The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 177 The Fear of Being Dominated by a Female Driver

Chapter 177 The Fear of Being Dominated by a Female Driver

Babai floated up and circled in the air.

"It's still comfortable outside."

Ling Huohuo picked up the long sword and short sword on the ground, and with a wave of his hand, the three swords flew back to the sword stand.

"This..." Ling Huohuo looked at the magic book on the ground.

"It's Walliver's magic book." Xiao Yunyun opened the refrigerator while explaining, and skillfully took out a popsicle from it.

"Ah, by the way, I remembered, is it okay for me to touch it?" Ling Huohuo asked, he remembered that he just flipped through it casually before signing a contract with Walliver.

"How could something be wrong, and you didn't describe the summoning magic circle." Xiao Yunyun sat on the sofa with a popsicle in his mouth, kicked off the slippers on his feet, turned on the air conditioner and the TV, and the news of the Atlantic tsunami was shown on the TV.

After hearing Xiao Yunyun's explanation, Ling Huohuo picked up Hualiver's magic book with confidence, flipped through it twice, and found that he didn't know the words on it.

"Don't read it, the words on it are the language of the devil, you don't know it at all, you can understand it before, because you signed a contract with Walliver, the magic book automatically converts the words into words you can understand .”

In the end, Ling Huohuo had no choice but to put the magic book on the coffee table and sit on the other side of the sofa.

"Don't you need to sign a contract with Hualiver to call it out?" Without Hualiver by his side, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a little unaccustomed.

"Are you stupid?" Xiao Yunyun rolled his eyes, "Hua Lifu is a devil, the price of signing the contract is your soul, no matter how you think about it, you are not a good person, although I don't know why it will help us, but this The price of not being able to change the contract is your soul, not to mention that you don’t need it now, so why call it out?”

Ling Huohuo smiled awkwardly, he had forgotten the price of the contract.

"Then what if you practice?"

"I have integrated the donkey devil, and I can already understand the devil's language. I can just read the magic book by myself. I still practice the purest devil magic."

"Is it really okay to read a book by yourself?"

"Who do you think I am? I'm a genius! Go get me a popsicle." Xiao Yunyun shook the empty bag in her hand, she had already eaten up a popsicle.

Ling Huohuo got up, he felt that when he saw Xiao Yunyun this time, he found that Xiao Yunyun's character was not the same as before, he became a bit stronger, and he always liked to say that he was going to evolve in the direction of shaking S ?Will I call myself a bedbug in the future and let myself lick her feet?

Ling Huohuo secretly glanced at Xiao Yunyun's little feet, and then slapped his own face hard, no, no, don't be excited, you're not a pervert!

Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo who suddenly became strange, "I always feel that he is thinking about disgusting things."

"I think so too." Babai said from the side.

Ling Huohuo opened the refrigerator, "What the hell???"

I saw that the refrigerator was full of popsicles and some other ice cream, just like the freezer in the supermarket.

"Ah, I bought those. Because my body is still unstable, I have been living here all the time. I bought these to cool down." Xiao Yunyun explained.


Sighing, Ling Huohuo took out a stick... Keke, threw the popsicle to Xiao Yunyun, and took out a popsicle himself.

Eating popsicles while the air conditioner is problem.

Leisurely days always pass quickly, a week flies by, Xiao Yunyun's condition has improved a lot, Ling Huohuo went to the hidden sword room to find Xiao Yunyun during the day, and practiced "Sword of Sword" under the guidance of Babai "Dian", today's Ling Huohuo is practicing very smoothly, and his strength is growing steadily. He is very proficient in using the power of blood and the power brought by "Sword Code", and then he goes home to sleep at night, Lu Sisi also She has adapted to life in the Ling family, but there is no news of her parents coming back.

Ling Tian still goes to work on time every day, Ling Miao seldom goes out, and cleans up the house every day, prepares meals and waits for a few people to go home, and occasionally goes out to buy groceries, and he takes care of the entire Ling family in an orderly manner.Ling Huohuo felt that if this continued, Ling Miao would definitely become a very good man.

Just when Ling Huohuo was about to turn into a salted fish again, the notification from Zhonghai University finally arrived.

The first notice, all losses shall be compensated according to the price, which must be verified. As for who paid the money, I don’t know.

Then, in the second notice, all students will be assigned to other schools for a period of time until the construction of the new campus is completed.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were assigned to the School of Economics of Capital University. That’s right, it was the university where Ling’s father and Ling’s mother were. This made Ling Huohuo panic when he heard the news. What made her even more flustered was that Ling Miao didn't get assigned to the same school as him.

"Do you want me to meet those two people alone?" Ling Huohuo shouted at Ling Miao.

"Yes." Ling Miao smiled and nodded to Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo felt that he must be gloating.

This time when Ling Huohuo went to another place, he didn't prepare much. The reason was that Ling Huohuo's bank card was reissued, and he was rich and self-willed.

Ling Huohuo took time to go to NG Company, and arranged something about the game. Under the "reluctant" eyes of many girls, Ling Huohuo reluctantly said goodbye to them.

As for other preparations, he took away all the swords in the sword room, and used the long box brought back by Ling's father and Ling's mother.

When Ling's father and Ling's mother left, they only took their clothes with them, leaving three things, the long metal box, the pile of props for tomb robbers, and a pile of pirated books.

After Babai's introduction, this box is a kind of sword box. It seems to have a history of more than 100 years, but the material is special and it is well preserved.

Then, under Xiao Yunyun's modification, the sword box became a piece of space equipment, and Ling Huohuo used his own blood to carve the formation, so that the sword box had the function of warming and nourishing the sword.

The pattern of the formation turned blood red, making the black sword case much more gorgeous.

Babai explained that the change in the formation should be related to the awakening of Ling Huohuo's blood. The completed formation can not only warm and nourish the sword, but also condense the fire element. The sword in the sword box is likely to become a fire The sword of the fire attribute was born, and the sword spirit of the fire attribute was born.

Ling Huohuo put all the swords into the sword box, and Babai was sealed again by Xiao Yunyun into a new box.

Everything is almost ready. Under the eyes of Ling Tian, ​​Ling Miao, and Lu Sisi, Ling Huohuo left home and set off alone. As for seeing him off, just kidding, isn't Ling Tian going to work?Is Lu Sisi not going to school yet?Ling Miao is also ready to go.

Ling Huohuo was walking on the road when suddenly a red Ferrari stopped beside him, which startled Ling Huohuo.Sliding down the car window, Xiao Yunyun's face wearing sunglasses appeared on the driver's seat.

Xiao Yunyun took off his sunglasses, "Ling Huohuo, get in the car."

"Oh? You are..."

"Go to school."

"This is not good." Ling Huohuo looked at the red Ferrari.

"Do you think you can pass the security check with that sword box on your back?"

"Eh." Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while, as if she really couldn't make it through.

"So get in the car, let's drive by ourselves, don't worry, I took the test for my driver's license by myself, not bought it."

Although he felt a little nervous, Ling Huohuo finally got into Xiao Yunyun's car.

"Your car is not bad." Ling Huohuo sighed. Ding Ning gave him a book about Xiao Yunyun before. Caring for a Ferrari is really nothing, Xiao Yunyun is really rich and willful.

"Of course, my sister is Bai Fumei, sit still, the car is about to start."


That day, Ling Huohuo felt the fear of being dominated by a female driver.

(End of this chapter)

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