Chapter 209 Which head?
A sheep body with a snake tail, a lion head, a goat's head, and a giant python's head coexist with three heads, with wings growing from its back. A monster more than ten meters high grabs the roof of the apartment building with four claws, and roars at the attackers around it. with.

Those who besieged it continued to attack, but with little success.

"What is this monster? A demon?" A middle-aged man nervously looked at the monster on the roof.

"It's Chimera, a monster that appeared in ancient Greek epics." A young man said.

"How do you know?" The middle-aged man was taken aback.

"Ask Du Niang if you have any questions." The young man waved the phone in his hand.

"..." The air fell into an eerie silence for a moment.

"Does it say its characteristics and the way to deal with it?" The middle-aged man continued to ask.

"It is a fire-breathing monster with the power of three beasts. Legend has it that to kill it, one must have Pegasus, the pegasus that flew out of the neck of Medusa, the Gorgon banshee killed by Perseus. help."

After hearing what the young man said, everyone was confused, where do you want us to find Pegasus?

"Oh, by the way, it is said that Bellerophon flew over the Chimera's head on a Pegasus and shot it. I think the Chimera's weak point should be at the top of the head."

"Okay." The middle-aged man nodded and waved his hand, "Everyone attack the top of its head."


Everyone rushed up quickly, and quickly retreated back.

"What's wrong?" The young man looked puzzled.

The middle-aged man patted the young man on the shoulder, "Which one of these three heads?"

"..." That's it?The young man slapped his face, "Senior, why don't you just choose one?"

"But..." The middle-aged man looked confused, "I'm a Libra, and I have difficulty choosing."


Don't fight this blame, go home and wash up and sleep.

At this time, the Chimera made a movement, and saw a red light from the mouth of its lion head, and then, a fireball was shot towards the opposite apartment.

"not good!"

The middle-aged man exclaimed, but it was too late to intercept it.

I saw the fireball flying towards the opposite apartment, and there were still students under the apartment who had not been evacuated.

The students in the apartment looked pale at the flying fireball, feeling a burst of despair in their hearts.

"Boss Newton give me strength!"

"Wake up, Boss Newton was cremated."

Just when everyone thought that a tragedy was about to happen, a low shout came.

"The door of the seal, swallow this fireball for me."

I saw a huge iron gate falling from the sky, and on the front of the iron gate was the face of an evil spirit.

The moment the fireball hit the iron gate, the evil ghost on the iron gate opened its eyes angrily, opened its mouth wide, and directly swallowed the fireball into its mouth without hiccups.

The huge iron gate fell to the ground with a loud noise, causing the entire ground to tremble violently.

However, no one spoke, and they all stared blankly at the iron gate that suddenly appeared.

That's right, the apartment opposite Ling Huohuo's apartment is exactly Xiao Yunyun's apartment. At the moment when the fireball hit, Ling Huohuo reflected it instantly, and without caring about being exposed, he directly summoned the sealed door, making the sealed door change Big, goblins at the door devoured the fireball.

"Well, what should we do next?" Ling Huohuo whispered awkwardly.

"Since you've been exposed, let's do a good job. In the face of absolute strength, no one will dare to trouble you." Babai's voice came.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, "Absolute strength?"

Ling Huohuo's eyes became firm, he dodged the wooden stick on his chin, jumped onto the top of the sealed door, and stepped on the sealed door.

At this time, the Sealing Gate was more than 20 meters high and about ten meters wide, and the entire ground was cracked by it.

The sword box appeared in his hands at some point,
Ling Huohuo put the sword box on the sealed door and made a "boom", attracting everyone's attention.

"Xiao Yunyun, help me evacuate my classmates, this monster... just leave it to me."

Ling Huohuo got lucky, and his voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

Xiao Yunyun was stunned for a moment, looking at Ling Huohuo's back, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and a burst of pride surged in his heart, this is the man I, Xiao Yunyun, is looking for!

"Hmph, you dare to order me to wait until it's over." Xiao Yunyun snorted.

Looking at the strange eyes of his roommate and other students, Xiao Yunyun calmed down.

"Everyone, hurry up and take refuge." Xiao Yunyun yelled to the surroundings.

"But..." Xiao Yunyun's roommate looked at Ling Huohuo, and then at Xiao Yunyun.

"I'll explain later, don't worry, he's very strong." Xiao Yunyun said.

Wang Yi looked at Xiao Yunyun strangely, "Very strong? Which aspect?"

"I'm going to die, I'm still joking at this time, hurry up and take refuge."

Under the organization of Xiao Yunyun, Aunt Wang and other housekeepers, the people who survived the catastrophe finally remembered that there was still a need for evacuation, and hurriedly lined up to evacuate.

Unlike the people who eat melons, the truly insightful people were shocked when they saw Ling Huohuo.

"Who is he? That organization?" someone asked.

"I don't know, I have never heard of anyone who can control such a huge iron gate, but with this iron gate alone, he is not easy to be with." The middle-aged man said with a serious face.

As for the young man beside him, there was a flash of shock in his eyes, "The pattern of that evil spirit... I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Look around, don't let the mobs get away, leave the big one to me." Ling Huohuo said to the people below.

The group of people below were good at fighting small monsters, but they couldn't deal with this big monster at all.

According to Ling Huohuo's perception, Chimera's strength is at the fifth level!Still very powerful.

As for the group of people below, although there are several Tier [-] people, they are not enough to watch. Didn't they not break the defense after watching for a long time?

The people below all looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment before making a decision. He waved his hand, "Do as he said."

Although the middle-aged man has difficulty in choosing, he is still very aware of the overall situation in the face of danger, otherwise he would not be able to sit in his current position at all, and would not be convinced by everyone.

The Chimera is absolutely unbeatable, so it can only be held back and wait for support, but casualties cannot be avoided. Although the young man who suddenly appeared could not tell his strength, he looked very powerful. It is not something ordinary people can do.

"By the way, this monster is called a Chimera. It can breathe fire. Its weakness is suspected to be in the head. This is all the information we have obtained." The middle-aged man shouted at Ling Huohuo, and then hurriedly stepped aside. , joined the team to clean up the Cyclops.

The Chimera felt threatened the moment Ling Huohuo appeared. At this time, its three heads and six pairs of eyes were staring at Ling Huohuo vigilantly, not by perception, but by the intuition of the beast alone.

After hearing what the middle-aged man said, Ling Huohuo nodded, then looked at Chimera, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Which head?"

(End of this chapter)

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