The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 116 Epic 25 Boys——Elder of the Demon Race

Chapter 116 Epic Rank Two and Five Boys——The Elder of the Demon Clan

When the Devil King invaded various worlds, the word Devil King was like a thick cloud, pressing on the heads of all races, but at that time, very few people knew the real names of the Devil King and the devil generals.

Different civilizations have different abilities, one of which is to attack by knowing the opponent's real name, and demons also have similar abilities.

When the demons invaded other worlds back then, some people did infiltrate the demons and searched for the real names of the demon king and the twelve demon generals. They wanted to use this method of attacking by name to completely eliminate the demon king and the twelve demon generals and stop the demons from entering the world. invasion.

They sacrificed countless sacrifices and paid a heavy price, and then captured almost all the elders of the Demon Race. Elders are a special profession of the Demon Race. In charge, there is nothing about the demons that they don't know, if there is, then change to an elder.

However, although the strength of the elders of the demon race is not strong, few people protect them. The elders also live far away from the city, and they look like hermits. This is why people of other races can almost all An important reason why the elders of the Demon Race can catch them all in one go.

All this is because the elders have the special protection of the demons - immortality, there is no way to kill them involuntarily!Neither can the devil!
Half of the sacrifices of various races were due to inquiring about the existence of the elders of the demon clan, and most of the rest died on the way to catch the elders of the demon clan, because most of the elders of the demon clan lived in the forest, so There are many powerful monsters there, and the elders of the demon clan will not die, but they are not afraid, but people of other races will die!
Then, people of other races got the answer they wanted from the mouths of the demon elders——

"What? You asked me the real names of Lord Demon King and Lord Demon General? Of course I know, who do you think I am? I am an elder, come and let me tell you, the most powerful Demon General is named Esfi Walt, don't look at him being cold all day, he was so cute when he was young, and I even played his dick..."

The elders of the demon clan answered very simply, revealing all the life and black history of the demon king and the twelve generals, without the slightest awareness that they were betraying their own race.

The behavior of the elders of the demon race made people of other races feel extremely unreal, and many people expressed doubts.

However, after these people experimented, they found that what these demon elders said was true!

However, the devil king and the devil general were not affected by this kind of attack using their real names, so in the end this matter had to be abandoned.

However, they later discovered another use for the elders of the Demon Race—the elders of the Demon Race must answer all questions!
Then, people of other races discovered that the elders of the Demon Race knew clearly about the military defense and army strength of the Demon Race, and they also told these races.

Elder of the Demon Race, this is simply an epic [-]-year-old boy!
But these races still lost. In the face of absolute strength, any strategy is meaningless. Moreover, these demon elders are not all good. It was not until later that other races knew that the demon king could feel every The specific position of the elder of the demon clan is simply to point out the direction of attack for the demon clan.

However, the elders of the demon clan are worthy of being the second and fifth boys of the epic level. Some elders of the demon clan are very cooperative, so they are served very comfortably. When the devil king attacked the city, he did not panic at all. , the most important thing is that the devil actually agreed!

Then the treatment of other demon elders rose sharply. Anyway, they are so cooperative, and they are so old. Isn't it good to treat them well?Maybe it can be used to renew everyone's life by then.

Now, in all the ancient cities that survived the war that year, almost all of them had a demon elder in them!
After the brave and the devil died together to end the war, some of these demon elders were rescued by the demons, some chose to stay there because they lived comfortably in other races, and some were used by the exterminated races. Come to vent your anger, because they couldn't be killed, they were thrown into the turbulent space, but the demons expressed that they were not worried, they wouldn't die anyway, maybe they would come out by themselves one day.

And because of the events of the elders of the demon clan, a lot of history of the demon clan has been handed down. Even the rise of the devil king and the devil general appeared in each race, but generally only the high-level people of each race can understand arrive.

Walliver landed in a corner, opened "The Last Days of the Demon King and the Twelve Demon Generals", and quickly browsed from the first volume.

The story tells the brave man who fights against the devil to save the world.

Although the names of many races and skills and equipment appearing in it are different, through the description and functions displayed, Walliver found that these are all prototypes.

Moreover, the characters of the devil king and the devil general in the book have been restored.

The protagonist in the book is a brave man and a female.

Described as graceful, divine, pure, heroic, righteous...

In short, countless perfect words have been used on him, and Walliver has a feeling of boasting no matter how he looks at it.

As for the other people around the brave man, they were all mentioned in one stroke, just to set off the strength of the brave man, and the soy sauce children of the demon race had more roles than them.

And the story in the book is about an elder of the demon clan who was angered by the strong of the ghost clan, and was thrown into the turbulent flow of space, where he disappeared.

Walliver closed the book. Although there are many untrue and beautified places in the book, such as the female hero, other places are roughly the same as what Walliver knows. Walliver feels that this book is like a book. Like historical fiction.

The author of this book must also be someone who participated in that war back then, and he must be a high-level person!
Walliver looked at the author's name.

A part-time brave man... a brave man? !

The author can't... be the brave man himself?No wonder there are so many descriptions about the brave, it's her own business!

The devil has already appeared, and now he has discovered a person who is suspected of being a brave man. I always feel that the earth has suddenly become very dangerous.

Walliver hurriedly looked around... Ling Huohuo, it's gone!


While Walliver was reading, Ling Huohuo turned around in the ox bone by himself.

Turn left and turn right to the game audio area.

Looking left and right, but seeing no acquaintances, Ling Huohuo turned around and rushed into the Eighteenth Restricted Area quickly.

The door of the Eighteen Forbidden Area was covered by a black curtain with a big Eighteen Forbidden sign on it, and only adults could buy the items inside.

Ling Huohuo parted the curtain, and the holy light shone in front of Ling Huohuo's eyes.

The door to the truth, here I come!
 The elders of the Demon Race will appear later, so I wrote more and introduced them.

(End of this chapter)

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