Chapter 270 Come on, pretend!
As Yuyihu came, the clogs on her feet made a rattling sound.

A wave of momentum rushed towards his face, making Ling Huohuo gasp for a while, and his heart beat rapidly. Although there were not many black shadows, Ling Huohuo had the illusion of facing Qianjun.

"This is... potential!" Babai's words suddenly reached Ling Huohuo's ears.

"Potential? What is that?" Ling Huohuo ran the "Sword Code", dispelling the discomfort.

"Possession is a very strange ability. It can not only cause damage to the body, but also attack the soul and spirit. It has many applications. There is no doubt that possessing potential can improve a lot of combat power. Some of the sword skills you are practicing now It is applied to Shi, but that is the momentum that comes with swordsmanship, its power is limited, and you have never had Shi, be careful, the opponent's Shi is very strange, it will draw you closer to this space, and it can not only improve the combat power In the later battle, if you lose and fall into their trap, you can only sink into the opponent's trap in the future, becoming a walking dead, or even a member of the opponent's Hyakki Night Walk. Those walking corpses should be the people and demons who are sinking into the momentum."

Ling Huohuo took a closer look, and as the opponent approached, he could now see the opponent's situation clearly.

The number of monsters is not many, only more than 40, and this is still adding a few walking corpses on both sides.

The eyes of these walking corpses have no focus, and there is no aura of living people on their bodies, and they are entangled with evil spirits.

"Those walking corpses are already dead, entangled by the momentum, and have begun to demonize." Yabai said, "There are more walking corpses hidden in the surrounding fog, and their strength is very weak. You turned into those ordinary walking corpses, but after you broke out, the other party decided to face you."

Ling Huohuo's expression was a bit serious, facing the strange situation, Ling Huohuo couldn't think of how to solve it.

"Can you escape?"

"No, escaping will only lead to a faster trap, and then there will be no chance of winning at all."

"What should I do?"

"You can only hope to escape if you tear the opponent's momentum head-on."

"Then how do we fight?"

"To deal with Shi, you can only rely on hard power. If you have Shi, it will be much easier to deal with, but you don't have it."

"That is to say, you can only be straight-on?"

"That's right, but I've done the math. It may be because of the incomplete reason that the old man said. The opponent's momentum is not strong. If you explode with all your strength, if you are lucky, you will be beaten to death and you will be able to get out."

"..." This news didn't sound like a happy one at all.

"What? Do you want to join the concubine's Hundred Ghosts Night Tour?" Yu Yihu said.

"Ghosts want to join." Ling Huohuo snorted coldly, and a white flame ignited on his body. The purification power of Yuyi and the power of the flame produced the purification white flame to dispel the evil spirit around him, making Ling Huohuo feel better a lot of.

"I really like you more and more." Yuyihu said with a smile, "That, gentlemen, please dance with me."

After Yuyihu finished speaking, the monsters behind her roared angrily, jumped over Yuyihu, and rushed towards Ling Huohuo. Ling Huohuo hurriedly pulled out a long sword, wrapped it around Baiyan, and attacked the monsters without showing any weakness .

After fighting for a while, Ling Huohuo's expression became more and more serious.

Sure enough, these monsters who were hanged and beaten by him just now were able to entangle with him and organized together in an orderly manner. It was difficult for Ling Huohuo to kill each other, and he was even a little tired of coping.

What surprised Ling Huohuo even more was that the power of the omnipotent flame was suppressed a lot. Even if the burnt monster stepped back to rest for a while, the flame would be extinguished and then revive with full blood.

How to fight this?
If it goes on like this, Ling Huohuo is not worried about his aura, but his spirit may not be able to hold on. If it goes on, he will fight for a long time. At that time, he will not only compete for strength, but also for will , Ling Huohuo didn't have much confidence in his willpower.

"It can't go on like this."

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Ling Huohuo immediately mobilized the power in his body regardless of consumption.

The spiritual energy was running fast, as if it was about to boil, and the mysterious feeling began to appear again, but under the guidance of Babai and his own practice, he was able to stay awake under this feeling, but this time because Running fast, this feeling is even stronger, Ling Huohuo can't hold on for too long.

The power of the bloodline was activated, the flames on the body surface soared, the hair began to grow longer and hung on the shoulders, the pupils of the eyes were golden, a red and silver dragon-shaped imprint appeared on the center of the eyebrows, and scale-like lines appeared on the hands .

With the continuous application and development of the power of the blood, Ling Huohuo can exert more power, but his body has begun to change. Babai explained that this is the power brought by the blood that activates the genes in Ling Huohuo's body. If this development continues, when the development reaches the extreme, Ling Huohuo can even return to his ancestors and restore the appearance of his ancestors.

Returning to the ancestors will improve Ling Huohuo's strength a lot, and the speed of cultivation will be faster. However, Babai estimates that Ling Huohuo's bloodline should improve physical strength and flame ability, which is nothing to swordsmanship. Ascension, the power of the bloodline and the "Sword Code" are two paths. If Ling Huohuo continues to practice in the future, he will definitely choose one to be the master and the other to be the second. Different choices will lead to different paths in the future.

Unreservedly stimulating the power of the blood, Ling Huohuo instantly felt that his strength had increased several levels, and at the same time the power of the blood in his body became active, rapidly changing Ling Huohuo's body.

The power of Yuyi is activated. The maximum power of Yuyi is fixed and cannot be strengthened. Ling Huohuo does not need to develop and practice, but the power of purification in it has a strong restraint effect on monsters. Ling Huohuo stimulates without reservation out.

A long milky white robe began to solidify on the surface of Ling Huohuo's body, and finally turned into a gorgeous white robe.

It looks a bit like the hunting clothes worn by Onmyoji.

With the addition of Yuyi, the flames on Ling Huohuo's body disappeared, while Yuyisheng's pattern of flames appeared.

Ling Huohuo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them slowly, his golden pupils remained motionless.

With Ling Huohuo's current consumption speed, he can't last too long, so he can only fight quickly. Ling Huohuo knows that as long as he makes a mistake, he can only hide in the small world. , to become a member of her Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts?nonexistent!

Ling Huohuo's momentum rose, and his appearance changed drastically, so that the surrounding monsters did not dare to come forward easily, but carefully surrounded Ling Huohuo, trying to find Ling Huohuo's flaws.

Regarding Ling Huohuo's changes, Yuyihu didn't say much, but looked at Ling Huohuo's changes with interest, and frowned in disgust when he felt the purification power of Ling Huohuo's Yuyi.

Monsters are monsters, most of them are cunning, ferocious, and rarely know to be afraid, especially in the Hyakki Night Walk, even if it is only an incomplete Hyakki Night Walk, it still inspires the cruelty in their blood.

With a roar, the monsters surrounding Ling Huo Huo attacked even more ferociously.

Ling Huohuo grinned, pulled out a long sword that awakened the fire attribute sword spirit, put away the sword case, and flames wrapped around the sword body.

"Come on, pretense!"

(End of this chapter)

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