The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1073 Sacrifice Summoning

Chapter 1073 Sacrifice Summoning
"Defeat the devil, destroy the devil's army, let the world return to normal from the fear of the devil, in order to make the world better, even if you die here..."

"Death without regret!"

"If my death can bring peace in my hometown..."


The battlefield like a meat grinder impacts the nerves of everyone participating in the battle. At this point, it is not only a confrontation of strength, but also a confrontation of will and spirit!

"In the face of killing and death, there is no absolute distinction between good and evil." A figure looked down at the battlefield below, with indifference flashing in his eyes.

"I will engrave this passage on your tombstone." Another figure appeared in front of the figure.

Two figures stood out of thin air.

The two sides looked at each other, and then moved at the same time. The powerful forces collided with each other, making a detonation sound, illuminating half of the battlefield.

Not only the devolved army, but even those strong men are now betting their lives and glory in the battle.

For them, what they think about in the battle is not the meaning of the battle, but revenge and revenge. It can be said that the battle between the strong is more intense than the battle between the troops below, because there is no pure camp Divided, it is impossible for everyone to be inferior to others.

Xiao Yunyun and his daughters did not participate in the battle, but watched the Seven Great Demons.

"Is what you said true?" Xiao Yunyun asked seriously.

Hua Lifu flew in front of Xiao Yunyun.

"Although there are always pitfalls in the words of the devil, it is undeniable that the devil will not lie. Those traps are prepared for those who are obedient but not brainy. As for whether you believe it or not, it is not our business gone."

Xiao Yunyun and his daughters understood the seriousness of the matter.

Lu Sisi and Toyotomi Xiuya glanced at Guo Xiaoyu.

"I didn't expect it to be an accident."

"No, the top priority is to stop them!" Toyotomi Hideya reacted.

Walliver smiled.

The other six Grand Dukes also smiled.

It's done!
Finally... don't worry about not being able to complete the task and going back to be beaten!

"Several, the reason why the Lord Demon King asked us to tell you this news is to hope that you and I can join forces and defeat the brave man behind the scenes. In this case..."

"Hit a dick!" Lu Sisi cursed angrily.

"There are no chickens here." A demon grand duke replied subconsciously.

"Arguing, isn't it?" Guo Xiaoyu cheered up.


However, Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya had already taken to the sky at this time.

However, they were still one step too late.

The battle between the devil king and the brave is not for ordinary people to intervene!

The Demon King and the Hero are long gone.

Two top powerhouses of the Yuwai class collided with each other, how could the battlefield be confined to one place?



Ling Miao looked around and frowned.

Even ants, if there are too many, will be annoying.

Ling Miao is not a weeder, nor does he want to mow.

"The murderous aura on the third child is a bit heavy." Mother Ling said with a frown.

"That's not murderous aura, it can already be called devilish aura." Father Ling sighed after finishing speaking.

"No, we can't let Ling Miao go on like this, otherwise he will be lost forever!" Ling's mother's complexion changed drastically. Although Ling Miao's hands were already stained red with blood, as a mother, she didn't want Ling Miao to fall into trouble. deep.

But Father Ling shook his head.

"You and I can't solve the situation of the third child. He is too strong, and it is impossible for him to listen to us now." Ling's father was still able to remain calm. After a short observation, he saw that Ling Miao Miao's question, although he is also concerned about it in his heart, but he will not lose his sense of proportion.

Mother Ling also regained her composure, and began to think of a solution.

"The old ancestor said that this is the fate of our Ling family, but it doesn't mean that there is no possibility of meddling, but there is not enough strength... By the way, there is the Holy Grail!" Mother Ling's eyes lit up.

If using the Holy Grail...

However, when Mother Ling took out the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail that was originally shining with light had become an ordinary cup, and it was also full of cracks.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the Holy Grail system." Father Ling frowned.

"Not only the Holy Grail system, but the leylines of the whole world have problems, and the Holy Grail system relies on the leylines to exist." A voice sounded behind the two.

"Who?!" Father Ling and Mother Ling hurriedly turned their heads.

Appearing behind Ling's father and Ling's mother were four people, three women and one man, and it was the man who spoke just now.

Ling's father and Ling's mother saw that one of them was a heroic spirit, and a girl who was a human was also holding a Holy Grail that had lost her power.

The identity of the other party is self-evident.

"Hello, both of you, I'm Rei Kazama, and I have met Mr. Ling Huohuo once." The girl with the appearance of a witch said, as if she already knew the identities of Ling's father and Ling's mother.

"My name is Qingcheng Lingnv, and I'm a friend of Mr. Ling Huohuo." Wearing a kimono and carrying a short knife, Qingcheng Lingnv bowed politely.

"Miyamoto Musashi." The heroic girl said, a little awkward.

"My lord, Abe Seimei." The heroic man showed a gentle smile.

"What do you mean by what you just said?" Father Ling asked directly. At this time, some things don't need to be cared about.

"Literally." Abe Seimei replied, "The strength of the third son of the two comes from the leylines. It can be said that with the support of the power of the whole world's leylines, he is almost invincible in this world. Although many I don't quite understand the matter, but I know that there is no way to stop the third son of the two now."

"How come..." Mother Ling's eyes widened in disbelief.

Father Ling didn't recover for a long time.

"Then what is the purpose of your coming here?" Mother Ling asked.

Abe Seimei did not answer formally.

"At this time, there should be only one who can solve the problem of the third son of the two of you."

Abe Seimei looked at Ling Miao outside the window, then turned to look in one direction.

Father Ling and Mother Ling looked in that direction, their pupils shrinking.

Yin Ya's figure appeared in their field of vision.

"Some things just go with the flow. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. It's enough for us to watch." Abe Seimei said with some sighs, his tone was very much like a grandfather who sees through life, but he That handsome scumbag face made him feel quite disobedient when he said those words.

At this time, the battle outside the window changed.

A bloody light and shadow bloomed from the body of a strong man to the end, and then shot straight into the sky, as if piercing the world, and at the same time piercing the darkness that enveloped the world.

"Oh? Someone sacrificed." Abe Seimei's face changed.

"Sacrifice? What will happen?" Father Ling asked suspiciously.

"Let me see... oh, this is a ritual of sacrificial summoning..."

As soon as Abe Seimei's words fell, several strong men chose to sacrifice.

"What will be summoned?" Rei Kazama couldn't help asking.

Abe Seimei blinked.


(End of this chapter)

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