The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 244 Salted fish should enjoy wild loli and wives in the park

Chapter 244 Salted fish should enjoy wild loli and wives in the park
Ling Huohuo logged into the virtual game.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself standing on the edge of a forest. The trees in the forest were extremely tall, which looked like a tropical rainforest. On the other side was a wide river. I have seen small animals before, and Ling Huohuo herself is wearing a set of tattered cloth clothes and trousers.

Ling Huohuo scratched his head, no.

According to Han Yutong's introduction, his birthplace should be a town. What's the matter with this forest and river?And... Ling Huohuo looked at his empty hands, where is my novice weapon?

It is not required to click and send the dragon sword, but I have to give me a knife at the beginning. The equipment depends on picking it up. What is the situation with bare hands?Han Yutong also said during the explanation that all people who log in will be randomly assigned a weapon when they log in for the first time. Of course, they are all ordinary weapons.

With a thought, Ling Huohuo opened his personal panel.

Name: Ling Huo
Age: 21
Strength: mortal

Occupation: None
Equipment: Torn Novice Clothes, Torn Novice Trousers
Features: Physically strong, first-class resilience

The personal panel is extremely simple.

Ling Huohuo looked up to the sky and sighed, the novice commoner clothes and trousers were still damaged, and the damaged equipment was not even a whiteboard in the introduction!It works, but it doesn't help at all.

And the four-piece suit for beginners that was promised, the shoes and weapons are even less seen.

"Paradise of the Gods" is the name of this game. The game has a high degree of freedom. Just like the real world, damaged weapons will not disappear as data, just like the commoner clothes and trousers on Ling Huohuo. At the same time, this The most difficult part of this game is to die once, all the equipment on the body will be exploded, the level will not change, and you will be weak for three days. Resurrection in the starting city can be said to be extremely harsh, but the underwear of the game characters will not be exploded, so don’t worry about all the light .

Ling Huohuo put his hand into his trousers, his expression changed... Underpants, gone?

Are you a vacuum now?Wait, that's not the point, the point is that if I die once, doesn't it mean I'm going to run naked!

With trembling hands, Ling Huohuo called up the personal template again, and clicked to exit the game.

This game cannot be played!
Special customization... It's really fucking special, how can people play with it?
When Ling Huohuo opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the sofa. Ling Huohuo got up together and found that Babai was floating on the side.

"What's the matter, Babai?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously, Babai had been in the small world all along, and he wouldn't come out if there was nothing wrong, why did he come out suddenly?
"What are these?" Eight hundred asked, pointing to the virtual glasses and bracelet.

"Ah, these are..." Ling Huohuo introduced the virtual glasses and bracelet to Babai, and complained for a while.

"Show me." Babai was about to pass the virtual glasses and bracelet, and began to study, which made Ling Huohuo wonder why Babai was also interested in games?

"So that's how it is." Babai sighed, and then tapped the bracelet lightly with the tip of the sword, and the two rags fell to the ground.

Ling Huohuo picked up two rags curiously.

"Why does it look familiar? Wait, shit..." Ling Huohuo looked shocked. Aren't these the two pieces he wore in the game.

"How did you do that?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"I didn't make it. The glasses and the bracelet were originally connected to another world. I just broke that barrier, so that things from that world can appear in this world, but things in this world cannot appear in that world." world, but virtual glasses can allow the wearer's consciousness to enter another world."

"The technology is so advanced now?" Ling Huohuo said in surprise.

"It's not the power of technology, but there is a kind of magical crystal in the bracelet and glasses. These crystals are really exerting their power, and the bracelet and glasses are just carriers, which stimulate the power of crystallization. Just when you use these devices , triggered the power of the "Sword Code"."

Ling Huohuo nodded, it turned out to be like this... Wait, is it because of "Sword Code" that the underwear is gone?
"Leave these three things to me to study and study first, and you can use them after I have studied them." After finishing speaking, Babai carried the box and three things into the small world.

That card is an identity card, which can show the character's situation.

Babai didn't give Ling Huohuo a chance to react, because the characteristics of these things suddenly gave him a bold idea!

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't stop Babai, nor did he go into the small world to find Babai.

Shrugged, compared to studying these things, the days of salted fish are the best.

Ling Huohuo released Happy, and tied a dog chain that had been prepared a long time ago around its neck.

"Go, let's go for a walk with the dog."

Happy: "..."

With a grin on his face, his mother is selling it in his heart.


Another dull day.

Ling Huohuo resumed salted fish, game?nonexistent!
I sleep until I wake up naturally every day, and when I get up early, I take Happy to the park to walk the dog, tease the birds, chat with the old men, and enjoy the wild loli and wives in the park.

Ling Huohuo felt that he might have to enter retirement 50 years earlier.

There are two large parks near Ling Huohuo's house. Whenever Ling Huohuo gets tired of seeing one park, he will change to another park. When he gets tired of seeing the other park, he will go back and revisit the previous park.

Lying on a bench, basking in the sun, Harpy crouched under the bench, looking around, ever since Harpy discovered that there were many people walking dogs in the park, he never protested Ling Huo walking him, sometimes He even let Ling Huohuo walk it with a rope in his mouth.

How did that sentence come from, "The drunkard's heart is not in wine, but Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone."

Without Xiao Yunyun watching, Ling Huohuo had a good chat with many beautiful girls through Happy.

Well, working together, each takes what he needs.

"Ling Huohuo!" Suddenly, someone called Ling Huohuo's name.

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the voice, and smiled.

"Lu Sisi!"

Lu Sisi ran over, "It's really you, long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Where have you been during this time?" Lu Sisi asked.

"Ah, salted fish at home."

Lu Sisi also contacted Ling Huohuo when he was on a mission abroad, and the two chatted occasionally.

"What are you doing here?" Ling Huohuo asked.

At this time, Lu Sisi didn't look like he came to the park, but was wearing sportswear, with something wrapped in cloth strips on his back. Ling Huohuo's intuition told him that it was a sword!

"I was returning home from my family's martial arts gym. I passed by the park and wanted to come in for a walk. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Oh." Ling Huohuo had also heard about the martial arts gym in Lu Sisi's home.

"That's right." Lu Sisi said suddenly, and took down the long sword on her back, "Let's fight, let's use swordsmanship to decide the outcome!"

 Don't worry, veterans, I won't write and play games in the future. The existence of games is used to lead to the next plot
(End of this chapter)

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