Chapter 1075 Demon and Immortal

"Immortal?" Ling Miao murmured, opening his hand to grasp falsely, a dragon claw made of condensed black power appeared out of thin air, and grabbed the figure in the sky from the blood-colored formation.

The figure looked at the incoming attack without any fluctuations in expression. He slapped out a palm, and a golden palm print appeared, colliding with the black paw.

The two forces collided and then annihilated simultaneously.

Ling Miao's expression fluctuated for the first time.

Ling Miao flew up and reached the same height as the figure.

Ling Miao's power comes from the leylines of the world, in other words, from the foundation of the world, and the perception of the various powers of the world is naturally very easy.

Ling Miao looked at the figure, and naturally saw through the truth of the figure's power.

The power of the figure also comes from this world!
The difference from Ling Miao is that the power of the figure comes from the power that exists in this world, including many, specifically, it can be called "Tao"!
In the body of the figure, there is any kind of Tao power that exists in this world, and the figure can be mobilized at will.

It can be said that the figure is an existence separated from the avenue.

There is a reason for this, of course.

The sacrificial formation before was the reason for the birth of the figure.

The way of heaven is fair, there is no distinction between good and evil, if you give, you will get rewards, if you don't get rewards, it's because your goals are wrong, and the other party will naturally not be able to give you the rewards you want.

In the previous sacrificial formation, many ancients sacrificed all of themselves to Tiandao, and Tiandao naturally gave feedback.

Because the ancients wanted to eliminate the "demon" Ling Miao, so Tiandao created the "immortal" against the "demon"!
It can be said that it is borrowing from the sky!

And even the world consciousness can't stop it.

World awareness is only to assist in the management of this world. At most, various rules are used to balance this world, so that this world will not be destroyed by external forces, but there is no way to affect any action in this world, just like there is no way to stop the lost land and the real world It's close to the same, it's suicide, there's no way.

Someone has given everything to the world, and world consciousness has no power to replace the world's rejection.

And the world instinctively gave feedback, and the world consciousness couldn't stop it.

So, for world consciousness...

"Let's fight, let's fight all of them, let's all die together!"


Ling Miao is a demon.

Then the figure is a fairy.

The word "immortal" above the figure's head also shows this point.

This is the contest between immortals and demons!
The Voice of the Great Dao didn't stop with the appearance of Xian, but the onlookers didn't dare to stay any longer, because the situation was obviously wrong!
People hiding in the dark left one after another, leaving only a patch of... nosebleeds in the air.

Ling's father and Ling's mother in the future city are also preparing to leave.

They have the protection of the source and have not been affected by the voice of the great road, but others are different.

Both Kazama Ren and Ling Nu covered their noses, but nosebleeds still flowed from their fingers.

Abe Seimei was a bit down and became very weak. Miyamoto Musashi was better, but he also lost a lot of strength, and only the strength left to carry Abe Seimei was left.

"But, Xiaoya's side..." Mother Ling hesitated.

"This matter is beyond our control." Although weak, Abe Seimei behaved normally and spoke fluently.

"As for that person...she can't go, she has already become part of this battle, if she leaves rashly, the third son of the two may go crazy, don't approach her rashly, or you may touch her The nerves of the third son of the two will be difficult to deal with at that time." Abe Seimei explained, with a smile on his face.

"Don't you two trust your son and daughter-in-law?"

Ling's father and Ling's mother looked at each other with firmness in their eyes, and then nodded.

"We trust them."

Ling's father and Ling's mother took a last look at Ling Miao in the sky, and then left.

There are four children in the family, but one must be missing.


Ling Miao moved, and he chose to take the lead. For the figure in front of him, Ling Miao had an instinctive disgust.

A black dragon shadow flashed on Ling Miao's body, and then Ling Miao rushed to Xian, and grabbed it out, carrying terrifying power and the sound of dragon chant.

The aftermath of Ling Miao's move directly shattered the active mechanical guards on the ground, a large area of ​​the future city collapsed, and the ground collapsed as a result.

Xian, who faced this move directly, showed no emotion, as if he had no emotion.

Xian clenched his fist with one hand, and there was a trembling sound on his body, and then he faced Ling Miao's attack.

The claws and fists collided, and the forces canceled each other out again.

This means that neither the power of demons nor the power of immortals has obvious restraint, or it can be said that they restrain each other.

As soon as they touched each other, Ling Miao and Xian both looked into each other's eyes.

However, this collision was not so simple.

There were hideous scars on Xian's fist, and golden blood left from the wound, but a burst of power swept Xian's fist back to its original state.

However, Ling Miao's fingers were also twisted into abnormal appearances, but Ling Miao just flicked his wrist, and the bones in his fingers seemed to be alive, returning to their positions automatically, making it impossible to see that his hands had been injured. .

Ling Miao and Xian moved at the same time, and they fought together again.

There was no words, the fists and claws collided face to face, and there was a confrontation of strength around them. Waves of pressure caused by the confrontation and exertion spread to the surroundings.

However, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. With the shattering of the future city, the central spire where Yin Ya is still is still intact.

However, the impact of the battle cannot only affect the future city.

With the destruction of the future city, the four surrounding satellite cities were also broken one after another. Fortunately, the civilians inside had already evacuated.

On the outside, it spreads to the surrounding mountains.

In a mountain field, a tribe full of plants was destroyed, and the temple in the tribe collapsed, but the people in the tribe and the gods in the temple were nowhere to be found.

This is the tribe of the druids, and the druids rarely communicate with the outside world, so few people know the dynamics of the druids, but this time, the druids have long since disappeared. According to the final situation Judging from it, the druid obviously didn't run away temporarily, but seemed to have been prepared for a long time.

After all, it is Guo Xiaoyu's old friend, so it's normal to find something in advance.

On the outside, there is an entire piece of primitive wild forest!
Those creatures living in the primitive wild forest are not so lucky. Although they also sense the danger, they have no way to leave. They can only wait for the power to spread to them and completely crush them... along with this space !
Primitive wasteland... Broken...

The entire space turned into fragments and returned to the void, only two figures were still fighting, there was a high tower, and the girl in the tower.

(End of this chapter)

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