The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 168 Just because I looked at the chapter head one more time

Chapter 168 Just because I looked back

Seeing Ling Miao and Yin Ya sprinkling dog food there, Ling Huohuo silently handed Jeffet Rose a cigarette.

"Would you like one?"

"Oh, thank you, huh? Experts, this is a high-end product."

"It's just so-so, come on, I'll order it for you." Ling Huohuo pretended to be aggressive.

The two lit their cigarettes and took a deep breath.

Call ~
"Brother, I wanted to ask you a question just now. I don't know if I should ask it or not?" Jeffet Ross turned his head and looked at Ling Huohuo's face blurred in the spiritual mist, but he could only see A black shadow, these aura fogs are very special, not only lingering for a long time, they can block other people's sight, but also block other detection methods. Jeffet Rose still doesn't know the real face under the aura fog, nor does he Dare to despise people under the fog of spiritual energy.

"Ask, I'll try my best to answer you." Ling Huohuo flicked the cigarette ash.

"Don't you know how to light a fire yourself? Why do you need a lighter?" Every time he watched Ling Huohuo, who was able to light a fire by himself, use a lighter to light a cigarette, Jeffett Los felt uncomfortable for a while, always feeling very awkward.

Ling Huohuo flicked the ashes of the cigarette for a while, and then took another puff.

"You may not believe it, but I only have the ability to set fire today."


This awkward atmosphere was quickly broken by other people who arrived.

Several figures wearing the same black robes as Jeffet Rose appeared.

A strong man is Eisfeldt.

A voluptuous woman, Bessie.

A man covering his face, Jill.

A fat nerd, Sadasbet.

A man exuding a cold temperament, Il Jess.

A loli, Lia, wearing a gothic skirt, holding a small black umbrella, and wearing a purple mask.

A Lolita with fangs, Sasha, led by Bailia, wearing a primary school uniform and a mask.

A woman with a bumpy figure and a longbow behind her back, Fatibella.

These people are eight of the Twelve Demon Generals, and with the addition of Jeffet Rose, the Twelve Demon Generals have reached nine.

"Chechnya, what's going on." Esfelt asked, seeing that there were other people, so he called Jeffet Rose's pseudonym.

"Who are they?" Ling Huohuo looked at a group of people who appeared suddenly, and asked, and Ling Miao and the two stopped and looked over curiously.

"They are my companions."

Jeffet Rose explained, and then roughly explained the situation at this time.

The eight demon generals nodded, but they all guessed the relationship between the source of fire and the core of the world, they exchanged glances and reached a consensus.

The source of fire must be obtained!
And if you want to get the source of fire, you must eliminate all competitors.

Ling Miao?This won't work, my own.

Yin Ya?This doesn't work either, Ling Miao's people.

The mysterious man's sword hidden in the aura mist, if you don't know it, it's you.

Two people were separated to persuade Ling Miao and the others to leave, while the other demon generals surrounded Ling Huohuo without leaving a trace.

In fact, they can deal with Ling Huohuo directly. Although they can't see the specific strength of Ling Huohuo, they shouldn't be very strong after all, and they can all exert the strength of the sixth level, but it is likely that they will make Ling Huohuo directly. Ling Miao and the others have changed, and the gains will not be worth the losses.

I don't know what method the two demon generals used, but Ling Miao and Yin Ya agreed to leave soon. The two sat on Ling Huohuo's little electric donkey and left with a stunned expression. , won't you wait for me?And the car I drove at that time.

"Brother Jian, what are your plans?" Jeffet Rose asked with a smile.

Ling Huohuo, who was staring at Liya, withdrew his thoughts. The reason why he stared at Liya was because he felt that this loli looked familiar. Huo, who has been staring at her, has already labeled Ling Huohuo as a lolicon in her heart, and sentenced him to death.

Ling Huohuo thought about it. In fact, after hearing the power of the source of fire, he wanted to leave, but in order to better understand the power of his own blood, he decided to stay for a while, and this person named Chechen didn't look Like a bad guy, his partner shouldn't be a bad guy either.

"I decided to stay a little longer and see if there was anything I could do to help."

Hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Jeffet Rose was not surprised at all. He nodded and showed a strange smile, "Thank you, Brother Jian, remember to be safe."


Then, Ling Huohuo felt Dao Jiu Dao's breath locked on his body.

What the hell is going on?
Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"You are already surrounded by them." Babai's voice sounded from the bottom of Ling Huohuo's heart.

"what why?"

"Money touches people's hearts. They want to get the source of fire, so they want to get rid of you."

"Then what should I do? Let me explain to them, can I not compete with them?"

"Are you sure? They are not from this world."

"What!" Ling Huohuo looked serious. If the core of the world falls into the hands of people from other worlds, then this world will be dangerous, absolutely not!
"Then I'll fight with them. I'm already so awesome, so I should be able to do it."

"Hehe, they are all at the sixth level."

"Um...then what should I do?"

"Run, can't you beat or run?"

"But, the origin of this fire..."

"It's okay, as long as the core of the world is not assembled, there is no way to control the world. The source of fire can only be used as a powerful prop."

"That's it." Ling Huohuo nodded and made a decision.

Ling Huohuo waved his hands at several people and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that the gas at home is not turned off, so I'm leaving first."

Before anyone else could react, Ling Huohuo ran away, and soon disappeared.

"Hmph, he's lucky." Leah said unhappily.

The pillar of fire suddenly shattered, and the appearance of the source of fire finally appeared in front of everyone, and Ling Huohuo also turned his head curiously, looking at the source of fire.

The source of fire does not have a fixed appearance, but is constantly changing. It is more than ten meters high, but there is a white light spot in the very center.

After feeling it for a while, the strength of the source of fire turned out to be the eighth level!
Looking at the source of fire in front of them, the nine demon generals looked serious. They even felt a lot of pressure. The source of fire is so strong!It has been sealed for such a long time and still has such power!
Ling Huohuo looked at the source of the fire, swallowed, and then he discovered something that made him break out in a cold sweat.

He suddenly felt that the source of fire seemed to be following him!
The source of the fire roared, and a flame shot out from his body. Feeling the danger, Jeffet Rose and the others hurriedly moved away, and then... the flame only aimed at Ling Huohuo.

The flame hit the back of Ling Huohuo who couldn't dodge in time, pushing him straight into the distance, and disappeared instantly, only Ling Huohuo's screams echoed in the ears of the demon generals.

"What's going on?" Leah asked.

"Maybe, it's because I looked back more."

(End of this chapter)

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