The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 219 Dude, your setting is very routine!I'm afraid it's not the protagonist templat

Chapter 219 Dude, your setting is very routine!I'm afraid it's not the protagonist template!

Since you can't be an enemy, then... you can only be a friend.

Qiao Feifei looked at her chest, and then at Xiao Yunyun's chest.

Well, she is still very confident.

Qiao Feifei observed the eyes of Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, and they didn't look like bad guys.

The eyes are the window to the soul, through the eyes one can see the outline of a person, which is something that many experienced people can do.

However, there is a kind of people who are not within this scope, that is— squinting eyes!

You can't even see your eyes, how do you judge?Therefore, all squinting eyes are monsters.

Xiao Yunyun did not see Qiao Feifei's eyes.

She still has a good feeling for Qiao Feifei, because she seems to be obviously weak in the previous things, and most people will have an inexplicable affection for the weak.

Xiao Yunyun glared at Ling Huohuo fiercely when she heard Qiao Feifei's unresponsive answer, which made Ling Huohuo shudder.

"However, having said that, why are we in the same dormitory?" Ling Huohuo hurriedly changed the subject.

"This..." Qiao Feifei also looked puzzled.

"When the time comes, ask the staff here, wouldn't it be enough to ask them to change the dormitory?" Xiao Yunyun said.

"Then where can I find someone?" Qiao Feifei asked.

"Well... let's go later, the two of us, and go to the place where the report was reported." Xiao Yunyun said.

"What about me?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"You?" Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo, "Reflect on yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yunyun stood up and pulled Qiao Feifei away.

Ling Huohuo was left alone with a melancholy expression.


Qiao Feifei quickly got the key to the new dormitory and got an apology from the staff.

Xiao Yunyun and Qiao Feifei lamented for a while the good attitude of the staff here, and then they went to Qiao Feifei's new dormitory together.

The staff wiped the sweat off their brows.

The reason why Qiao Feifei was able to get the key to the new dormitory so smoothly was of course not the quality of the staff, but Xiao Yunyun standing there.

Among all the people who participated in the training camp, those who needed special treatment had been informed to all the staff, and among these people, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were among them.

At that time, it was Ling Huohuo who wanted to share a dormitory with his sister, but now it was Xiao Yunyun who refused to let Ling Huohuo and his sister share a dormitory. It is said that the relationship between Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun is rather ambiguous.


This is not an ordinary military base, and there are many capable people and strangers in it.

The burned dormitories and corridors had been repaired when Ling Huohuo returned, and Ling Huohuo's new military uniform was also sent to him.

Staying in the dormitory until night, Ling Huohuo, Xiao Yunyun, and Qiao Feifei had dinner together in the cafeteria, and the cafeteria also has a special place for pets to eat dog food. Hapi was kicked there by Ling Huohuo, Goldfinch He and Qingmianniao went out to look for food by themselves.

Qiao Feifei explained a lot about the Huaxia Transcendent circle to the two of them, and then, she was overwhelmed... Bah, it was a big surprise.

Qiao Feifei discovered that Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were just two noobs!He doesn't even know the common sense in the circle of extraordinary people.

Then Qiao Feifei asked about the state of the two of them... They took another catty... Surprised, how did that sentence come from, if hard work is useful, what do you need a genius for?What made Qiao Feifei even more suffocating was that, looking at the two of them, they were two fucking salted fish with nuclear bombs on their backs!
After asking about the contract signed by the two of them, Qiao Feifei began to doubt her life.

Why do I feel like we're not playing a game?
In the end, Qiao Feifei still confirmed one thing, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun's backstage is very hard, really hard!The kind that even intercontinental missiles may not be able to penetrate!
No wonder there was nothing wrong with burning down a corridor.

But Qiao Feifei didn't say much, because Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun didn't have self-knowledge in this regard, and it seemed that the backstage obviously didn't want them to know more. If Qiao Feifei talked nonsense and let their backstage find out, After touching a certain nerve in that group of people, it is very likely that she will disappear from the world.

So, the big guys really know how to play.

Because Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have no airs at all, coupled with Qiao Feifei's deliberate friendship, the relationship between the three quickly heated up, and they soon became one, looking like they met each other and hated it late, which made Qiao Feifei feel that she had found something The feeling of backing, although I am not very good, but I know good people!
Are you afraid of the powerhouse of the fifth rank?Saying it scares you to death.

The three of Ling Huohuo also met a lot of people in the training camp. In a word, it's just one word, chaos!

This group of people came from different forces. The friendly ones were okay, but when they met the hostile ones, the murderous intent in their eyes was undisguised, and they almost strangled their necks.

And the strength of this group of people is also high and low, the most are the second and third ranks, there are three fourth ranks, and there is even one first rank.

This made Ling Huohuo and the others couldn't help but take a few more glances at the first-tier person. After all, if a first-tier person wants to appear here, he must be a second lieutenant, so this person must have something extraordinary.

The person in the first rank is a man in his twenties, with sharp eyes and a unique aura, he feels extraordinary at first glance, but his strength is only rank one.

Ling Huohuo looked at the man with flickering eyes.

Because, he discovered that this man was also practicing aura!
This is the first person Ling Huohuo discovered to practice spiritual energy!
The relationship between the three people at the fourth level is a three-legged situation, neither is very good, nor is it considered an enemy.

These three people are a man in his 20s, tall, rich and handsome, followed by a group of dogs and beauties.

The second one is also a man in his 20s with a smile on his face. Ling Huohuo thinks this man is the most dangerous of the three fourth ranks because he has squinting eyes!Laugh like a fox.He also followed a group of younger brothers, but the quality of the younger brothers was obviously much higher.

The third one was a woman, she was very beautiful, Ling Huohuo felt a little lost when he saw her, and then was stepped on by Xiao Yunyun.

The young men who follow the woman are the fewest, but the quality is the highest, all of them are of the third rank, but what is not harmonious is that the man of the first rank is actually standing beside the woman, the two of them are talking and laughing, very It is to attract the attention of everyone in the cafeteria.

The three of Ling Huohuo sat in the corner, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun's epaulettes were taken off by them, so no one noticed them, even people Qiao Feifei knew nodded to each other, not too much conversation.

Qiao Feifei doesn't know these people, because she has always worked alone, and she is not familiar with these seemingly awesome people, but she knows that many people like her have always worked alone.

However, Qiao Feifei, who has a lot of experience, quickly analyzed the general relationship between the three fourth-level people.

"That flamboyant tall, rich and handsome guy likes that beauty, but that beauty doesn't have feelings for him. Instead, she attaches great importance to the first-tier person next to him, so that tall, rich and handsome person is very hostile to that first-tier person. This training camp will definitely find someone He is troublesome, as for the squinting eyes, she can't see through them, but she is not squinting if she can see through him, but he should be very interested in that first-order one, because I saw that he has already looked at that person several times .”

Ling Huohuo listened to Qiao Feifei's analysis, and instead of looking at the other three fourth-tier people, he looked at the first-tier man.

This setting... I don't seem to have high strength, but I have something special. I have a good relationship with a talented beauty, a tall, rich and handsome hostility, and a high-strength, neither enemy nor friend, who is interested in me. In the future, it is likely to become a passerby of Jiyou.

Damn, buddy, your setting is very routine!

I'm afraid it's not the protagonist template!

(End of this chapter)

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