Chapter 268 Your Name
Walking on the street, Ling Huohuo smacked his lips in aftertaste.

Akihabara is worthy of being an otaku paradise, but just a few hours makes me feel a little overwhelmed.

"Let's find a place to rest first." Ling Huohuo stood at the same spot, looked around, and found that there was a 24-hour coffee shop not far away, with a simple and simple entrance. Ling Huohuo walked towards the coffee shop, and before entering After a pause, he wiped the lip marks on his face against the glass at the door, and walked into the coffee shop after he couldn't see anything.

When he found out that he was in Akihabara, Ling Huohuo had an idea in his mind.

As the name suggests, after scouting Tokyo, Ling Huohuo separated from Ye Jiro and asked him to go to Otengu to see the situation in Tokyo by the way, while Ling Huohuo secretly entered a maid restaurant.

After that, I visited many places, and Ling Huohuo didn't come back to his senses until three or four o'clock in the morning.

Stuffing all the packages in his hand into the small world, Ling Huohuo left Akihabara, thinking that he was unfamiliar with the place, so Ling Huohuo could only wander around first, and wait until dawn before going back.

The man in black robe who is suspected to be the Boss was captured. She must be very familiar with the situation in Tokyo.

Go into the cafe.

The interior decoration of the cafe has a sense of time.

There were four more people in the coffee shop at this time, one was an old man in a suit standing at the bar wiping a cup, two waiters, a male and a female, and a female high school student in a school uniform with long straight black hair.

Before Ling Huohuo came in, they seemed to be talking about something, but when Ling Huohuo entered the coffee shop, the sound disappeared.

"Guest, I'm really sorry, the store is closed." The waitress with short blue hair covering one eye stepped forward and said.

The waitress looks young and has a delicate face, but she doesn't seem to be in a good mood. Although she smiled reluctantly, she couldn't adjust for a while.

"But... isn't this store open 24 hours? And..." Ling Huohuo pointed suspiciously at the 24-hour sign at the door, and pointed at the female high school student who was sitting there drinking coffee.

The waitress twitched her lips and glanced at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a chill in his neck.

You are staring at me, you are definitely staring at me, I am going to complain.

"Ahem, sorry, guest, Dong Xiang may be a little tired, isn't it a gentleman's job to forgive the mistakes of a tired girl, what do you think, guest." The old man standing at the bar said with a smile.

"Ah..." This is pointing at me, Ling Huohuo scratched his head, he didn't care enough to get entangled with a waiter, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I understand, it's still open now."

"Of course, guest." The old man said with a smile.

"Then give me two cappuccinos." Ling Huohuo sat on the chair beside him, and rubbed the back of the back with his junior comfortably.

"Are you sure it's two glasses, guest." The old man asked.

"of course."

"Do you have any friends coming?"

"No, just me."

"Okay, guest, please wait a moment."

The old man didn't continue to ask, but turned around and started making coffee.

Ling Huohuo also took out his phone and started playing.

The coffee shop remained open, and soon, two cups of cappuccino were prepared by the old man, brought out, and elegantly placed on Ling Huohuo's table.

Just as the old man was about to leave, Ling Huohuo suddenly reached out to stop the old man.

Under everyone's suspicious eyes, Ling Huohuo put a cup of coffee back on the tray in the old man's hand.

"Please give this cup of coffee to the waitress. Isn't it a gentleman's job to treat a sleepy lady with coffee?" Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

After visiting Akihabara for most of the night, Ling Huohuo felt that he was a little swollen. Human beings always say some inexplicable words and do some inexplicable things when they are swollen.

The old man's face was a little weird. After thinking about it, he nodded with a smile and put the coffee in front of the waitress, but the waitress looked very ugly.

The female high school student who was silently sipping coffee covered her mouth, laughed, and looked at the waitress curiously.

The waitress squeezed her fist, closed her eyes, drank all the coffee in the cup in one go, then turned and ran to the bathroom.

The old man smiled and shook his head, the male waiter looked a little surprised, the female high school student looked at Ling Huohuo amusedly, and Ling Huohuo opened his mouth.

Drink it all in one gulp?Social society, but... I must have suffered so much.

Finally, Ling Huohuo shrugged his shoulders and started to drink the coffee in his cup. Although he couldn't taste coffee, he could still feel that the coffee in the cup was really good.

The female high school student stood up, causing the expressions of the old man and the male waiter to change.

Regardless of the others, the female high school student walked towards Ling Huohuo and sat opposite Ling Huohuo, propping her chin.

"I wonder if this gentleman can buy me a cup of coffee." The female high school student asked.

Ling Huohuo looked at the high school students curiously.

Is this taking me for a fool?
Then Ling Huohuo stretched out his hand.

"Give this lady a cup of coffee, please."

Rich and willful.

What's more, both waitresses and high school girls are beautiful.

Of course, Ling Huohuo didn't have any special ideas, and he didn't intend to have any more interaction with the other party.

It's just pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, guest." The old man said.

The waitress also came out soon, and when she saw Ling Huohuo sitting with the female high school student, her expression was a little unnatural.

"I wonder what Mr. Gentleman does?" the female high school student asked with a smile.

Ling Huohuo looked at the female high school student. He didn't know why, but he always felt that the other party was smiling, and the other party also gave her a very uncomfortable feeling.

Without thinking too much, Ling Huohuo replied with a smile: "I'm from Huaxia, and I'm here to travel in Japan."

"Oh, Huaxia, I haven't been there for a while, it's a good place." The female high school student said aftertaste.

Ling Huohuo smiled, didn't speak, and fell into silence for a while.

This is the old man brought over a cup of coffee and placed it in front of the female high school student.

The old man did not leave, but looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Guest, since you're here for fun, it's better to go back to the hotel and rest early, so that you can have the energy to visit Tokyo tomorrow. You can't enter many scenic spots at night."

"Okay, thank you, I'll leave after I finish my coffee." Ling Huohuo smiled.

After finishing a cup of coffee, Ling Huohuo stretched and prepared to leave.

It's almost time to rest, it's time to find the way back.

"I'm leaving, bye, beauty." Ling Huohuo said to the female high school student.

"What's your name?" The female high school student asked suddenly.

"My name is Ling Huohuo, what about you?" Ling Huohuo replied with a smile, but he didn't see the suddenly changed expressions of the old man and the two waiters beside him.

"Ling Huohuo? What a good name, is it my concubine's name? You have to remember it well, my concubine's name is... Yuyihu."

The high school girl said with a smile.

As soon as Yuyihu finished speaking, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt something behind him, and the shadow on the ground was swallowed by a bigger shadow.

Then... Ling Huohuo's eyes darkened...

(End of this chapter)

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