The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 225 Isn't it a lie to say that I won't get in if I'm okay?

Chapter 225 Isn't it a lie to say that I won't get in if I'm okay?
After Jeffetlos felt the breath of Leah and Iljes in the distance, he glanced at Fatibella beside him.

Then he pulled out the phone.

"Hey, Jeffet Ross, what..."

"Stop, international calls, to cut a long story short, my lord, your two younger brothers are out wandering again..."


Guo Xiaoyu is in a good mood recently, no, it's pretty good.

For the United States, Guo Xiaoyu actually doesn't have much feeling.

Except for some scenic spots, the food and drinks are not to her liking, and the American books are not the type she likes. When she first arrived in the United States, she was very uncomfortable.

In the United States, she has no friends and can only stay at school.

However, is Guo Xiaoyu someone who can calm down?Obviously not!
After Guo Xiaoyu stuffed her own hard drive, Guo Xiaoyu saw the news of the tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean.

"Tsunami? I haven't seen it before."

So, she secretly ran out of school alone, and ran to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and then... a big wave swept her into the sea.

However, Guo Xiaoyu at this time is no longer an ordinary person!
In the tsunami, she was not afraid of danger, faced it bravely, and thought about ways to save herself. Well, the main reason is that Guo Xiaoyu found that she was not afraid of water, and she didn't feel suffocated in the water!

This made Guo Xiaoyu feel that she was very powerful, but she was not happy for a long time. Guo Xiaoyu had to think about how to go up. She was not a ship's mother, and no one would come to pick her up.

So, Guo Xiaoyu condensed a large leaf, and then... she miraculously learned to surf by herself!The surfboard is a big leaf condensed by herself.

After she successfully surfed to the shore and stepped on the ground, she couldn't help but thrust her waist for a while, but it made her crazy.

Feeling refreshed, Guo Xiaoyu returned to school and lived a peaceful life again, but she never forgot the feeling of surfing.

So, there was the first time, there was the second time, and then there was the third time...

Every time Guo Xiaoyu surfs, the waves will become bigger. In order to pursue excitement, she always goes to different places to surf, but the fare is too expensive, so she starts thinking about traveling by herself, and the result is gratifying. As a result, the American coastline along the Atlantic Ocean is so long that she almost surfed it all over.

But Guo Xiaoyu is not fearless, every time the tide tends to rise, she will retreat, because she does not want to be submerged and be at a loss.

Going back to China soon, Guo Xiaoyu decided to come out for one more wave, and never come again after this time.

Just like that, Guo Xiaoyu set a Flag invisibly.

At this time, Flag will tell you why Flag is called Flag.

Just when Guo Xiaoyu was looking like a bastard, suddenly a black shadow appeared under her body, and then a series of huge tentacles appeared, instantly entangled Guo Xiaoyu and dragged her into the sea, leaving only her smile The sound echoed on the sea.

Seeing Guo Xiaoyu being dragged away, the three of Ling Miao yelled "Fuck" in their hearts, and then they all rushed out.

Call you waves, capsize it!

Save people!


I, the source of water, want to hit someone.

As the source of water, it fell asleep at some point.

Suddenly one day, it felt the breath of the source of fire, and its attributes were restrained, which made the source of water wake up, and wanted to fight with the source of fire.

Then... the source of fire disappeared, which is very embarrassing.

The origin of water has no wisdom and acts entirely on instinct.

Who am I?

where am I?
What should I do?
Then, the essence of water instinctively began to stir the surrounding water elements, preparing to fall into a deep sleep again.

Suddenly, it felt a strong wood-attributed aura, and instinctively told it that the wood-attributed aura was very unfriendly to it!Because wood overcomes water.

It suddenly had a bold idea - before falling asleep, destroy it!
The source of water began to move to the position where the wood attribute was located.

Then, the wood-attributed aura disappeared, then reappeared, disappeared again, reappeared, and disappeared again...

The position where the wood attribute appears changes every time. When the source of water is about to rush over, it disappears, and when it reappears, it is another place. After rushing over, it disappears again. This is very interesting. Sitting on the sidelines is impossible!

The origin of water has turned the table.

What the hell?Isn't it a lie to say that I won't get in if it's okay?You come in!Do you want to let Yuanyuan fall asleep?
At this time, after the essence of water swallowed an object, wisdom was born, and then, it had an idea!

There are countless behemoths in the sea, it controls a group of behemoths, lurking along the entire Atlantic coast, this time it depends on where you go!

Then, the source of water began to wait patiently, and even killed a bunch of creatures that came down from the sea when he was bored.

Today, the weather is sunny and the wood property is here again!
At the most proud moment of the wood attribute creature, the giant beast stretched out its sinful... tentacles!
Slippery, sticky tentacles, I don't know what a book is, and I don't know what a magical girl is.

Grab the wood attribute and run, slip away, it's really exciting.


Ling Huohuo and others ate simple food and smelled the fishy smell of sea water.

The food is not rich, buns and some meat.

In fact, this kind of food is not bad. After all, they used to eat compressed food when performing missions.

Qing Shanshan was talking about the task arrangement.

At this time, a sea fish jumped out of the sea, Ling Huohuo thought of something, waved his hand, and a sword flew out instantly, and when the sword flew back, there was still a lively sea fish stuck on it.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's actions, the others frowned.

"Can't light the fire, the fire and smoke will reveal our position." Bing Wuyan said.

"No, I feed pets." Ling Huohuo said, and then released Happy and the two birds.

There is no food in the small world. Although Harpy and the green bird can live without food for a long time, the goldfinch can't!
That's right, this big guy can't miss a meal.

Everyone else knows that Ling Huohuo has three pets and has a space where pets can be placed. Although they are very envious, they can only be envious.

There are no bugs on this deserted island, only fish can be eaten.

Seeing the fat fish jumping around in Ling Huohuo's hands, Happy licked his tongue.

"Boss, do you want to invite me to eat fish?"

"Shut up, baby!"


Ling Huohuo raised the heat in his hands, and in an instant, all the water in the sea fish evaporated, and the sea fish turned into dried fish, Ling Huohuo pinched it, and it turned into powder, and then Ling Huohuo put the fish meal in the goldfinch's In front of them, the goldfinch and the green bird happily ate.

This is Ling Huohuo's first feeding.

The others looked at Ling Huohuo's "grilling fish empty-handed" with solemn eyes.

During the training camp, Ling Huohuo seldom took action, and with Ling Huohuo's salty fish appearance, there was not much change in a month. In fact, everyone didn't think Ling Huohuo was very powerful. However, Ling Huohuo just revealed But with one hand, everyone was suppressed.

Such a strong control, just evaporated all the water, but did not let the fish burn, if this trick falls on a human body...

This is the preliminary display of Ling Huohuo's cultivation results after a month of cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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