Chapter 249

Chapter 263 So Tight!

Hua Xiaoyu feels that the recent days are going very well.

Successfully escaped from home, successfully arrived at the city where that person was, successfully discovered the secret of that person's becoming stronger, successfully learned powerful swordsmanship, although there was a small flaw, and was almost discovered in the middle, But none of that matters.

Until meeting that person, Hua Xiaoyu felt that all her luck had been used up.

Staring fiercely at the man sitting on the ground with an expressionless face, Hua Xiaoyu has the heart to kill someone.

The first time I saw him I was almost exposed, but the second time I was knocked out of my mouth and bit my tongue.

Sanwunan just glanced at Hua Xiaoyu, then raised his head again, continuing to look up at the starry sky as if nothing had happened.

"Hmph, Li... um~" Hua Xiaoyu wanted to scold the other party, but she opened her mouth, her mouth was full of bloody smell, and her numb tongue made her feel uncomfortable for a while.

Hua Xiaoyu could only stare at Sanwunan, but Sanwunan still ignored her. In the end, Hua Xiaoyu could only kick Sanwunan's feet bitterly, turned and left. Stay with the man more.

After being kicked twice by Hua Xiaoyu, Sanwunan lowered his head and looked at the back of Hua Xiaoyu's leaving, as if he was thinking about something.


The three of Ling Huohuo looked around with a pair of glasses.

It looks like a pair of ordinary glasses, except that there are two red, exquisitely polished gemstones on the temples on both sides.

Ling Huohuo picked up the glasses and found that they were not heavy, but very light. He looked at the sun again and found nothing different from ordinary glasses.

"This pair of glasses looks no different from ordinary glasses." Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"The materials of this pair of glasses are extremely strong materials, which are fireproof and waterproof, and have strong toughness." Xiao Yunyun explained.

"and then?"

"This is indeed a pair of ordinary glasses." Xiao Yunyun said.

"..." Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while.

"Try it on."

Xiao Yunyun reached out and took off the head-up mirror worn by Ling Huohuo's eyes, but the glasses in Ling Huohuo's hand were put on Ling Huohuo's eyes.

Ling Huohuo blinked, but didn't feel any difference, and was about to ask, Xiao Yunyun tapped the red gemstones on both temples.

Ling Huohuo's consciousness was in a trance for a while, and when he regained consciousness, he found himself by a river and a forest on the other side.

"Here, it looks familiar."

Ling Huohuo suddenly realized, isn't this the place where he played the game offline before?

Ling Huohuo hurriedly looked at his body, and found that the clothes he was wearing had not changed, it was still the same clothes he was wearing outside just now, touching himself, it felt very real, but when he wanted to call the personal panel, he found that there was no change at all. Can't call out, could it be that he has entered this world as a whole person?

Ling Huohuo felt a little horrified. Could it be that he couldn't get out?
and many more!

Ling Huohuo touched the two gemstones on the temples on both sides. He remembered that Xiao Yunyun just touched here before he entered this world. There was no response, and he input some spiritual power, but there was still no movement.


Xiao Yunyun, you sent me here without saying anything, isn't it a scam!You waited for me to go back!
Ling Huohuo hurriedly communicated with his own small world, and found that he could still communicate and enter.

Ling Huohuo breathed a sigh of relief for a while and began to observe the surroundings, looking at the sun, the time should be in the morning, um, if the sun here is the same as the earth time.

Surrounding Ling Huohuo are still those magical creatures that I saw last time. They are not too big, and the tallest one is only about three meters tall. They look like ancient creatures like dinosaurs, but they don’t look like them. What aggressiveness, all creatures are distributed on both sides of the river, living in harmony.

Ling Huohuo touched his chin.

"I don't know how the meat of these creatures tastes like?"

When you come to a strange place, after ensuring your own safety, the first consideration is the issue of survival, and this naturally cannot avoid the issue of food.

"There is still some food in the small world, let's find a foothold first." Ling Huohuo said.

Although Ling Huohuo had never survived in the wild, he had learned about it in the military region and practiced it.

To survive in the wild, if it is in the rainforest, it is best to set your foothold on a tree, away from the ground, because the night is dominated by predators in the rainforest.

Locating a foothold on a tree not only hides predators, but also prevents most poisonous insects.

The towering tree hundreds of meters high, Linghuoling, climbed to the top without much effort. He built a simple platform with planks, withered grass and vines prepared in advance, and then covered it with some branches.

Ling Huohuo will enter the small world when resting at night, but the sealed door cannot be hidden. Ling Huohuo will hide the sealed door on the platform he built, and then adjust the weight of the sealed door so that it cannot be hidden. It will break the branches and will not be blown off by the wind.

The reason why the sealed door was hidden in a tree was to prevent monsters from squatting outside the sealed door. He didn't want to be pressed and rubbed on the ground as soon as the door was opened.

After being busy for a long time, Ling Huohuo came to the river, carrying toiletries, ready to take a bath.

In order to build the platform, apart from sweating, I felt a little uncomfortable.

After taking off his clothes, Ling Huohuo lay down in the river and let out a pleasant moan.

The river water, which has been exposed to the sun for a day, is not cold, but rather warm.

He took a handful of clear river water in his hand.

"A clear river like this can't be seen in the city except in the deep mountains, and it is rare even in the countryside."

Ling Huohuo shook his head, wasn't he also in the forest.

Looking at the clear river water, Ling Huohuo wanted to wash his face, closed his eyes, and took off his glasses. Before he could put the glasses aside, he suddenly felt the river water around him disappear.

Then...a scream frightened Ling Huohuo who was lying down and sat up.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly opened his eyes and looked around.

Find yourself sitting on the floor of your own home.

Xiao Yunyun stood on the side, his face was flushed, he covered his face with his hands, but his eyes leaked out from between his fingers, he looked at Ling Huohuo shyly but excitedly.

"This... this is really good, bah! It's so nasty!"

And Guo Xiaoyu walked up to Ling Huohuo, squatted on the ground, and pinched his chin.

"Oh, it turns out that a man's is like this. It's the first time I've seen a real guy. I don't know how it feels to use it. Tsk tsk tsk..."

Ling Huo Huoshun was caught between Guo Xiaoyu's gaze and fell between his legs.

A scream came from Ling Huohuo's house, startling Ling Tian and Li Yinman who were about to open the door to come in.

Ling Tian hastily opened the door and rushed into the room, followed by Li Yinman.

"Ling Huohuo, what happened?"

I saw Xiao Yunyun with a red face and Guo Xiaoyu with a serious face in the living room, and two lumps of white flesh flashed in front of Ling Tian and Li Yinman's eyes.

For some reason, three words suddenly appeared in the minds of Ling Tian and Li Yinman—so tight!

(End of this chapter)

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