The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 233 Seemingly stable like a dog, but in fact panicked a lot

Chapter 233 Seemingly stable like a dog, but in reality panicked

A huge vortex appeared on the Atlantic Ocean, and scenes like natural disasters appeared under the lens of satellites from various countries.

But fortunately, the Atlantic thought that there were no ships on the continuous tsunami and martial law, nor did it cause any damage... Of course, this is only on the surface.

The leaders of the major countries were all sweating—there are people in their countries on the Atlantic Ocean!

Although Qing Shanshan and her team were still diving, but because of the disappearance of Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, the speed of the dive was not fast. When she noticed that the water flow began to flow abnormally, Qing Shanshan directly and forcefully led the group to return to the voyage.

In the depths of the ocean, without support, once the undercurrent gets stuck or the submersible is damaged, it will be fatal.

When people from other countries found that the water flow was abnormal, most of them started to return to the voyage. Only a few iron-headed children who thought their heads were relatively strong chose to continue diving, but the facts told them, you titanium alloy iron heads, you can’t.

However, because Qing Shanshan and the others were already in a deep position, it was a bit late to retreat.

They were thrown out by the vortex, and the first layer of armor of the submersible was directly broken, but fortunately, the second layer of armor held up with the help of the formation.

The people whose submersibles were damaged directly chose to send a signal for help, which was beyond their ability to solve. Moreover, such a large vortex couldn't be hidden at all. Now they don't know how many satellites are aiming at their heads.

The people waiting for the rescue could only chat and pray for Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, looking helplessly at the "magnificence" in front of them.


Because of its small size, Qing Shanshan's team didn't suffer much damage, but some very large submersibles couldn't do it.

At this time, a huge metal round egg was bumping back and forth in the sea water. At this time, the outer iron shell had been deformed, and it seemed that it might shatter at any time.

And inside the metal round egg are the big boss and his group.

At this time, all of their faces did not look good.

The boss was afraid for a while, but fortunately he had a backhand, so he didn't play GG in the laughter. Although the Merman Tears can ward off water, there is nothing he can do when facing the whirlpool, and now his backhand doesn't seem to be able to hold on how long it has been.

"Master, what's going on?" Da Dangjia asked, although facing a dangerous situation, Da Dangjia did not panic, but still calmly played with the two balls in his hand, which also allowed others to stabilize , I felt that we could win, and at the same time secretly boasted in my heart-it is worthy of being the master!
However, the head of the family looks as stable as a dog on the surface, but in fact, he is panicking in his heart.

The complexion of the Asian man wearing gold-rimmed glasses is not very good. He has worked hard for several years and almost did not suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. Suddenly, such an incident happened. Once he returned to the pre-liberation period, no one would be happy if it happened to him. It's really hard.

It's like putting strawberries on the pizza, it smells like strawberries, but when you eat it in your mouth - MMP, there are durians in it! (The author has tried it himself, and it is really uncomfortable.)
"I don't know." The master shook his head, "But the information said how to deal with this matter. I thought I wouldn't use it, but I didn't expect it to happen."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Quickly tell me, master." Erdang said with a roasted bird leg in his mouth. As for the source of the bird leg, it was the seabird that accidentally hit their window.

It is not the life attitude of the second master to say that when a person dies, the bird is not finished.

The master drew a few times on his tablet computer and showed it to everyone.

"The sea god is here... The murlocs from another world are sealed by the sea emperor. The sea emperor's... riot, the vortex destroys everything. If you want to be forgiven, you must hold the sea emperor's token."

"The ellipsis is the missing part." Shi Ye explained.

"Do you think we know how to read? Are you stupid?" The third family looked at the master with a look of mental retardation.


What's the matter, you don't know how to read, are you justified?
Blue thin, mushrooms.

But the master still held back.

"The former is not very clear, but the general meaning of the latter, in short, is that if you want to come out safely, you must have the token of the Sea Emperor."

"What is the token of the Sea Emperor?"

The master pointed to a ring among the three items placed in the glass cover.

"This ring found in the temple dedicated to the Emperor of the Sea is a token. I originally carried it just for insurance, but I didn't expect to actually use it."

When the master heard this, he opened the glass cover and took out the ring. The material of the glass cover is very strong and difficult to break. Only the three masters and the master can open the glass cover.

"How to use?" asked the head of the house?
The master took out another book, "This is a prayer to sacrifice to the Emperor of the Sea. I know you don't know how to read. Master, put on the ring, and the others will read it with me."

For some reason, everyone seemed to feel that they were being ridiculed in the master's words.

But before they could react, the master's voice sounded, and the others hurriedly concentrated their attention and began to chant along with the master in order to save their lives.

Following everyone's words, a layer of blue light covered the entire ship, and they couldn't feel the vibration outside. Everyone was overjoyed, and they recited harder.

The master secretly wiped a cold sweat. In fact, he is even more stupid. He doesn’t know what the token of the Sea Emperor is, and he doesn’t know if it will work well. He can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He tried his best, but it seems that the effect is still very good. gratifying.

In the middle of the ship there are three glass covers, one of which holds the Sea Emperor's ring, another contains the Merman's tears, and the last glass cover contains a golden key with the sign of Cancer engraved on it. sign.


The three of Ling Miao were dragged into the shadow world by the shadow ghost.

Although there was turbulence outside, the shadow world was not affected.

After the three of them entered the shadow world, the shadow ghost began to control the shadow to move far away, but it took a lot of time to reach the shore or a safe sea area.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous." Xia Ri wiped off his cold sweat, looking out at the rough sea through the shadow, Xia Ri was afraid for a while.

"Is it really safe here?" Yin Ya asked.

Yin Ya and Ling Miao observed the shadow world, they entered the shadow world for the first time, and they were full of curiosity about it.

The shadow world is pitch black, and time, space and distance cannot be felt, but the three of them can see each other clearly.

"Don't worry, this is the shadow world, free from outside influences, the shadow ghosts outside are lurking and moving under the soil layer, it's very safe, and besides the creatures born in the shadow world, no one else can enter here at all."

As soon as Xia Ri finished speaking, a figure appeared on the other side of the three of them.

The coming person was tall, wearing cloth armor, with a red scarf floating behind him, and a black mask covering his face, with only a pair of eyes leaking out.

Jill is a little dazed now, and he agreed to find Ling Huohuo, but when he arrived at the main hall, he didn't find Ling Huohuo and the others except bones and scum all over the place, and then the main hall was destroyed, so he took the risk to find a They didn't find them in the circle, not even the corpses, so they had to enter the shadow world in the end.

However, when he entered the shadow world, he found the figures of Ling Miao and the others. What happened?What about Jeffrey Telos?

(End of this chapter)

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