The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 159 You Are Strengthened

Chapter 159 You Are Strengthened

When Ling Huohuo stood up, "Sword Code" started running quickly again.

The aura that had been floating outside entered Ling Huohuo's body at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, Ling Huohuo didn't feel any fullness, but felt that he was extremely hungry for aura.

Not waiting for Ling Huohuo to investigate the situation in his body, his consciousness entered that mysterious feeling again.

This feeling is very familiar to Ling Huohuo, he can feel it every time he starts to practice "Sword Code", but at first he can only fall into it, without consciousness at all, and later he met the spider fairy in Japan and almost died It was only at the beginning that he could barely stay awake, but now, although he fell into this state, he could easily stay awake.

At this time, although Ling Huohuo closed his eyes, everything around him was clearly presented in his mind, um... huh?Xiao Yunyun is still a little curved.

Xiao Yunyun, who looked worriedly at Ling Huohuo who was in a strange state, suddenly felt his chest tighten, as if being grabbed, he hurriedly raised his hands to protect his chest, and looked around vigilantly.

Ling Huohuo sensed his surroundings, and the range became larger and larger, gradually covering the entire Zhonghai City, and within the range he perceived, no matter whether it was a person or an object, they were covered with light spots, but the number and color of the light spots were different. Just the same, some people in Zhonghai City seemed to feel something, and looked up at the sky.

As the range Ling Huohuo perceived became larger and wider, his heart became calmer and calmer. Gradually, he felt his body became more and more relaxed, as if he had fallen into a sponge, soft, and he But the body outside floated up, sitting cross-legged, with a smile on his face.

Due to the rapid accumulation of spiritual energy, the spiritual energy centered on Ling Huohuo has been vaporized, floating around him like fairy mist, setting off Ling Huohuo like a fairy.

"Is this... success in cultivating immortals?" Xiao Yunyun couldn't help muttering as he looked at Ling Huohuo who was floating gracefully at this moment.

Walliver sighed, how much shit did Ling Huohuo step on when he went out today?

what is this?This is an epiphany!
The epiphany is very strange. To explain it, it is due to special reasons that a person's brain waves are suddenly connected to the world's Dao Law, that is, they are on the same channel.

This is an unattainable state, and there are many ways to enter this state, such as encountering extremely exciting things, such as practicing the absolute top skills, such as being in a special position .

Although these methods sound simple, they are extremely difficult to implement. For example, being stimulated, women's clothing is also very stimulating, but no one can enter the state of epiphany, but they have the opportunity to become a big boss.

As for Ling Huohuo's state at this time, Hua Lifu felt that there was only one explanation, that is, the skills inherited in his body were really the big NB's father—the old NB.

As for why Ling Huohuo didn't enter the epiphany when he was practicing before, it may be because he is really useless. The practice is like an engine, and Ling Huohuo is like a car. I can't run at all, and if I force it to run, I can only waste the car, so Ling Huohuo's strength has always been mediocre, but now, Ling Huohuo has awakened his own blood, and his aptitude has improved. Only when the exercises are successfully practiced can the power in the exercises be truly manifested.

After suppressing it for 20 years, once he breaks through, he will naturally enter the state of epiphany.

Walliver could feel that Ling Huohuo's aura was constantly increasing. Through the aura, he could distinguish different people, and he could also feel a person's strength.

"I don't know what will change after Ling Huohuo's epiphany this time." Hua Lifu thought in his heart, and he couldn't help being a little melancholy. From the time he first met Ling Huohuo to now, Ling Huohuo has always been a salty fish. It, Ling Huohuo is about to turn over, which makes it feel a little unreal.

With the operation of "Sword Code", Ling Huohuo's body has undergone earth-shaking changes, his body has become like jade, his whole body seems to be emitting a shimmer, although his appearance has not changed, his temperament is not the same as before It's different, and his hair is gradually growing, and after a while, it's already covered his shoulders.

On his forehead, the dragon-shaped imprint with a silver pattern reappeared, but it looked very natural, as if this imprint should have been here in the first place.

In Ling Huohuo's consciousness, a transparent sword intent gradually solidified. It was the non-attribute sword intent given to Ling Huohuo in the "Sword Code". When this sword intent was solidified, there were two more sword intents appear gradually.A streak of deep red, like a flame, did not radiate a trace of heat, and this sword intent quickly solidified, just like a transparent non-attribute sword intent.The other sword intent was silvery white, but only some phantoms appeared.

In addition to the sword intent, the spiritual energy in Ling Huohuo's body also changed. As the external spiritual energy entered the body, the spiritual energy in Ling Huohuo's body gradually increased, and finally condensed into the same state as the external spiritual energy surrounding Ling Huohuo , like a cloud.

Afterwards, the spiritual energy in Ling Huohuo's body began to swim in his body, blending into his limbs and bones, and began to strengthen his body, and the organs and bones in his body emitted a warm light.

After the aura had flowed through Ling Huohuo's whole body, the sword intent in Ling Huohuo's consciousness began to move and fluctuate, and merged into the aura in Ling Huohuo's body, making the docile aura look extremely fierce, and then, These auras swam through Ling Huohuo's body again, strengthening Ling Huohuo again, making Ling Huohuo's body feel sharp.

During the process of the aura wandering in Ling Huohuo's body, any energy that does not belong to the aura is either assimilated or directly excreted from the body.

I saw that various forces began to discharge from Ling Huohuo's body.

The faint purple spiritual power was assimilated by the aura, which was the aura remaining in Ling Huohuo's body.

The blood-red power floated out from Ling Huohuo's shoulders, forming the shape of a bat, remaining for a while, and finally dissipated. This was the mark Lawrence left on Ling Huohuo.

The two pendants that Ling Huohuo had been hanging around his neck suddenly shattered. One was the statue of Jesus that Lynch gave to Ling Huohuo. A white light appeared from inside and then went out. The other was a sword-shaped jade pendant. A faint black air wafted out and dissipated in the air. This was the means left by Ling Tian. Through this piece of jade pendant, he could understand the condition of Ling Huohuo. He took out a hand, and there were two transparent glowing balls on his hand. One of these two balls represented Ling Huohuo, and the other represented Ling Miao. But now, the ball representing Ling Huohuo was Shattered and dulled.

Looking at the shattered ball, Ling Tian's eyes widened. A shattered ball means... Ling Huohuo is dead!

"Who is it!" Ling Tian yelled angrily, the power and killing intent in his body undisguised, piercing a hole in the cloudy sky in an instant.

Following Ling Tian's eruption, people from other organizations below also noticed Ling Tian. Just as they were about to go up to inquire, the space channel in the sky fluctuated, and a figure appeared from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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