The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 184 Xiao Yunyun: I think I can do whatever I want!

Chapter 184 Xiao Yunyun: I think I can do whatever I want!

Looking at Li Hao who was lying down again, Ling Huohuo touched his nose. He really had a conditioned reflex. Isn't this conversation the correct way to chat?Do you want such a big reaction?

Looking at Li Hao who was spitting blood continuously, Ling Huohuo felt a little sorry, and looked up at Xiao Yunyun who was standing aside.

Xiao Yunyun looked at the evil spirits in the group of evil spirits, his eyes shone with purple light, and his expression was somewhat surprised.

"There seems to be something inside the demon's body?"

"That's right..." Li Hao spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling calm, and said, "A special spar will be born in the body of the evil ghost, which is the source of the evil ghost's power. This spar is extremely cold, but it has warmth. The ability to nourish the soul."

"Interesting." Xiao Yunyun smiled.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I want to get a couple of pieces to see, they might be good magic materials." Xiao Yunyun said, and then walked to the front.

As a magician, it is also essential to do magic props and magic experiments. Even if you save money, the consumption of magic materials will be great. The materials were limited, and she had to pay some price. Although Xiao Yunyun was not short of money, every time she saw a black-hearted penguin asking for a lot of money, she would itch with hatred.

She had long thought of collecting magic materials, but she didn't find anything. Even rare metals were useless because they didn't contain magic power.

Although Xiao Yunyun's family is relatively powerful, as a junior, she has no power to mobilize the power in the family, and she doesn't want to explain to the family that she is a magician, so she can't be counted on.

And now, the crystals in the ghost's body are her target.

Even if the things produced by supernatural creatures cannot be used as magic materials, Xiao Yunyun will not let them go because of their ability to nourish the soul.

You must know that the profession of magician focuses on the soul and spirit. The stronger the soul, the faster the strength will improve.

"The rubbish in front, get out of the way." Xiao Yunyun embraced his chest, raised his neck towards the person in front, and shouted loudly.

Xiao Yunyun's attitude was not polite at all. In Xiao Yunyun's mind, this group of people didn't look very powerful. It's still the same sentence, only the strong have the right to speak!Xiao Yunyun, who felt that the other party was a bunch of weak chickens, felt that he could do whatever he wanted.

After hearing Xiao Yunyun's words, Ling Huohuo and Li Hao twitched the corners of their mouths. Li Hao suddenly felt that it was a mistake to ask the other party for help, but he didn't say anything, so that he could lie in the arms of the other party's companion. If her companion has the same personality as her, she may be in bad luck. This is impossible. An old man once said: Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. The ancients never deceived me.

But Ling Huohuo felt that Xiao Yunyun was becoming more and more powerful. Although Xiao Yunyun was a bit arrogant in the past, he was still very educated towards outsiders.

"What's going on? Her personality has changed a lot." Ling Huohuo thought.

"Maybe it's because of some changes after merging with the demon, or...she swelled up." Babai's voice sounded from the bottom of Ling Huohuo's heart, answering his doubts.

Sure enough, Xiao Yunyun's words also aroused the indignation of the people in front.

"What did you say?"

"Hey, are you looking for a beating?"

If it weren't for the evil spirits ahead, Ling Huohuo felt that this group of people might have rushed over to fight Xiao Yunyun.

Seeing that the people in front did not listen to him, Xiao Yunyun snorted coldly, ignored them, raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, five huge magic circles appeared vertically behind him, covering the entire side of the main entrance, with two upper and lower magic circles and one in the middle.

Then, the magic circle began to turn red, exuding a dangerous aura.

Feeling the threat of the magic circle, the hairs behind the people standing in line with the magic circle exploded.

"Get out!"

Everyone hastily withdrew to both sides.

A person shouted to Xiao Yunyun: "Hey, you are going to kill..."

Before he could finish speaking, the red flames shone on his face, the ground trembled, and he almost sat on the ground.

As the first fireball rushed out of the magic circle, countless fireballs flew out of the five magic circles, and began to shoot at the evil spirits like raindrops, especially the evil spirits.

The red fire light was reflected on Xiao Yunyun's face, an abnormal flush appeared on Xiao Yunyun's face, and a hint of fascination flashed in his eyes.

Since the fusion of the donkey demon, her body has remained in an unstable state, and she cannot control her magic power very well, so she can only use some magic that does not require high control of magic power. For example, she uses The "Five Fire Dragon Song" only needs to construct a magic circle that releases magic, and it is enough to continuously input magic power. Five layers of output, continuous, AOE in the whole field, the best magic to clean up miscellaneous soldiers.

During this period of unstable physical condition, Xiao Yunyun often had the desire to destroy, but Xiao Yunyun is a magician after all, with strong soul and spiritual power, he can easily suppress this desire, so he has been fine, but It's just a little lack of patience and a little grumpy temper, but now that he really starts to do it, it's still such a violent method, Xiao Yunyun suddenly feels——It's so cool!
She seemed to be in love with this feeling, no wonder it was called "Five Fire Dragon Song", the sound of the explosion was like strong rock music.

Ling Huohuo and Li Hao looked at the scene in front of them and swallowed. Is this the legendary magic washing?

After about a minute, Xiao Yunyun finally stopped releasing the magic.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone could clearly see the situation outside the main entrance.

The open space outside the main entrance has been turned into scorched earth, the ancient floor tiles have been turned into powder, and steam is constantly emitting from the ground.

Just when everyone was too shocked to speak, suddenly, an evil spirit rushed out from the ground in front of Xiao Yunyun and attacked Xiao Yunyun.


Ling Huohuo casually picked up Li Hao's long sword on the ground and shot it out. A layer of milky white light was attached to the long sword, which was the power of Yuyi.

Before the evil ghost attacked Xiao Yunyun, the long sword came first, the sword pierced through the evil ghost, rushed to the distance, disappeared, the evil ghost screamed, turned into countless white light spots, and dissipated in the air middle.

A purple-black rhombic crystal fell on the stone brick and bounced to Xiao Yunyun's feet.

Li Hao stared blankly at Ling Huohuo. He had never felt any power from Ling Huohuo before. He thought that Ling Huohuo was just an ordinary person, Xiao Yunyun's follower, and the previous conversation between the two seemed to confirm that up to this point.

However, Ling Huohuo's hand just now shocked him.

what is that?Killed a Tier [-] evil spirit with just one blow?It's still a casual blow, and it doesn't seem to waste much effort.

Li Hao felt that the boy holding him was not an ordinary person, and his strength even surpassed that of Xiao Yunyun who just magically washed the ground!

However, Li Hao feels that these are not important now, watching the light spots disappearing into the night and flying into the distance...

"My sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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