The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 207 A large group of Cyclops rushes past

Chapter 207
Although what happened on the roof of the apartment building where Ling Huohuo lived looked like an explosion, but if you analyze it carefully, you will find it very suspicious.

This is Capital University, where the elites gather together, a group of intellectuals gather together, how come there are not two people who are talented in explosions?

They easily discovered the strange place here. All the bricks and tiles in one corner of the apartment disappeared. It didn't look like an ordinary explosion at all. Do you think what exploded here was an antimatter bomb?
When such a strange thing happened, the leaders of the school naturally became nervous, and first contacted the police to put the situation in order.

If it was an explosion, who knows if it will happen again?There were no casualties this time, so it will be hard to say next time.At the same time, the investigation of other buildings has also begun.


Happy followed the group of five in front, and soon arrived at the downstairs of Ling Huohuo's apartment.

The group of five showed their IDs to guards and they were let into the apartment building.

"It seems that these five people are organized."

Happy thought for a while, rolled his eyes, and quickly ran to the back of the apartment building.

Although there are guards behind the apartment building, there is a forest about ten meters away from the apartment building, which can provide cover for Happy.


There was a sound of trees trembling, and the guards behind the apartment building became vigilant in an instant, clenched their weapons tightly, and looked around vigilantly.


"Maybe it's the wind."

"Okay, back on alert."

What they didn't know was that there was a pair of green eyes looking at them on the wall outside the second floor of the apartment building, and the owner of the eyes started to act when the group of people dispersed again.

The owner of these eyes is Harpy, who jumped here just now with the help of a tree.

At this time, there was a black evil spirit floating on Happy's four paws.

This is an application of Yaoqi. Wrapping Yaoqi around silk feet can not only eliminate the sound and traces of walking, but also move in various places that violate the laws of physics, such as sticking to the wall.

Although Harpy's strength has not yet recovered, and his combat effectiveness is still not strong, there is still no problem with using some small methods.

Ignoring the people below, Happy found his way and started running like a roof.

Since Happy ran in a straight line, the speed was very fast, and he reached the sixth floor soon.

It didn't go up directly, but lay down on the edge, moved its ears, and began to detect the movement above.

The group of five had reached the sixth floor and was standing in front of the golden door.

"What's the matter with this door?"

"The previous golden light should have come from this door."

"Let me first inform you about the situation above here, and send a few photos."


Happy thought for a while, carefully exposed half of his head, and looked up.

A golden gate stands in the open space, and five people observe around the golden gate.

"Look here." A man seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the front of the door.


Happy also stretched its neck, but it was not in a good direction, and could not see the front of the door at all.

"This is the Zodiac Disc!" said one of them.

"This thing is very common in the West, I didn't expect China to have it too."

A man touched it curiously.

"Under these constellations should be keyholes, and there are already two keys here, this one is Taurus, and this one is Pisces." A man who looked a bit cold said.

A somewhat carefree man reached for the key and pulled it out forcefully, but the key didn't move at all. Then he pushed the door again, and the door didn't move at all.

He tapped his hand.

"I understand, this door can't be opened actually, this key is with the door, it's a decoration."


The other four men looked at this man as if they were looking at a mentally retarded man. If you couldn't pull it off, it must be your problem. Do you think who is so idle here to set up such an ornament?

Suddenly, the golden door glowed with golden light again, and there was a burst of machine noise from inside, and then under the eyes of five people and one dog, the door opened slowly.

The five opened their mouths, and just as they were about to speak, two men in black robes walked out. One of the men in black robes was holding a golden scepter about two meters in his hand.

Then, the two waved their hands, and the two keys fell into their hands.

"Who are you?" The five people immediately became alert, and one of the cold men asked.

"No matter who they are, anyway, I know that my face is definitely swollen from the beating today." The idle man said sadly, but no one paid any attention to him.

"Oh, the speed is really fast." The black-robed man holding the scepter said, "However, since you came so fast, it is unreasonable not to give you gifts."

As soon as the man in black robe finished speaking, the five people felt a sense of danger. Before they seemed to have time to react, five golden rays of light shot out from the scepter in the man's hand, hitting the five of them and shooting them down. Into the back bedroom, buried by rubble.

"Hahaha, I am a god!" The black-robed man who showed great power laughed loudly.

"Don't make mistakes, it's embarrassing." Another black-robed man covered his face and said.

"Just shouting, it's comfortable." The man in black robe holding the scepter scratched his head.

"Let's go quickly, it will be too late when you are surrounded."

"Oh." The man in black robe holding the scepter nodded.

"Just leave them some presents before you go."

The man in black raised his scepter and clicked on the golden door.

"Open the portal and welcome my army!"

Then the disc on the golden door rotated for a while, and the golden door disappeared, instead a dark space tunnel appeared, and roars came from the other side of the tunnel.

"Let's go."

The man in black raised his scepter, and the figures of the two men twisted and disappeared.

When the man in black robe disappeared, Happy jumped up.

Before trotting to the space channel, he curiously stuck his head into the space channel.

"Oh my god, monster!"

Then Happy screamed, turned around and jumped down the stairs, followed by a group of khaki cyclops with a single eye on their forehead and only three fingers on the donkey's lower body.

Happy jumped down the stairs and landed lightly, which surprised the soldiers. Before they had time to react, countless Cyclops fell to the ground and made a rumbling sound. They were not so light, and the whole ground began to Shake, shatter.

The policemen looked at the monsters in front of them. Although they were terrified, their good qualities could still keep them calm. Then they pulled the triggers of their pistols without hesitation.

However, the pistol caused limited damage to the Cyclops, but instead angered the Cyclops, they rushed towards the police.

Just as they were about to die, several weapons flew over, killed several Cyclops, and got off the police.

The policeman raised his head, and a group of strangely dressed people appeared beside him and the others at some point.

"The police are going to evacuate the students and nearby residents. Leave these monsters to us." A middle-aged man standing at the front said to the police.

The policemen nodded and retreated in a hurry, joking, are you staying here to die?
Then they contacted the police station immediately and started the evacuation work.

"Is it still late?"

"What happened up there? Where did these monsters come from?"

"I don't know what happened to Aye's team, but I hope they are safe and sound..."

At this time, a roar came from the roof...

(End of this chapter)

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