The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 129 Tell you a ghost story: "School starts tomorrow!"

Chapter 129 Tell you a ghost story: "School starts tomorrow!"

After celebrating the New Year happily, everyone started to get busy again.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Zhonghai Airport.

"Dad, Mom, I will miss you!" Ling Tian said to Ling's father and mother, looking a little sad.

And Ling Miao, who was behind him, had some reluctance in his eyes, but there was still a trace of relief. As for Ling Huohuo, the snot came out from crying.

"Okay, okay, you are such an old child, you go back, we will come back after the Chinese New Year this year, you have to take care of yourself, call me if you miss your mother." Mother Ling also seemed a little Sadness, red eyes.

Father Ling beside her was surprised.

Then Father Ling and Mother Ling turned around and walked into the waiting room.

The three of Ling Tian have been standing outside the airport without any movement.

After a while, the plane took to the sky.

Looking at the shadow of the plane leaving, the three of Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, just do whatever you need to do." Ling Tian clapped his hands.

"Finally gone." Ling Huohuo stretched.

Ling Miao shook her head and smiled.

"Ling Miao, what do you think of my performance just now?" Ling Huohuo moved closer to Ling Miao and asked.

"It's too fake!" Ling Tian said disdainfully.

"What?" Ling Huohuo was a little surprised.

"It's not life and death. Have you ever seen someone cry like this? The snot is coming out, hey, it's really dirty." Ling Tian looked disgusted.

"I have a cold, okay? Suck!" Ling Huohuo sniffed his nose.

"You can't." Ling Tian said with a strange expression.

"Well, no." Ling Miao nodded.


"Hey, don't wipe your nose on me!"


on the plane.

At this time, Mother Ling has returned to her former state and is mending her clothes.

"Aren't you very sad just now?" Father Ling asked curiously.

"That's just pretending!" Mother Ling smiled angrily.

"I'll just say it."

"Hmph, those three little brats, although they seem to be reluctant to part with us, but they are eager for us to leave. I just play with them." Mother Ling shook her head with a look of disdain.

"Hahaha, but Ling Huohuo's acting is true or false." Father Ling sighed.

"I've done everything I need to do, and now it's up to the three of them." Mother Ling shook her head.

Father Ling knew that Mother Ling was talking about Xiao Yunyun's three girls, so he also looked out of the window with a funny face, his thoughts wandering.

The son is getting older, and the eldest will be getting married in two years. Does that mean I'm about to have a grandson too?


After sending away Ling's father and Ling's mother, the three of Ling Huohuo returned to their previous state.

Ling Tian got up early every day to go to the Demon King's base, and then went home at night, and occasionally saw Li Yinman, and the relationship between him and Li Yinman was getting closer.

Ling Miao gets up early every day to go out to work in a bookstore, and then returns home at night, and Yin Ya also goes to work in a bookstore. The two meet every day, and their relationship is getting closer.

As for Ling Huohuo, he was a salty fish at home. He woke up naturally after sleeping, and started playing when he got up. Occasionally, he was pulled out by Guo Xiaoyu to play. Xiao Yunyun was no longer just talking to Ling Huohuo. As for Lu Sisi, who had a blind date with Ling Huohuo, she never looked for Ling Huohuo again, which made Ling Huohuo feel relieved.

Through Ling Huohuo's introduction, Xiao Yunyun also got to know Guo Xiaoyu.

What puzzled Ling Huohuo was that at the beginning, Xiao Yunyun had some hostility towards Guo Xiaoyu, until one time Xiao Yunyun accidentally saw what Guo Xiaoyu wrote on the phone, her hostility towards Guo Xiaoyu suddenly Disappeared, but began to sympathize with Ling Huohuo, making Ling Huohuo confused, women, she is really fickle.

In this way, the three of them happily spent day after day.

until this day.

Ling Huohuo's house, Ling Huohuo's room.

The floor is full of snacks and game comic books. Guo Xiaoyu is sitting on the floor, playing games with Ling Huohuo's game console, and laughing loudly from time to time.

Xiao Yunyun lay on Ling Huohuo's clothes, supported his head with one hand, flipped through the comics in front of him with the other hand, occasionally took out a handful of potato chips from the potato chip bag beside him, and threw them into his mouth .

Ling Huohuo, who was tired from reading comics, stood up, stretched, took two steps, and casually opened the calendar hanging on the wall.

During this period of time, the three people who played outside have been gathering at Ling Huohuo's house, eating and drinking every day, and the salted fish from Ling Huohuo's day has grown to three salted fish.

"February 2th, tomorrow will be March 28st." Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin.

"Oh, by the way, when do you start school?"

Putting down the handle, Guo Xiaoyu asked.

"Hmm! Let me take a look." Xiao Yunyun took out his phone and flipped through it twice.

"March [-]st."

"March [-]st, and... isn't that tomorrow!!!" Ling Huohuo pointed at the calendar with a look of horror, and Xiao Yunyun also stood up in horror, and the potato chips beside the bed were scattered all over the floor.

"It's broken, I haven't cleaned up anything yet!" Xiao Yunyun looked anxious.

"Huh? Is school starting tomorrow? It's so fast." Guo Xiaoyu tore open another bag of potato chips and said while eating.

"Why are you not in a hurry! School starts tomorrow! Don't you still have to go to the capital?" Ling Huohuo looked at Guo Xiaoyu and frowned.

"But I start school on March [-]th, what are you doing so early?"

Guo Xiaoyu threw a handful of potato chips into his mouth again, with a simple expression on his face.

"..." Ling Huohuo.

"..." Xiao Yunyun.

Since Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have to go to school tomorrow, Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu went back early today.

Ling Huohuo started to get busy.



Oxbone Bookstore.

Another day of work is over, and everyone is saying goodbye.

"It's another day. I've worked hard recently." Ling Miao said to Yin Ya.

"Well, you've worked hard too." Yin Ya smiled at Ling Miao.

"I'm going back first. Be careful on the way back." Ling Miao said to Yin Ya.

"Okay, you can rest early today, see you at school tomorrow." Yin Ya nodded, turned and left.

But Ling Miao stayed where she was.

"School? What are you doing at school... Wait!"

Ling Miao took out his mobile phone and looked at the date... He suddenly felt a chill behind him.


Ling Tian and his colleagues came out of the company. He has been working for a week.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's have a drink, do you want to go?" The female colleague who had been sitting next to Ling Tian asked Ling Tian, ​​and beside her stood the male colleague wearing glasses who was sitting on the other side of Ling Tian.

"No." Ling Tian shook his head, "My two younger brothers start school tomorrow, I need to go back and see."

"Well, then let's go first."

"it is good."

After all his colleagues left, Ling Tian also turned around and left.

Eisfeldt suddenly appeared beside Ling Tian.

"What's wrong? Ace." Ling Tian asked.

"My lord, the dead have appeared again, but the extraordinary people in Zhonghai City have not noticed it." Esfelt said in a deep voice.

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes.

"What is there in Zhonghai City that attracts the dead so much? Go check it out and pay attention to the movements of the dead." Ling Tian ordered.


Walk for a while.

"Is there anything else?" Ling Tian asked curiously, seeing that there was something else going on with Esfelt.

"My lord." Esfelt said in a deep voice, "We have found the trace of the brave man!"

"What!" Ling Tian opened his eyes wide.

(End of this chapter)

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