The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 266 The Imperial Front and the Mysterious Girl

Chapter 266 The Imperial Front and the Mysterious Girl

The three tall buildings seem to be wooden structures with the same style, but the patterns and some decorations on them are different.

The height of the building is more than ten meters, no less than nine pheasants. There is a wooden wheel at the front and back. The front wheel is very large and has the same height as the entire building. The rear wheel is only half the size of the front wheel.

Although the three buildings are large, their moving speed is not slow.

"It's the imperial front." Ye Jiro said with a serious face.

"The imperial front? What is that?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"I've seen the imperial front once before, so I collected some information about the imperial front. It's not a secret. The imperial front is a special spiritual outfit for the exorcist. It is made of special materials and will be made according to the needs of the exorcist. It is modified to be more suitable for the power of the demon slayer, there are only twelve vehicles, and the strength of the demon slayer who uses the front position will be greatly improved, and even have the strength to fight at a higher level."

"Moreover, through the exclusive imperial front, every demon slayer can use a unique secret technique. It is said that the powerful secret technique can even kill the demon king with one blow, but the ease of every demon slayer is regarded as a As a last resort, it is generally not known to outsiders.”

Kill the demon king with one blow?

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth in surprise, he didn't expect that the imperial front could increase so much. It's not a problem to kill the big monsters of the fourth level in seconds, but it's different for the fifth level. The difference in strength between them is not 01:30 points .

Although Ling Huohuo himself is also at the fifth level, facing the combination of the two demon kings, Datengu and Yunu, still needs some hands and feet, let alone instant kills.

"It's just a legend. There is no record of related matters. It may be just a means to intimidate the outside world." Ye Jiro said.

While everyone was talking, the situation in the enchantment also changed.

It may be because the arrival of the imperial front has brought confidence to the Onmyojis. Many Onmyojis are no longer attacking from a distance as carefully as before, but... um, retreated?
As the large army retreated, the three demon slayers would be exposed at the front. They no longer stood there and posed, but leapt forward, flew straight to a height of more than ten meters, and landed on three planes in front of the imperial position At the top, the three demon generals each took out a spell, chanted a few words, and then threw it into a wooden bonfire on the top of the imperial front. Afterwards, the top of the imperial front burst into flames.

Ling Huohuo's eyes changed, the imperial front just now looked like a building, but now the imperial front seemed to him to be alive.

Seeing three behemoths no less than his own height appearing beside him, the nine chicken heads of the Nine Pheasant roared, and three chicken heads separated to attack the three front positions.

Without the blessing of Onmyoji, the barrier that originally trapped it was poked out three holes in an instant.

Ling Huohuo was amazed that the chicken's neck was so long that it could stretch so long.

However, although the three chicken heads looked fierce, they hit the imperial front, and the imperial front did not even shake.

"Fucking shit." Ling Huohuo cursed with some mentality.

When Jitou attacked the imperial front, the three demon generals on the imperial front were not idle either.

A female demon slayer made a gesture, and slapped the front of the imperial area under her feet. Countless charms flew out from the front of the imperial area. There are many phantoms, all phantoms form a hemispherical shape.

Immediately afterwards, the other two demon slayers stretched their hands towards the fire behind them. A blue line of power stretched out from the fire, and connected to the bonfire behind the female demon slayer. In an instant, the flames of the bonfire behind the female demon slayer Sheng.

"This is power sharing. Through the front position, the demon slayers can superimpose their power and temporarily strengthen the strength of one of the demon slayers. With the blessings of two demon slayers and three front positions, the female demon slayer At that time, the strength should have reached the fifth level." Ye Jiro explained.

When Nine Pheasant had just broken the barrier formed by other Onmyoji around him and wanted to continue to break through, he found that he was blocked by a hemispherical barrier made of charms outside. Nine Pheasant hit the barrier, causing ripples None came out.

The female demon slayer kept her hands in a triangular gesture, chanting words in her mouth, and lightning flashed on the phantom of each spell, and then countless thunderbolts fell from the spell like raindrops towards Nine Pheasant, and each lightning bolt struck Nine Pheasant There are pits all over the chicken.

Thunder and lightning baptized the nine pheasants for about a minute. The flickering lightning made it difficult to see the situation inside, but it couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the onmyojis who were eating melons. , couldn't help cheering.

After the thunder and lightning passed, the situation inside the barrier was revealed. Half of the nine pheasant's body was torn apart, and only three of the nine chicken heads remained.

However, when Thunder and Lightning attacked Nine Pheasant, it further destroyed the seal. Nine Pheasant struggled twice and escaped from the seal.

Nine Pheasant, whose entire body escaped the seal, let out a roar, and the injuries on its body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and nine heads grew out again.

Nine Pheasant's body more than 20 meters away broke free and hit the barrier outside, but the quality of the barrier may be really good. Although the barrier was shaken by the impact, Nine Pheasant still did not smash the barrier , and finally could only squeeze into the barrier in an extremely awkward posture.

What's even more frustrating is that under the control of the female demon slayer, the enchantment began to deform and shrink, and finally turned into a spherical shape, and the nine pheasants were completely unable to move.

The female demon slayer raised her hands, and the barrier surrounding the nine pheasants began to lift into the air. At the same time, the three front positions also began to move, and finally surrounded the barrier in a triangle.

The three demon slayers quickly changed their gestures, and the three imperial fronts shot out several rays of light, which intertwined and bound the barrier in the center.

Then the three imperial front positions slowly left.

"It looks like the Nine Pheasant is going to be taken back." Ye Cilang said.

"Okay, it's not exciting to watch, let's go." Ling Huohuo said.

Didn't do anything, Ootengu curled his lips in displeasure, Hajiro nodded, and the melon-eating onmyojis in the distance also patted the team, got in the car and left... Grass, you onmyojis go out and work by riding The one with the little electric donkey?
Looking at the onmyojis lined up in a row, wearing hunting clothes, and leaving on a small electric donkey, Ling Huohuo felt that the style of painting was a bit broken.

"Well, forget it, it's still early, I'll make a call later, let's go shopping outside."


Far away from the battlefield just now, on the roof of a tall building.

A girl with long black hair and wearing a black sailor suit had no emotion in her eyes, but looked towards the distant direction of the Imperial Front with a smile on her face.

The young girl gave people a very strange feeling. Although she was a rare beauty, looking at her made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

This is a kind of beauty of death!

The girl raised a hand and stroked her temples that were blown by the wind.

"Ala, ala, seeing such a grand scene just after waking up has made me a little interested." The girl smiled softly.

"Mourning skeletons," the girl said.

"My lord." A voice came out.

"Is there any news about what you asked to inquire about?"

"There is some news, and the Nura Group's residence has been found."


"North of Tokyo, at the junction of Saitama, Gunma, and Tochigi."

"Is it there?"

"My lord, there is one more thing."


"The third successor of the Nura group is studying in Tokyo."

"Oh, it's interesting,'s getting late, so I'll leave first, and I'll leave the night walk of ghosts to you guys."

The girl wore small leather shoes and left the rooftop. As the girl left, countless figures, big or small, gradually emerged, and then flew or jumped around.

(End of this chapter)

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