The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 136 You may not believe it, she tied herself like this

Chapter 136 You may not believe it, she tied herself like this

Soon, Ling Huohuo contacted Xiao Yunyun.

"Ling Huohuo, where have you been?" Xiao Yunyun cried in Ling Huohuo's mind with tears.

"Oh? Are you crying?" Ling Huohuo was a little surprised, what's wrong?Bullied?

"No, get out, it's a cold, a cold."

"Uh... well."

After a while, Xiao Yunyun continued.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm outside, what's wrong?"

"It's good that you're fine. Last night there were rumors that something happened to our school. Many students and teachers disappeared. Even the sweeping lady disappeared. I didn't see you today, so I couldn't get in touch with you. So, I thought... ...Since you are fine, come back early, Ling Miao also asked me to ask you, it seems that he also cares about you."

Hearing what Xiao Yunyun said, Ling Huohuo realized that it was so, he scratched and screamed in embarrassment.

"Actually, this matter is like this..."

Then Ling Huohuo talked about what happened last night, and analyzed the relationship with Xiao Yunyun.

"So, I can't go back for the time being, and you'd better not tell others."

"Okay, I understand, can I help you with anything?"

"Hmm..." Ling Huohuo rubbed his belly, "Come and bring me some food and supplies when you have time, but I don't have anything right now."

"Okay, I'll go right there."

"Wait, don't be so anxious. I heard from Walliver that Zhonghai University is now being monitored by various organizations. If you come out now, it is easy to attract their attention. You can come here during the day tomorrow. I can persist."

"it is good."

"You should also pay attention, don't use magic indiscriminately recently, and stop your research."


After finishing the call with Xiao Yunyun, Ling Huohuo touched his stomach. For Ling Huohuo now, although skipping meals for a few meals has little effect, he will still be hungry.

Hearing the sound of his stomach, Ling Huohuo smiled awkwardly.

A sound came to Ling Huohuo's ears, but it didn't come from Ling Huohuo's stomach.

Ling Huohuo looked at Hua Lifu, "Are you hungry?"

Walliver shook his head, "Although devils can eat, they rarely feel hungry, especially a big devil like me, who has basically forgotten what it feels like to be hungry."

Another sound came into Ling Huohuo's ears. Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a little terrified. He was the only one. Who made the sound?
Clenching the justice in his hand, Ling Huohuo stood quietly on the spot with a nervous expression on his face, but Hua Lifu didn't look nervous at all, but looked at Ling Huohuo quietly.

Another sound.

"it's here!"

Ling Huohuo discovered that the voice was coming from behind the ancient tree, he quickly rushed to the back of the ancient tree, stretched out his justice, and was about to stab out, but suddenly froze.

"Lu Sisi?"

I saw Lu Sisi falling behind the old tree at this time, looking very embarrassed, her body was tied up with a rope to look like a caterpillar, her mouth was stuck with tape, and her stomach was still making the sound of gurgling, hungry, Let Ling Huohuo confirm that the voice just now came from her.

At this time, the tip of the sword in Ling Huohuo's hand was right in front of Lu Sisi's eyes. Lu Sisi looked at Ling Huohuo's sword tip in horror, rolled her eyes for the last time, and passed out.

"Oh? Why is she here?" Ling Huohuo stood up, hurried over, and supported Lu Sisi.

Hua Lifu floated in front of Ling Huohuo and looked at the night sky, "It's a long story..."

"..." Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while, "What's the matter?"

Walliver shrugged his shoulders, and said gloatingly: "You may not believe it, but she tied herself up like this and sent her here."

Ling Huohuo looked at Lu Sisi in his arms with horror on his face, he didn't expect you to play wildly at such a young age.


Ling Huohuo disappeared. He was one of the group of people who disappeared last night. He was defined as the only innocent passerby involved. Although he was Ling Miao's brother in "ONE PEACE", compared to other organized , obviously can't get more attention, it can only make him feel unlucky, because of this matter, Ling Miao and other organizations are very unhappy, although Ling Miao didn't show anything, but people who know him feel that he has changed recently Now, they couldn't tell the difference from before, they could only guess that Ling Miao was in a bad mood.

However, regarding Ling Huohuo's disappearance, where they didn't see it, the impact was far more than that. When some secret organizations got the news, they couldn't sit still.

NG company, third floor.

In a dark conference room, a group of people sat together, and a burning candle was placed in the middle, emitting a faint light, making the whole conference room even more eerie.

"Ahem, are you all here yet?" He asked sadly with a melancholy expression.

Silence answered him.

"What's wrong?" asked with a melancholy expression expressing sadness.

"Boss." Someone raised his hand, "The light is too dark, I can't see clearly, I don't know who hasn't come."


"Turn on the light." Someone suggested.

"It can't be turned on. The light in this meeting room broke down last year and hasn't been repaired. That's why I used the candle. This candle is also the last one." Another person said, listening to the voice is the agent.

The melancholy expression told the sadness and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

"Wu Ke, Liang."


Then I saw a bald head appearing in the crowd, and a soft light emitted from the bald head's head, illuminating the entire meeting room.

He nodded with a gloomy expression expressing sadness.

The agent blew out the candle casually and stuffed it into a drawer, "It's the last one, save it."

"..." The melancholy expression spoke of sadness, and I was speechless for a while, big sister, wouldn't it be good to just buy another one?We are such a big organization, it's not that we are too poor to get rid of the pot.

"Ahem," said the melancholy expression, coughed dryly twice, and said again: "Are you all here?"


"It's coming, it's all coming."

"Yeah." The melancholy expression expressed sadness and nodded, and then said with a serious face: "Ling Huohuo is missing."

Everyone quieted down, and they also looked serious. They also knew that Ling Huohuo might have a feather robe on his body. Although no feather robe was actually found on him, no matter what they thought, Ling Huohuo was the biggest suspect. There has been surveillance for a long time, but it has not been discovered, so it has been relaxed recently. Now he suddenly disappeared and escaped their surveillance. If something happened to Yuyi during this time, it would be terrible. You know, Yuyi is The keys that can communicate with those seals, if the sealed things come out, one bad thing is that people will die.

Moreover, even without Yuyi, relying on their good relationship with Ling Huohuo, they can't just sit idly by.

"Has Big Bear searched?" someone asked.

Big Bear shook his head, "I looked for it, but I couldn't find it."

"That's it, so I decided to send someone out to search." He said with a melancholy expression, "And I will personally go to Zhonghai University, the place where Ling Huohuo disappeared."

The others looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, let's act now!"


(End of this chapter)

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