Chapter 257 The Isolated Space

No matter what illegal activities his parents are doing, Ling Huohuo's battle with a group of monsters is still going on.

A level is just a level of life, but it does not represent strength. Different forces have different qualities and attributes, and the strength of the same level is also different.

The aura produced by Ling Huohuo's "Sword Code" is definitely one of the highest powers. Adding the power of Yuyi, which has the ability to restrain evil spirits, the battle between Ling Huohuo and the monsters is simply like the king of fighters beating up elementary school students. The third-tier and fourth-tier monsters have no resistance at all, the third-tier monsters are all dead, and the fourth-tier monsters barely survive under the protection of two fifth-tier monsters.

Two fifth-level monsters can't do without saving three fourth-level monsters. If they don't work together, they will have been chopped down by Ling Huohuo long ago.

In fact, the two fifth-tier ones were originally together, and together, they could fight Ling Huohuo evenly, and even have a slight advantage.

Because the two monsters are old-fashioned monster kings, and Ling Huohuo has relatively little combat experience, so it is naturally more difficult to parry.

However, after a while, the two demon kings discovered something that made them very desperate. Why does this human power seem to be useless?
They are obviously wasting their power so much, and according to the opponent's moves, it can be judged that the opponent is also at the fifth level. Even if they have more power than themselves, the more should be limited. After all, I have two fifth levels and three fourth levels on my side. After so long, the strength in the body is not much, but this human being is still full of energy. This is very unscientific. You must have taken drugs before you came out!

What they don't know is that Ling Huohuo is supported by the power of a small world behind him.

The current Ling Huohuo is no longer satisfied with beheading these monsters, but uses these monsters to hone actual combat under Babai's suggestion. When I saw that my actual combat had indeed improved, I accepted it.

There was a lively fight on the sea, but no one on the shore noticed.

Because when Ling Huohuo first made a move, a certain elder brother made a move at the same time.

Ling Tian sat in his room and touched his chin.

"It seems that Ling Huohuo's progress is not bad, and it's not in vain for me to spend my energy to isolate the entire sea space, but what's the situation with his unscientific aura?" Apparently Ling Tian also discovered the amount of Ling Huohuo's aura Quite wrong, Ling Tian naturally knew the power of spirit energy. Based on Ling Tian's calculations, Ling Huohuo's spirit energy consumption was already the power of three fifth-level people, but Ling Huohuo still did not appear to be exhausted.

"Could it be that there are some treasures that can provide spiritual energy? In this way, Ling Huohuo must have a set of exercises that can quickly refine spiritual energy, and the grade is not low. Where did he get it?" Ling Tian He showed an interested look.

He discovered it when Ling Huohuo used the power of his blood to kill the fish demon on the beach. When Ling Huohuo continued to fight on the sea, Ling Tian directly isolated the space where Ling Huohuo was fighting. Come on, the sea area of ​​Linghuohuo is no different from other sea areas.


Li Yinman stood in front of his window, frowning and looked at the sea area where Ling Huohuo was.

"Who is fighting? The people who perform space isolation are very strong."

Because the power of space is very pure, Li Yinman can't judge who used the space isolation by the breath of power.

"The isolation space should be to prevent people from discovering it, so I won't worry about it. It's almost time for the fireworks show. It's time to find Ling Tian and the others."

Li Yinman drew the curtains and began to dress up for the evening fireworks show.


Ling Miao also stood in front of her window, watching the direction of Ling Huohuo's battle, a black air surrounded him.

"Jie Jie Jie, that's the power of space. It's really a big deal for someone to isolate the entire sea area in that direction." A strange voice came from the black air.

"Do you know the opponent's strength?" Ling Miao asked.

"It's hard to say, except for special abilities, even an ability user who specializes in space attributes can only use such power at the seventh level, and if you want to use it instantly like this, without the slightest waste of power, it will take about eight years. rank."

Ling Miao squinted her eyes, then turned around.

"Let's go, it's time to go to the fireworks show." Ling Miao said.

"There must be interesting things happening there, and there may be great opportunities. Why, don't you want to go in and get a share?" Hei Qi bewitched.

"Compared with chance, I care more about my life." Ling Miao said flatly, without any fluctuation in tone.

"Tch, you are still like this. You are not greedy at all. This is not a good habit. There is no great opportunity, so the improvement of strength will be slow."

"But I know it won't let me accidentally lose my life."


On the other side, Xiao Yunyun took Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi to look for Ling Huohuo.

After buying underwear with Guo Xiaoyu, he found that Ling Huohuo had disappeared, which annoyed Xiao Yunyun for a while.

"Really, it's almost time for the fireworks show, where did this guy go?" Xiao Yunyun said unhappily.

"Let's look for it again," Lu Sisi said.

After the two walked away, Guo Xiaoyu tilted his head and looked in the direction where Ling Huohuo was fighting in doubt.

"Guo Xiaoyu, follow!" Xiao Yunyun shouted in front.

"Oh." Guo Xiaoyu nodded and followed.

Compared with things that I don't understand, the fireworks show is obviously more attractive.


"Well, it's here, my boss is here and disappeared... Oops." Happy hit an invisible wall and almost fell into the sea. Fortunately, Ling Nu pulled him up with quick eyes and hands.

Hapi went back to find Ling Huohuo, but found that Ling Huohuo had not gone back, and then searched along the scent, and met Ling Nu and the others who were looking for clues on the shore. The smell of fire left in the air went to find Ling Huo Huo.

The reason why everyone was able to walk on the sea was that they were assisted by Rei Kazama's spell, and in order not to attract attention, they also used means of concealing their figures.

"Is this right here? What's the situation?" Kazama Lian stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that his hand was blocked, and he couldn't get through no matter the face or the bottom.

"Could it be an enchantment?" Kazama Lian guessed.

"Could it be that Hapi's master has already fought the monster?" Ling Nu guessed.

"It's very possible, I hope it's Harpy's master who wins in the end." Rei Kazama said.

"Don't worry, my master is very strong!" said Happy.

"By the way, what is the strength of your master?" Rei Kazama asked, she was very curious about Happy's mysterious master.

Ling Nu also came over.

"It's not that powerful, it's only the fifth level."

"Fifth Tier...Fifth Tier?!"

(End of this chapter)

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