The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 230 Eat Me 1 Salted Fish Spike

Chapter 230 Eat Me A Salted Fish Spike

"So, is this the way it is?" Xiao Yunyun said with his shoulders in his arms, his face expressionless, and he couldn't see any thoughts.

Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu knelt down in front of her, Guo Xiaoyu looked at Ling Huohuo and smirked with his mouth open, while Ling Huohuo had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Ling Huohuo was about to cry, but it wasn't me who pulled you here, why beat me up?
But Ling Huohuo absolutely dare not complain, one beating is enough.

Xiao Yunyun walked up to the statue, looked it up and down, and paused at the statue's chest. Although she was upset, she was not yet angry with the statue.

"Is this the statue that can make wishes?"

"That's right." Ling Huohuo stood up and ran over in a hurry.

"How to make a wish?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"This way..." Ling Huohuo reached out to the statue's chest.

Xiao Yunyun punched Ling Huohuo in the stomach.

"You pervert." Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo with contempt.

Ling Huohuo hugged his belly with an innocent face, "No, you have to touch the statue to make a wish."

"Does it have to be touched there?" Xiao Yunyun's face turned red.

"This, this..." Ling Huohuo turned his head to look at Guo Xiaoyu, because Guo Xiaoyu always touched there, so he always thought that touching there was the correct posture for making a wish.

"Guo Xiaoyu!" Xiao Yunyun said.


"Is it necessary to touch that... there to make a wish?" Xiao Yunyun said with some embarrassment.

"No." Guo Xiaoyu walked up to the statue, "Just touch the statue, for example..."

As she said that, Guo Xiaoyu stretched out a hand, popped out her middle finger, and swiped between the statue's legs...

"Here's a cucumber."

Guo Xiaoyu, who was biting a cucumber, looked at Ling Huohuo and the others.

"See it now... Oh? Why do you have that expression?"


The three of Ling Miao hid in a corner, watching the battle outside, listening to the sound of explosions, feeling the vibration of the ground... I don't know if I should say something about MMP.

The three of them originally came down to rescue Guo Xiaoyu, but when they finally got down, they found that it was different from what they had just thought.

What about the big tentacle monster?What happened to this group of running salted fish?Is that blue lump slime plus?
Although they felt very speechless about the current situation, none of the three of them acted rashly. This group of guys were not easy to mess with at first sight.

Now is not the time to care about Guo Xiaoyu's life and death, and now the three of them cannot protect themselves.

Suddenly, a fish-headed monster was knocked into the air and landed in front of them.

This monster has a body similar to that of a human, but its skin is blue and covered with fine scales. It has slender limbs and a thin body, but it is tall, about three meters long, with fingers and toes connected Webbed, with fins on the back, fish head on the head, and big eyes, it is worthy of the title of salted fish.

The fish-head monster that fell on the ground seemed to feel something, and kept its head still, but its eyes turned to the direction of Ling Miao and the others.


"Ai...was discovered."

With a grin of the fish head monster's fish mouth, he grabbed the spear gun that seemed to be made of the fishbone of a large fish, jumped up, and stabbed Ling Miao and the others——Eat me a salted fish stab .

"Flash!" Ling Miao yelled, slapped the ground, and an earth wall rose up. However, the earth wall seemed to be like paper, and it only blocked it for a short second, but the three of them were not ordinary people. Well, one second is enough time for them to hide far enough away. Even the weaker Xia Ri hid far away because he stood farther away.

The fishbone in the fish head monster's hand stabbed at the position where the three of them had just stood, leaving a hole in the ground, and the surrounding floor tiles were also cracked.

Ignoring the fish-head monster's next move, the three turned and ran away.

The fish-headed monster gave a strange cry and chased after the three of them.


The rough sea.

A sea bird stared closely at the surface of the sea, looking for a target to attack.

The hooked claws hidden in the stomach reflect a cold light - when I get out the claws, you are already dead.

However, before it could react, there was a bang, as if it hit something, it was dizzy for a while, and fell down. Three sharp claws that were shining with cold light stretched out the middle one - my day !
After a while of distortion, a huge steel battleship appeared on the originally empty sea.

"What's the situation with the voice just now?" The third master asked the person behind him.

"Second leader, just now a seabird knocked unconscious on the glass." A man shouted to the bottom with a seabird in front of a window.

The second master licked his lips, "Take good care of the bird, don't starve and lose weight, roast it and eat it after this trip is over."

"Damn it." The third master cursed, and sneaked in with optical camouflage, but a bird was destroyed.

The head of the family played with the two milky white stone balls in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

"Third brother, it's okay, we're near the target sea area, don't worry."

If the three of Ling Miao were here, they would find that this group of people was exactly the same group of people who had conflicts with them at the National Bank.

Asian man in gold-rimmed glasses pushes his glasses and looks at the tablet in his hand.

"That should be it."

The Asian man is not in good spirits and looks a little tired.

Because the information in the National Bank vault was robbed, he could only rely on other information to infer the specific destination.

During this time, they traveled to many places and obtained other sporadic information.

Not only has the danger increased, but it is also very difficult to infer.

After struggling for several days in a row, the Asian man finally found an approximate location. He doubted that he might develop liver cirrhosis in a few days.

"Okay." The boss nodded, "Get ready to dive!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Then the Erdangjia carefully took out a fist-sized bead from the cab.

The head of the family touched the bead and injected power. The bead released a burst of soft blue light, and finally the blue light surrounded the entire ship.

"Shark tears, good stuff." The head of the family sighed.

This bead is called Shark Tears, and I got it after paying a lot of money. As long as it is injected with power, it will emit blue light. injection power.

The entire battleship adjusted its angle and plunged directly into the sea water.


Nine shadows appeared outside the city at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Although they stood in the sea, they seemed to be unaffected by anything.

It was Ling Tian and eight of the twelve devil generals.

The other four had already entered the city with Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao.

Originally, regarding Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao's death, Ling Tian planned to let the two demon generals come over, but the news came that the source of water was discovered, and the source of water was still very strong, so it was inevitable. Don't let Ling Tian pay attention to it.

There are still a few months before their strength is restored, and they can't do whatever they want for the time being.

So he personally rushed over with the remaining demon generals.

"Jeffet Rose and the others have already gone in, let's go in too." Ling Tian said.

Everyone nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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