The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 277 The Déjà vu of Collecting Real Dolls

Chapter 277 The Déjà vu of Collecting Real Dolls
The line of sight starts from the top of the pyramid, and keeps going forward, entering a luxurious hall. At the top of the hall, a woman whose face cannot be seen clearly is sitting there, and a row of capable guards are standing on both sides. Although the woman cannot see her face clearly, But the looming skin under the gauze can make people's blood spurt.

In the very middle of the main hall, a black eye pattern is engraved on the ground, opposite, a white eye is also engraved on the top of the palace directly above it.

An old man frankly sat cross-legged at the pupil of his eyes, and placed a small golden balance with green and black patterns in his hand. The old man bowed to the woman sitting at the top, and put a piece of gold on the scale. On one side, the balance began to tilt slowly...

When everyone reacted, they found that they were still in the apartment, still in the same state as before.

Regardless of other things, little Loli put away one hand, and the scale turned into a handful of yellow sand and fell to the ground.

"Just now that was..." Hua Xiaoyu was surprised.

Ignoring Hua Xiaoyu, little Loli squinted her eyes, turned out a map, and gestured on the map with her pink fingers.

"Is it in the east? Across the sea, the largest island, where power is concentrated, there is... Japan, Tokyo!"

Little Loli put away the map and shook her head.

"Let's go, let's go to Tokyo! By the way, you can go with us too." Little Lolita said to Sanwunan, and Sanwunan nodded.

Seeing that little Lolita was going to leave with Sanwunan, Hua Xiaoyu suddenly felt a little bit reluctant, but she didn't say much, as it wasn't a bad thing for her to turn around.

And the scene just now is definitely not an illusion, I always feel that bad things will happen if I continue to be with this group of people.

"Go slowly, bye, don't come here if you have nothing to do, haha." Hua Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Little Lolita suddenly thought of something and turned her head with a smile.He looked at Hua Xiaoyu.

"Come on, let this queen fight her away."

The black-clothed bodyguard faithfully carried out Little Lolita's order.

"Wait, don't, you guys are breaking the law, I want to call the police, wait, at least let me wash my hair first..."

The sound gradually faded away, leaving only an empty apartment and a handful of yellow sand on the ground.


"Why hasn't the big dog come back yet?"

"Maybe I got lost."

"By the way, are the big tengu clan a road idiot?"

"No, as monsters that can control the wind, the Ootengu clan has a good sense of direction."

"It's probably due to the onset of secondary illness, I don't know where to go to play."

"That's it, then don't worry about him. He will come back after playing enough. I can feel that his current state is still normal."

In this way, the big tengu who was trapped in the "enemy" base camp was selectively ignored by everyone.

"So, did you find anything this night?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"Tokyo is very unstable recently, so we must be careful." Ye Jiro said.

Ling Huohuo nodded and suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, we also arrested another person, which should be related to the funeral team." After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo told everyone about the man in black.

Ling Huohuo didn't talk too much about the matter between himself and Yuyihu. The matter that even Babai couldn't easily solve was not something that Xiao Yunyun and the others could easily solve. Speaking of it only increased everyone's troubles. It seems that we still need to go there once. Onmyoji's headquarters, but before that, you can contact the Balrog Wushou and the others first, I don't know if they can do anything.

"Did you find out what?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"Not yet, I just locked her in the small world without asking anything."

"Wait a while and enter the small world to take a look and see if you can get useful information."

After tidying up, everyone entered the small world and saw the man in black robe who was caught by Ling Huohuo last night. When he took off his black robe, he found that the other party was a rare beauty.

When I woke up the other party, I found that the other party's eyes were confused for a while, and she didn't say anything when I asked her, and she didn't respond to the perception of the outside world.

"What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo slapped the other person's face curiously, Xiao Yunyun waited for him, and Ling Huohuo withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

Guo Xiaoyu didn't have such scruples anymore. Seeing that the other party really didn't respond, Guo Xiaoyu stretched his hand under her body, showing a relaxed expression.

"Well, she has some problems with her sanity." Babai said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Everyone looked at Babai suspiciously.

"Her mind is in a closed state, and she has no cognition of the outside world at all."

"You won't let me hit you stupid with a stick?" Ling Huohuo touched his chin.

"Hehe, you think too much. There are obvious signs of shock and control in her spirit. It seems that this should be a puppet sent by the other party. After you send her into the small world, Cutting off the control of the outside world made her like this."

"Can that wake her up?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Except for the treasures related to the spirit, we can only wait for her to recover by herself. It is difficult to wake her up by your means."


Babai knew very well about the abilities of himself and others, so he naturally had the right to speak.

The three women tidied up the woman's clothes, and Ling Huohuo put her into the room where the dog and the girl were placed, and added a bed next to her.

Looking at the two unconscious beauties lying side by side, Ling Huohuo always had the illusion that he was collecting real dolls.

Everyone left the small world.

Although this time it was said that it was to solve the incident of demons dancing in Japan caused by Ling Huohuo, in fact, everyone had no plan at all.

In the end, under Babai's suggestion, everyone acted separately and could only rely on luck.

Xiao Yunyun and Ye Jilang's team, Guo Xiaoyu, Hongqiemaru and Yunu's team were in charge of searching outside Tokyo, Lu Sisi and Kentaro's team were in charge of searching in a relatively safe city, and Ling Huohuo was Take Happy to find Big Tengu, they are a team.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo also wanted to contact Yanmo Wushou and them. As companions who had fought together, and they were also onmyojis, at this time, they definitely knew a lot about the situation in Japan. Ling Huohuo was responsible for talking with them. Communication, when the time comes, there is no need to wander around like headless chickens, going out depends on luck.

After dialing the phone, the voice of the Balrog Wu Shou came from the other end of the phone soon.

"Ling Jun, long time no see, what can I do for you?"

"Ah, I'm in Japan, I want to meet you and have a meal."

"What? Are you in Japan?" The voice of the Balrog Wu Shou suddenly rose.

"what happened?"

"Where are you? Do you want to come to Japan?"

"I'm in Tokyo and I'm here to do some business in Japan, do you have time?"

"Okay, I happen to have time too, tell me your location, and I'll go find you."

"Then let's meet in Akihabara."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

(End of this chapter)

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