the demon king, the faces of Xiao Yunyun and the girls changed again and again, which became very interesting...

Things don't seem to be simple.

(End of this chapter)

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