Chapter 124
The cold wind blew on his face, cooling down Xiao Yunyun's hot face.

Xiao Yunyun also calmed down at this moment.

"Really, what a blind date!"

When Xiao Yunyun thought of Lu Sisi looking sideways at him and Ling Huohuo going on a blind date, he felt uncomfortable for a while, his heart was in a mess, and he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

When Xiao Yunyun came back to her senses, she found that she had walked near a family restaurant, which was the Wagunaria where she and Ling Huohuo had been to.

"Forget it, we're here anyway, let's have a meal here."

Xiao Yunyun turned around and walked into the restaurant.


"One, non-smoking area."

Xiao Yunyun said with ease.

After Xiao Yunyun sat down and ordered his meal, he thought about it and took out his phone.

"Hello, Yin Ya? Do you have time now?...Just in time, come to Vagunaria....Please eat!"

This is, a smiling woman also walked into Vagonaria.

"Welcome, is it a non-smoking area or a smoking area?"

The woman did not answer directly, but looked at the small waiter in front of her in surprise.

"Do you still accept child labor here?"

"Ah! Guest, I am no longer young, I am already a high school student! It's just that I am shorter!"

Bai Yang said embarrassedly.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I will always be recognized as wrong, where should the guests sit?"

The woman looked around, and finally pointed to a seat next to Xiao Yunyun.

"Just sit there."

"Okay, please come with me."

If Ling Huohuo and the others were here, they would be surprised to find that this woman was Mother Ling!

That's right, Mother Ling followed Xiao Yunyun all the way here, as for the purpose is unknown.

Xiao Yunyun shook his feet boredly, waited on the spot, saw a woman sitting beside him, and nodded politely.

Mother Ling smiled at Xiao Yunyun.

After a while, a silver-haired woman came to serve Xiao Yunyun with a plate, and this silver-haired woman was also Ling Huohuo's "sister-in-law" - Li Yinman.

After a while, Yin Ya walked into the restaurant and found Xiao Yunyun who was eating.

"Yunyun, what's the matter, from your tone, I feel that you are in a bad mood."

Yin Ya sat opposite Xiao Yunyun and asked.

Mother Ling took a sip of tea and secretly eavesdropped.

"It's nothing. Let's talk after eating. What do you eat?"

Xiao Yunyun asked.

"your treat?"

"En." Xiao Yunyun nodded.

"Then I'm welcome."

Yin Ya laughed.

"Eat whatever you want, don't be polite to me, let's see if Ling Miao wants you if you get fat!"

"What, cough cough."

Yin Ya patted Xiao Yunyun a little shyly, and quarreled with Xiao Yunyun.

Mother Ling's ears moved because she heard a very familiar name - Ling Miao!
But from the side, the girl on Ling Miao's phone is not her, what's going on?

After a while, Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya finished their meal, and chatted with each other over a cup of tea provided by the restaurant.

"Okay, tell me, what's the matter."

Yin Ya asked.

"Alas~" Xiao Yunyun sighed.

"It's nothing, just a little unhappy."

"Because of Ling Huohuo?"

"how do you know?"

Xiao Yunyun was surprised.

"Then you don't need to think too much. There are not many things that can bother you. Just ask any one and you will be hit. What happened to Ling Huohuo?"

Xiao Yunyun was silent for a while.

"I ran into her today, and Ling Huohuo went on a blind date."

"What? Blind date? Are you sure it's not a misunderstanding?" Yin Ya looked surprised.

"Really." Xiao Yunyun nodded.

"I've confirmed it with him, he said it himself."

"Wait, we're only freshmen? Why is he in such a hurry?"

"It was arranged for him by his family."

"His family...then what?"

"Then, there is no more." Xiao Yunyun said unhappily, she really couldn't say that she let a high school student fall over her shoulder.

"He didn't explain anything to you?"

"Explain what? I'm not someone to him."

"Aren't you a couple?" Yin Ya was surprised again.

"Love...couple...of course not, who said that?"

Xiao Yunyun's face turned red.

"Isn't it? Even though you're so close, you always go out together, and you always stay up at night. We all thought you were in that kind of... relationship." Yin Ya said.

"What, nothing! Don't talk nonsense, this group of people, hum." Xiao Yunyun interrupted Yin Ya with a blushing face.

And Ling's mother's ears moved again, and she heard something incredible again, did she not return at night?interesting.

"We are just ordinary friends." Xiao Yunyun turned his face away.

"It's because you haven't confessed to him yet, right?" Yin Ya said with a smile.

"Aren't you the same? You were procrastinating with Ling Miao and didn't tell him." Xiao Yunyun retorted.

Yin Ya's smile also froze.

Then, the two fell silent at the same time, looked down at the teacup in their hands, their eyes drifted, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Mother Ling was quietly drinking tea, she rolled her eyes, and showed a fox-like smile. Then, she kicked Erlang's legs and looked at Xiao Yunyun and the two.

"Two little beauties, is there anything bothering you? Talk to my sister and see if I can help you."

Hearing Mother Ling's words, Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya turned their heads and looked at Mother Ling in surprise.

A very temperamental woman!
This was Xiao Yunyun's first feeling.

Looking at the smile on Mother Ling's exquisite face, for some reason, the two of them felt a sense of conviction.

"It's... not good."

Yin Ya hesitated, talking to a stranger casually made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's okay, you should be college students, sister, I am a college teacher, isn't it the teacher's duty to help students solve their problems?"

Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya looked at each other.

"It's okay, come sit down." Mother Ling pointed to the opposite side of her.

In the end, Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya nodded and sat down. They felt that Mother Ling didn't look like a bad person, so they also sat down.

"I don't know which university my sister is a teacher?" Xiao Yunyun asked curiously.

"Me, I teach in the History Department of Capital University." Mother Ling smiled.

"Capital University? It's amazing!" The two were a little surprised. Capital University is one of the top universities in the capital of China. I didn’t dare to report to Capital University for my grades back then. Only students like Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao, who are extremely high in the provincial rankings of your sister, can be confidently admitted to Capital University. It can be said that that university has gathered the top group of the country. Students and teachers who can teach at Capital University are all famous teachers at home and abroad.

If they knew that Mother Ling was not only a teacher, but an associate professor, then they might not be so calm.

"Do you want to see the photo?"

Ling's mother shook her mobile phone, and then showed the two of them the photos of her usual work. Only then did they completely believe in Ling's mother, and they couldn't help admiring Ling's mother's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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