Chapter 227 Come Eat Chicken

"At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean? Are you kidding me?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Huohuo turned off his microphone and pressed answer.


"Oh? It's really connected. Oh, ho ho, Ling Huohuo, guess where I am?" Guo Xiaoyu's voice came out of the phone.

"Uh, the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?" Ling Huohuo said.

"Bingo, the answer is correct, let me tell you..."

"Wait! No, stop!" Ling Huohuo said hastily.

"what happened?"

"Are you really under the Atlantic Ocean?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's true. I'll send you some photos later."

"Then where do you think I am?" Ling Huohuo asked back.


"Xiao Yunyun and I are on top of you."

"Have you come to the Atlantic Ocean to fish?"

"You think everyone is like you, we are here to handle business!" Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while.

"By the way, how did you make the call? Where did you get the signal?" Ling Huohuo didn't have much doubts, because it was impossible for Guo Xiaoyu to tell such a lie with Guo Xiaoyu's IQ.

"Hmph, I don't know, I don't use signals. I found a statue below. There is a gemstone on the statue. The stone board next to it says that this gemstone can fulfill other people's wishes, and then it can give you a call." phone."

"..." Ling Huohuo was silent for a while, "Is it written in Chinese?"

"No, I don't know the words written on it."

"Then how did you know?"

"There are pictures below."


"By the way, how did you get down there? Could it be that above sea level is not enough for you?" Ling Huohuo asked with a speechless face. Now the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is very strange, even if you have some strength, you can't play like this, right? What's more, you can't go down by yourself.

"Well, a lot happened anyway."

"Do you know that it's dangerous down here now!"

"I know."

"Oh?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, you know that the danger will continue, and you are also full of iron in your head like Cyclops?

"How should I put it, I'm here to ask for help." Guo Xiaoyu said.

"Help?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"Yeah." Then Guo Xiaoyu told her experience.

Although Guo Xiaoyu was pulled into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean by the tentacle monster, Guo Xiaoyu is not afraid of water, so she went safely to the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, entered a city without water, and then saw a cat covered in water, There is only a monster with two big eyes, and the monster will kill her if she disagrees.

Of course Guo Xiaoyu couldn't just sit still, so she made an A pass, and almost played GG amidst the laughter.

Fortunately, Guo Xiaoyu was able to escape, and successfully escaped from the monster's pursuit, but in the process of escaping, he accidentally destroyed a stone tablet in the square. A bunch of monsters that look like people, but are covered in scales and have no reason. This group of monsters fought with the monster covered in water, and the two sides were inseparable.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Guo Xiaoyu fled to the largest palace in the middle of the city, and then found the statue and the gem that could make a wish.

Guo Xiaoyu didn't know where the exit of the space below was, and couldn't beat the monsters outside at all, so he had to ask Ling Huohuo for help.

"Then how can I find you?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I don't know, but I can send you a location, and you can navigate here."


"Ling Huohuo, try asking her to make a wish and pull you over directly." Babai's voice sounded.

"Ling Huohuo, whose voice is it? I heard a man's voice, and it's still a child's voice. Could it be that you have finally taken that step? But baby carriages..."


"Wait." Ling Huohuo reacted, "Can you hear his voice?"

You know, the conversation between him and Babai is equivalent to voice transmission, and others can't hear it even if they are standing next to them. What's the matter that Guo Xiaoyu can hear it on the phone?

"Yeah, why can't I hear it?"

"what's going on?"

Babai was silent for a while: "Well, maybe she got all the sounds from where you are, and this weird call is probably just a formality."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Since you heard it, try it." Ling Huohuo said.


Before Ling Huohuo could react, there was a feeling of pulling, and when Ling Huohuo could react, he found that he and the submersible had touched the ground, and there was no seawater around.

"Could it be here?"

Ling Huohuo opened the submersible, and before he could look around, Guo Xiaoyu's face came closer.

"Ling Huohuo, it's really you."

"Guo Xiaoyu, then this is..." Ling Huohuo looked around for a while, and found that he was in a hall at this time. The top of the hall was inlaid with countless pearls, illuminating the entire hall.

"Is this the Undersea Palace you mentioned?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's right." Guo Xiaoyu nodded, "By the way, what is your thing?" Guo Xiaoyu asked.

"Submersible." Ling Huohuo tried to contact other people, but found that the signal could not be connected.

"Your stuff is pretty good, where did you buy it?"

"Given by the country."


"If you don't sell it, get out."

Ling Huohuo stepped out of the submersible, and with a wave of his hand, brought the submersible closer to the small world, which made Guo Xiaoyu amazed again.

Ling Huohuo saw the statue in the middle of the main hall and walked over. The statue was engraved with a beautiful woman in a long skirt and holding a scepter. It was lifelike. Next to the statue was a stone tablet. The picture on the stone tablet described It is something that wishing on the jewels on the statue will come true.

"By the way, where is that boy?" Guo Xiaoyu said.

Ling Huohuo waved his hand, and Babai flew out.

"This is the sword."

Guo Xiaoyu's smile gradually stiffened.

"what happened?"

"Lovely boy... gone..."

"Ling Huohuo, can I stab her?" Babai said.

"This... life is already hard enough, let her life be spared."


"By the way, can't we make a wish and let us leave?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"No, I tried, but it didn't work."

"There should be some restrictions." Yabai said, "Unfortunately, I didn't see anything."

"That means... am I trapped here too?"

"That's right, that's right." Guo Xiaoyu nodded.

"Such a ghost! Do you want to be trapped here?" Ling Huohuo knocked Guo Xiaoyu on the head.

"No." Guo Xiaoyu touched the ... NZ of the statue, causing Ling Huohuo to see her eyes change.

"Have a KFC Family Bucket."

After Guo Xiaoyu finished speaking, a family bucket appeared in his hand, with the three letters "KFC" written on it.

"Come to have a drink, it's still hot."


(End of this chapter)

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