The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 251 Dedicate this wonderful world to Lord Demon King!

Chapter 251 Dedicate this wonderful world to Lord Demon King!
Blue sky, sea, bikinis constitute the melody of summer.

Ling Huohuo, Ling Miao and Xia Ri got out of the car with their luggage on their backs, while Ling Tian drove the car to the parking lot.

Seeing the girls running towards the beach, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao looked at each other, smiled helplessly and shook their heads.

And the reason for all this happened three days ago...


After figuring out how to use the glasses, Xiao Yunyun added an identity card setting in the glasses. Although she and Yaobai didn't understand high-tech products very well, it would be no problem to use magic to disassemble them directly and transfer them to the glasses in Shanghai. Huohuo put the glasses on her eyes.

It looks like he is wearing a pair of gorgeous glasses, and this pair of glasses can only be used by Ling Huohuo. In the hands of other people, even if there is something strange, they will not be able to use them at all, unless the ID card is used violently. Set to tear down.

On the other hand, Guo Xiaoyu and Xiao Yunyun are planning to buy a set when the game is officially released, and then modify it by themselves.

Ling Huohuo didn't feel safe alone, so he didn't enter another world alone. Instead, he waited for Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu's equipment to be made, and then the three of them entered together and explored another world together.

Ling Huohuo, who was idle, contacted everyone on the third floor of NG Company, because if the virtual game is released, it will definitely have an impact on other games and steal the attention of other games in the same period. It has recovered, but it will miss the golden period of release, and in the end it can only cause losses, so the release time of the game must be staggered.

This news was also told to Dongfang Shizuku by Ling Huohuo, thinking that the game they made was also coming to an end.

In the end, after discussion and unanimous approval by the top management of NG, all upcoming games of NG were postponed.

As for the damage caused and the remedial measures, Ling Huohuo didn't know.

Then, Ling Huohuo, who was idle, went back to walking the dog.

At this time, Ling Tian suddenly took home a free pass for a one-day tour at a seaside hotel.

This free play ticket is a summer benefit issued by Lingtian Company, and it is valid until September [-]st.

Zhonghai City is close to the sea, but it is not a tourist attraction, but just an ordinary seaside, without any facilities or fun, and the sand is relatively thick, and the one-day tour of the seaside hotel brought back by Ling Tian is the most famous in Yanhai Province. A five-star hotel on a seaside scenic spot, all board and lodging is included, and most importantly, there is no limit on the number of people!

No matter how you look at this free play pass, it is abnormal, no matter the content or the fact that it was distributed to Ling Tian and his company.

Then Ling Tian secretly checked the situation of this hotel—was it acquired by Zhishi Group?

Well, Ling Tian suddenly remembered that he was still the top leader of this group.

Sure enough, those twelve people are going to make trouble recently!
However, Ling Tian did not directly question the Twelve Demon Generals. After all, his starting point is not bad. As a Demon King, Ling Tian cannot disobey the kindness of his old subordinates who were born and died, but it is impossible for Ling Tian to let the Twelve Demon Generals It's completely satisfactory, after all, I am the devil king!
Aren't you unlimited?Well!
Therefore, Li Yinman, Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo's friends, Xiao Yunyun, Guo Xiaoyu, Lu Sisi, and Ling Miao were ordered to come back, and they brought Yin Ya, Xia Ri, and finally Ha Pi.

In this way, nine people and one dog came to the beach together.

In order to bring so many people, Ling Miao bought a big car with the money usually given to him by Twelve Demon Generals, just enough to hold them all.

So, what can you do?Just take your family and friends out to play.


For Ling Tian's invitation, Ling Huohuo didn't care, but Ling Miao was a little embarrassed, but Ling Tian told him again, the majesty of his brother.

Even though it was only through the phone, Ling Tian's voice frightened Ling Miao and the three of them into agreeing, as if they could feel Ling Tian's prison-like aura even through the phone.

Hearing Ling Miao's promise, Ling Tian showed a smile, Xiao Mian, I can't deal with you anymore, brother is the devil king, the momentum is especially comparable to your little fifth-order?Even across the phone can scare you to death!I asked you if you were afraid.

"Guo Xiaoyu, what are you doing?" Xiao Yunyun exclaimed.

I saw Guo Xiaoyu unbuttoning her skirt while running, and she was about to take it off in the next step.

And Guo Xiaoyu's actions not only attracted Ling Huohuo's group, but also attracted the attention of other people on the beach, especially men.

Guo Xiaoyu's good looks and well-made figure all make everyone's imagination run wild.

However, Guo Xiaoyu ignored her and continued to undress her, it was too late to stop her.

"Not suitable for children, don't look at it!" Ling Huohuo hurriedly covered Ling Miao and Xia Ri's wide eyes with one hand, while he himself widened his eyes again.

"Ah, the eyes, the eyes, are going to be snapped off."


Ling Miao and the two screamed.

Xiao Yunyun is ready to take action at any time to cover up Guo Xiaoyu's... well, naked.

The whole body is solid and there is nothing wrong with it. (from Fei Yuqing, the dirty demon king)

Guo Xiaoyu took off her skirt and shirt.

The smiles of everyone who stared wide-eyed and showed ambiguous smiles gradually froze.

The daughters of Xiao Yunyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw that Guo Xiaoyu was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, the kind with dead reservoir water on campus, and the words "Guo Xiaoyu" were written on the white rectangle on the tower.


Guo Xiaoyu plunged into the sea and disappeared.

"Let's go, let's go."

"Swimsuit underwear, big boss, big boss, social society."


In this way, a river crab incident was quelled.

Li Yinman involuntarily put herself in the position of the hostess again, stopped the others, and led the women to the dressing room.

Here, Li Yinman is the oldest, with the attributes of a big sister, coupled with the radiant affinity when she smiles, all the girls followed Li Yinman obediently, and looked forward to her.

Guo Xiaoyu was fished out of the sea by Xiao Yunyun, Guo Xiaoyu was not afraid of water, she didn't need to come up to breathe if she was plunged into it, and if she didn't watch her, she was really afraid that she would dive into the Yellow Sea, swim into the East China Sea, and finally enter the Pacific Ocean, but no one Have the leisure to go to the Pacific Ocean to catch her.

Ling Huohuo and his group of boys entered the men's locker room led by Ling Tian who came back.

There should be no big guys in swimsuits among the crowd... Probably.


Governance Group.

At this time, the Twelve Demon Generals were sitting in the office with their chests upright.

There is a world map on the big screen in the middle, and a metal box is placed on the table. This metal box is very similar to Ling Huohuo’s box for game equipment, except that the box is black. What is painted on it is a cloud of black mist.

"Ahem." Eisfeldt stood up, walked to the big screen, and coughed twice like a leader, attracting everyone's attention.

The other magic generals looked at Eisfeldt, with excitement flashing in their eyes.

"Back then, the lord even gave his own life for us, and died together with the brave man. Although you and I are the lord's subordinates, the lord's kindness must be repaid. Now, our chance has come!"

Eisfeld raised his hands high, and the projection of the world map was right on top of his hands.

"Let us work together to present this beautiful world to Lord Demon King!"

There was warm applause and cheers in the conference room, and several women even shed tears of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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