Chapter 154 Ling Miao Explodes
Ling Miao narrowed her eyes, undead?

"Hehehe, are you ready to die? No, it should be said that you are joining us. I want to reincarnate you as my subordinates." Ying said in a low voice.

"Uh, I don't want to be so ugly." The strong man C curled his lips, then he raised his neck at Ying, and shouted, "Hey, it's Ying, right?"

"what happened?"

"You said, that, reincarnation, yes, it's the time of reincarnation, can you make it look better for me, or I won't do it."

"..." Ling Miao.

"..." The strong man A.

"..." The strong man B.

"..." The strong man D.

"Actually, I think, at this time, we should think about how to survive, don't be so pessimistic!" Yin Ya.

Ying moved her mouth, "Don't worry, I have a variety of models to choose from, you are satisfied, so... can you die now?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, Ying appeared in front of the strong man C, and stretched out his hand to the strong man C's chest.

Although the strong man C was talking to Ying just now, the strong man C has been on guard all the time. Seeing Ying suddenly appeared in front of him, the strong man C yelled, and then countless bone spurs appeared from his chest suddenly, like a plant growing. rushed to Ying.

"Ah! Hit the chest!"

Ying's eyes widened, she didn't expect the strong man C to have such a move, a layer of red armor instantly appeared on his body, protecting him.

The bone spur hit the armor, making a tinkling sound, and sent Ying flying.

"Good opportunity!" The strong man B roared angrily, jumped up, and appeared directly above Ying, clenched his fists with both hands, and slammed down hard, hitting Ying to the ground.

Ying fell quickly, hit the ground, made a slamming sound, knocked the ground out of a depression, sank into the ground, and part of the armor was broken.

The strong man A suddenly appeared on Ying's body, clinging to him, the lines on his body lit up, and there was an explosion centered on him with a bang, stirring up countless dust and smoke.

As soon as the explosion ended, the strong man A rushed out of the smoke and returned to his original place.

Immediately afterwards, a white mist fell from the sky, poured into the mist, covered the place where Ying just fell, and made a sizzling sound.

The smoke emitted by Brawny D is corrosive. Even steel can be corroded into slag, not to mention the ground. This is why Brawny D has to take off his pants. Otherwise, once the smoke comes out, after the battle is over , His clothes have been corroded long ago, if there is no spare clothes, he can only be naked.

Because they often cooperate and have a tacit understanding, this counterattack has achieved good results.

Four strong men surrounded Ying in four directions, looking vigilant, no longer as casual as before, while the fog on the strong man D continued to flow in Ying's direction. At this time, the ground had been corroded and a large pitted.

Ling Miao also stared at Ying's direction vigilantly. Before confirming that Ying was eliminated, they did not dare to relax, and they did not think that Ying Ying's strength would be easily eliminated by four strong men.

On the contrary, Yin Ya, who seldom fights, breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

There was no sound at the place where Ying fell, as if Ying had already died.

The four strong men looked at each other and nodded. The strong man D slowly withdrew the fog.

Ling Miao and the other three strong men put on a fighting spirit. As long as there is a slight change, they will attack Ying immediately.

The fog became thinner, and a human figure could be vaguely seen in the fog. The shadow was motionless, like a dead body.

When the fog completely cleared, everyone looked at the figure.

It was not a person, but a red human-shaped shell. The shell was severely damaged. However, when one looked into the damaged part, there was nothing inside the shell. Ying, it was gone!

Ling Miao and the others were taken aback for a moment, secretly yelling that it was not good. At this moment, Yin Ya let out a scream.

Ling Miao hurriedly turned her head and found Yin Ya standing there. Behind her was a red round shadow, and a bloody hand stretched out from the shadow, grabbing one of Yin Ya's legs.

"Yin Ya!" Ling Miao called out and rushed towards Yin Ya.

Yin Ya, who was startled, reacted quickly, and a lotus flower appeared beside her, which bounced off the bloody hand and wrapped herself in it.

However, the red shadow suddenly elongated, covering the lotus enveloping Yin Ya like water, and then dragging the lotus into the blood shadow.

Ling Miao's attack was one step too late. By the time he attacked the blood shadow, the blood shadow had already shifted away, and Ling Miao only smashed the ground.

The blood shadow flickered and appeared in the distance, and Ying's figure emerged from the blood shadow.

Ying took a breath, her breath was a little weak, the attack of the four strong men just now was too sudden, he almost capsized in the gutter, the armor that appeared on his body was condensed with his ability, it was a lot of consumption for him, the others He withstood all the attacks from the strong man, and finally moved away through the blood shadow.

Originally, I wanted to sneak attack on the four strong men, but I didn't expect that Ling Miao and the others had been on guard all the time, so in the end they could only sneak attack on the weakest Yin Ya.

But he didn't expect that Yin Ya could react so quickly and hid in a lotus. In the end, he could only drag the lotus into the shadow of blood.

Although they can't deal with Yin Ya for the time being, but fortunately, Yin Ya can't make a move, which can be regarded as reducing Ling Miao's staff.

Seeing Yin Ya being arrested, Ling Miao yelled angrily, the golden vertical pupils in his eyes lit up, and the black air wrapped around his body turned violently, and he stomped his feet so hard that the ground seemed to tremble.

No, the ground was really trembling. The entire Zhonghai City was shaking, which surprised people in other areas.

Ling Miao shouted, and the ground in other places returned to calm, but the ground at the location of Zhonghai University shook more violently.

Bang bang bang!
Finally, the teaching building of Zhonghai University began to collapse.

Countless pieces of mud floated into the sky at any time.

"and many more!"

"My day!"


"The wind is tight, scream!"

The four strong men hurried to the outside of Zhonghai University. It wasn't that they didn't want to fight with Ling Miao, but that they had consumed too much before, and now their strength was limited. Don't mention fighting, it was just a delivery.

What's more, Ling Miao looked like he was going to amplify his moves, and it was the same kind of indiscriminate one. It would be bad if he hurt himself. His muscles are very precious.

When the four escaped, they did not forget the group of people from other organizations lying on the ground.

One person carried a few, and the rest of them were dragged to death by the strong man D with smoke, and followed them. As for whether the clothes would be corroded, it was out of his control, and it was better than dying inside.

Seeing Ling Miao's state at this time, Ying couldn't help taking a step back.

"This is, it's incredible."

At this moment, Ling Miao's strength had already exceeded his level, and Ying had to deal with it carefully. You know, he couldn't exert such strength.

The ground of the entire Zhonghai University was shaking violently, and countless rocks and soils flew up. With a wave of Ling Miao's hand, these rocks and soils attacked Ying, and countless thorns appeared in the ground under Ying's feet.

Ying shouted loudly, as if her body had exploded, red blood gushed out and rushed straight into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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