The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 189 Leave!High fever, 1 day off!

Chapter 189 Leave!High fever, please take a day off!
This is the deepest part of the [-]th floor of hell. It is far away from the Yin Cao, far away from the Temple of Yama. This is a good place... you say so, Zhanhundao!

Yes, my master!
Yes, my master!
Yes, my master!
The three realms refer to the heaven where gods and Buddhas live, the human world where mortal beings live, and the underworld where the dead and dead things enter.

Legend has it that there was no reincarnation in the underworld in ancient times, and reincarnation only existed in the world after the reincarnation of the later earth.

The good ones can enter the underworld and be reincarnated into reincarnation, but the evil ones also have a place to return to, so there are eighteen levels of hell, and there are wardens.

The envoy of the heavenly realm, the warden of the underworld.

There are countless people who can be an envoy to kill immortals, but I am the only one who can be a warden.

When hell first opened, I served as the warden and was in charge of countless ghosts in the underworld. Whenever a judge convicted a person, he would be brought to me and thrown into different hells according to his sins. Then my ghost officials will punish him.

In hell, they will not die, but will be punished over and over again until the sentence is over, either breaking their souls or sending them to reincarnation.

I have lived for a long time... If the dead are still alive, so I know many secrets of the underworld, such as who the ferryman was originally, such as what crime Meng Po committed, such as black and white impermanence is actually a man and a woman, because I exist earlier than all of them.

But I don't remember who I was, what identity I was, where I came from, and where I'm going, because my memory starts from when I was a corpse, I only know that I should be beheaded I don’t know why I was beheaded, but later I sewed my own head on, and then I picked up the Zanhundao that fell by my side, and then I became the warden of hell.

Only the worse people can subdue the wicked, so the ghost officials under my command are the worse people, the ghost officials who are worse than the evil ghosts, they are greedy, evil, and ignorant.

In the eighteenth floor of hell, I not only have to watch over the evil ghosts and resentful spirits, but also prevent the ghost officials under my command from rebelling, because I don’t know when, rumors spread in hell that as long as they devour me, they can replace me, and the ghosts in hell It's really stupid for everyone to have no doubts about this rumor.

"How stupid!"

"How stupid!"

"How stupid!"

"Hehe, Soul Slayer, why do you have to say every sentence three times?"

"Don't tell you!"

"Don't tell you!"

"Don't tell you!"

Is it like this again...

I know there are many secrets in Yin Cao, but I don't know why my knife has to say every sentence three times...

I like to use people to call myself, because it can make my already cold body generate a little warmth from inside. A ghost once told me that this is called self-deception. In fact, I am still cold at all. I believed it, and then I put it It's chopped off, so what if it's fake?

At least this way I won't let the coldness of hell completely freeze my heart.

Hell is getting more and more crowded, but I left an open space in the deepest part of hell, where I reserved it for cutting myself. When this hell became boring to me, I cut myself and lived forever , is also a crime...

"You're here again, how many times is this the first time?" I raised my head and looked at the person who came. This is the deepest part of the eighteenth floor of hell. Those who can come here have passed the first seventeenth floor. Generally, they are very high, otherwise there would be no bones left to be swallowed by the ghost officials above, and this place is far away from the Yin Cao, far away from the Temple of Yama, and will neither fall into the disputes outside nor escape from the outside, making me boring. It's a great place.


He was dressed in white, wearing a high hat, and wrote "You are here" in big golden characters. His long tongue was hanging down to his chest, but his handsome face was extremely indifferent and covered with frost.

"That's right, because there are new evil spirits." Bai Wuchang said sinisterly.

I looked at Bai Wuchang.

"Are you injured? It should be a very strong evil spirit this time."


Bai Wuchang smiled strangely, stepped aside, I saw the evil spirit behind him, my eyes narrowed involuntarily, and I just hung on the evil spirit's body without locking it!
"Evil ghosts in the human world for thousands of years have harmed thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three people. The heavens once sent heavenly soldiers to strangle them, but they returned in defeat. In the end, they fled and disappeared."

I listened quietly, in this sinful hell, apart from crying, it was rare for someone to tell me a story.

"But I didn't expect it to escape into the underworld so boldly. It has been in the underworld for many years and has not been discovered."

"Then how did you find it?"

"Because I'm the one who helped it escape to the underworld." Bai Wuchang's smile became even weirder.

"Self-guiding souls into the underworld, and privately arranging evil ghosts without a judge, you have violated two rules of heaven."

"So what, you won't say it, as long as I don't get caught, who will care about me?" Bai Wuchang smiled.

"I have never understood what you are for?"

"Haha, you have no heart, of course you don't understand feelings."

"No... heart?"

"If I kill him, I can become the warden in his place and escape from the Three Realms, right?"

The evil ghost was obviously impatient with me and Bai Wuchang, and tore off the soul restraining rope from his body.

"You know it can't do anything to me."

"Who knows? Come on, kill him, you will be the warden, and even the King of Hades can't control you."

Seeing the evil spirits rushing forward, I raised the Zhanhundao in my hand.

"Cut it!"

"Cut it!"

"Cut it!"

Zhanhundao let out an excited cry.

"I said, it can't kill me." I held the soul-killing knife and faced Bai Wuchang. The evil ghost had already been wiped out by the soul-killing knife. , Since then, there is no such soul in the Three Realms.

Bai Wuchang swallowed the resentment and ghost energy released by the evil ghost after death, and then returned to normal without seeing anything.

"I know, now I just need you to kill the evil spirits constantly, and then let me improve my strength. You know, the underworld does not allow ghosts to swallow their grievances to improve their strength, and this place is far away from the underworld. This is really a good idea." place, and as long as it is not killed by my hands, it will not be found on my head, and the King of Hades dare not control you."

I looked at Bai Wuchang and said nothing.

Looking at the back of Bai Wuchang leaving, I sat back again.

Bai Wuchang continues to improve his strength day by day, but he doesn't know why the underworld prohibits ghosts from swallowing grievances to practice. If he knows, his expression must be very funny, but unfortunately I can't get out of hell, I can't see it.

In the future, Yincao may have another incredible character, but Bai Wuchang is still too young after all...

"That's stupid," I said.

"How stupid."

"How stupid."

"How stupid."

This is the deepest part of the [-]th floor of hell, far away from the underworld, far away from the Hall of Yama, this really a good place.

I touched my chest, my heart, I have it, but it stopped beating.

Briefly describe the relationship:
Yin Cao: the entire underworld

Hell: Including the Ten Halls of Yama, Six Paths of Reincarnation, Eighteen Floors of Hell, etc.

Hell: eighteen layers of hell
(End of this chapter)

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