The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 114 Ling Huohuo, even if this salted fish is left to rot at home, it must not be hung out to

Chapter 114 Ling Huohuo, even if this salted fish is left to rot at home, it must not be hung out to dry!

The winter vacation has officially begun, and more than half a month has passed.

For the past half month, Ling Miao has lived a nine-to-five life, going out at seven or eight in the morning and coming back around six in the evening.

Ling Tian was still working, he went out early, came back at night, and was not at home during the holidays. I don't know what he was doing outside. Ling Huohuo strongly suspected that he was going on a date with Li Yinman. I have never seen Li Yinman either.

NG's company organized a trip. It is said that they went to a hot spring hotel in Japan, and Ling Nu also returned to Japan together.

Ling Huohuo went to see them off. Originally Ling Huohuo was thinking about going to Japan together for a while, but was stopped by Ling Tian, ​​which made Ling Huohuo depressed for a while.

In fact, Ling Tian’s consideration is that the whole world is not peaceful recently. With Ling Huohuo’s unreliable personality, Ling Tian is worried that he may have only one younger brother left after Ling Huohuo goes out this time, so it’s better to keep it in front of his eyes. Don't worry, during this special period, even if the salted fish Ling Huohuo is rotten at home, it cannot be hung outside to dry. What if it is taken away by a night cat?
Xiao Yunyun is working hard to practice magic, every contact is mysterious, she refuses to meet with Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo can only contact her occasionally through the mobile phone, by the way, Xiao Yunyun can also ask Hualiver about magic Things, Ling Huohuo can feel that the magic power in Xiao Yunyun's body has more than doubled compared to before the holiday with the help of the magic circle. Even Hua Lifu admired Xiao Yunyun's progress, and Ling Huohuo had to sigh. This matter may really have something to do with talent.

At the same time, Xiao Yunyun also used the magic circle to draw another magic circle on Ling Huohuo's hand in reverse. This magic circle is Ling Huohuo's long-awaited storage magic circle that can store swords!
However, Xiao Yunyun's strength is limited, and the space for storing items in the drawn magic circle is limited.

Ling Huohuo pondered for a while, and threw in those swords that gave birth to spirituality, two short swords and one long sword. The swords need to be kept with them often. Ling Huohuo had no conditions before, but this time he has a chance However, Ling Huohuo naturally wanted to take all these swords with him in case of emergencies.

There are still some places in the storage space, Ling Huohuo thought for a while, and put the long sword that fell from the sky and the sword that was given to him with a melancholy expression telling him sadness.

Although these two swords were not born with spirituality, they were extremely sharp. The sword he gave with a melancholy expression was sharper than any other sword in his sword room except for the three swords that were born with spirituality. The sword is on top of it, and so far Ling Huohuo has not found a scabbard that can match it.

Ling Huohuo used a scabbard for this precious sword that fell from the sky before, but none of the scabbards can be used for more than three days, and they will eventually split in two. Therefore, Ling Huohuo can only put it at home for the time being. .

Moreover, this sword can only be used by himself for the time being, Xiao Yunyun can't lift it, even Hua Lifu can't!Ling Huohuo felt that this sword definitely had a secret!
But Ling Huohuo and Hualiver tried many methods and failed to test out the secret of this sword. Even the most likely "Sword Code" is not easy to use. No matter how you test, this sword is just a sword. Very sharp ordinary sword.

As for Hua Lifu, recently Ling Huohuo discovered that Hua Lifu always stared out of the window blankly, and could stare at him for a whole day without moving.

This made Ling Huohuo very puzzled.

Could it be that Walliver is suffering from dementia because of his age?
As a big devil, Walliver is of course impossible to get Alzheimer's, it's idle.

Hualiver's former master always had various things to do, revenge, research, in short, there was always something to do, and Hualiver also had to think about pitting his master all the time. It's different, I can't think about cheating him, and I have to prevent him from being cheated. During the winter vacation, Ling Huohuo stayed at home, it was really peaceful, and Walliver did feel relieved a lot.

However, because Ling Huohuo didn't need Hualiver at all, Hualiver found that he had nothing to do at this time!
The cultivation of the magician was completely handed over to Xiao Yunyun, while Ling Huohuo was at home, either eating or sleeping, watching TV, playing computer games after waking up, and feeding Hualiver when he was free.
Walliver suddenly felt that he might have found a false master, you don't need me?Why don't you use me?Is my majestic big devil a mascot?

So, it can only look at the sky boredly, and now it feels that it can't even keep smiling.

While Hua Lifu was thinking wildly, Ling Huohuo put a piece of cake in front of Hua Lifu. There was a fresh and tender strawberry on the white cream cake, which looked very attractive like a girl's red lips.

"Let's have a piece of cake." Ling Huohuo said.


Walliver snorted, do you think I'm a pet?Feed again?Is the frequency too high recently?

Then Walliver picked up a fork and cut off a small piece of cake, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and showed an expression of enjoyment.

Really delicious!
Ling Huohuo looked at Hua Lifu with his eyes closed with some concern. He felt that Hua Lifu's condition was a bit wrong recently. He began to send all kinds of food to Hua Lifu frequently, and even started to think about whether to buy some medicine for Hua Lifu.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't know how to treat the devil with dementia, he still knew how to buy more food for the patient and keep the patient happy.

"By the way, Walliver, do you want to go out for a stroll?"

Ling Huohuo asked suddenly.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Walliver opened his eyes, moved his eyes, and nodded.

"it is good."

Ling Huohuo tidied herself up, put on her clothes, and locked the door.

Walliver floated beside Ling Huohuo.

"Master, where are we going?"

"There's nowhere to go, so... let's go to the bookstore where Ling Miao works first to see Ling Miao."

Ling Huohuo said, and then took a taxi with Walliver.


Ox bone.

There is a very popular bookstore on the nearby shopping street. I heard that the bookstore has a lot of books.

The shopping street is not too far from Ling Huohuo's home, and it is divided into two parts, the food area and the daily necessities area.

The beef bone is in the daily necessities area.

It was also the first time for Ling Huohuo to visit this bookstore.

Hanging on the door of the bookstore is a bull's head with two crossed bones underneath. The expression of the bull's head looks a little funny.

Walking into the bones of the ox, countless tall bookshelves and a dazzling array of books came into Ling Huohuo's eyes.

"Oh, it's really big."

Ling Huohuo sighed.

Then Ling Huohuo started to visit the bookstore, because the bookstore had just opened, so there were not many people.

At this time, Ling Huohuo suddenly heard a voice behind the bookstore, and from the half-closed door, Ling Huohuo saw a group of people.

"Then, let's start today's morning meeting!"


(End of this chapter)

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