The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 283 One Boss Pulled Out These Years Says It Has the Power to Destroy the World

Chapter 283 A Boss Pulled Out These Years Says He Has the Power to Destroy the World
"Since you want to know something about Yuyi Fox, let me tell you something." Toyotomi Hideyoshi said.

After hearing Toyotomi Xiuling's words, Ling Huohuo hurriedly sat upright.

"First of all, the grievances between our Toyotomi family and Yuyihu started 400 years ago..." Toyotomi Xiuling's eyes flashed a look of reminiscence.

"Wait, don't talk about the grievances between Yuyihu and your Toyotomi family, just talk about Yuyihu." Ling Huohuo waved his hand and said innocently.

A well appeared on Hidetomi Toyotomi's forehead. Finally, she gritted her teeth and swallowed her anger. She couldn't beat it, couldn't beat it.

Toyotomi Xiuling continued: "The feather fox existed thousands of years ago. It was a monster that began to appear in the middle of the Heian period. To be defeated by their joint efforts, although Yuyihu was already very strong at that time, it was not the opponent of the joint efforts of the two."

"However, the feathered fox was not really eliminated. Instead, it hid itself on one of its tails and began to reincarnate. According to legend, the feathered fox has the bloodline of the nine-tailed demon fox, but the difference is that her tail grows back every time she is reincarnated. When one tail grows, her strength will become stronger, and it is said that when all nine tails grow, she will have the power to destroy the world." Toyotomi Xiuling said seriously.

"Destroy the world..." Ling Huohuo smacked his lips. A BOSS was pulled out these days and said that he has the power to destroy the world. The world will end as soon as possible. Therefore, Ling Huohuo didn't believe it, but he just smiled ,not talking.

"In the records, when the feather fox appeared for the first time, it had two tails. By the time it appeared 400 years ago, it had five tails. At that time, it was difficult to easily defeat Yuyihu again. In that battle, both the head of Huakaiyuan and Huapiao lost a lot of lifespan, and Huapiao was even cursed by Yuyihu. Has her tail been counted?" Toyotomi Hiderei asked.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, I was so nervous at the time, how could I have time to take off Yuyihu's skirt and peek inside."

"..." Sure enough, the person in front of him could be chopped off, but... he couldn't beat him, he couldn't beat him.

"Then let me talk about the ability of Yuyi Fox, which should be what you are most concerned about." Toyotomi Hideyoshi said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"It is known that Yuyihu has two unique abilities, one is possession, and the other is reincarnation."

Toyotomi Hiderei held out a finger.

"The so-called possession means that she can possess a person, devour the soul and memory of the other person, and possess everything about the other person. If there is no special inspection method, it is impossible to check who she is possessed by. of."

Toyotomi Hiderei stretched out her second finger.

"Then it is reincarnation, abandoning the original body, entering the interlayer between reincarnation and reality, looking for the unborn baby, taking the other's body, being born as a human, growing an extra tail behind him, and then becoming a stronger monster , although re-cultivation is needed, the strength of Yuyihu will definitely become stronger. At the same time, it is said that the appearance of Yuyihu is the same every time it is reincarnated. It is called the original appearance of Yuyihu, but because Yuyihu has attached No one has ever met Yuyihu with exactly the same appearance twice, so no one knows what Yuyihu really looks like."

"Although I don't know whether the feathered fox you met was a feathered fox that woke up from a deep sleep and then attached to a human body, or a feathered fox that reincarnated into a human being, but it cannot be denied that the feathered fox is not easy to deal with, and in the end The bad news is that the feather fox is reincarnated this time."

Toyotomi Xiuling looked at Ling Huohuo, then took out a portfolio, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Ling Huohuo.

"This is other information about Yuyihu, excluding what I just said, it is Yuyihu's record and some unimportant tricks. I hope you can read it here, and then throw it into that brazier for destruction. Don't mention anyone else, otherwise, no matter what your strength is, the Onmyoji Headquarters will make you pay the price, and I will be the first person to chase you down!" Toyotomi Hideyoshi gritted her teeth and said the last sentence Yes, I don't know why, Ling Huohuo felt that Toyotomi Xiuling seemed to be looking forward to chasing and killing her.

After Ling Huohuo promised that he would never leak the secrets, he opened the file. Several photos were put at the front. Each of the photos was a portrait of a different appearance of Yuyihu. Ling Huohuo nodded. , It can be seen that although it is not painted by one person, each artist's skill is still good, and the facial features can be seen clearly.

Ling Huohuo looked through it roughly, and there were indeed no two identical faces. Then Ling Huohuo put the file on the table and looked at Toyotomi Hideling.

"What do you think is the probability that Yuyihu possesses a person who looks exactly like her?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Stop joking, how could there be exactly the same people." Toyotomi Hidetaka said.

"In that case, I think I'm in big trouble..." Ling Huohuo lowered his head and looked at the photos on the table. On the top of all the photos, which is the last photo Ling Huohuo looked at, draw a picture There is a girl holding a paper umbrella. Whether it is the girl's facial features or hairstyle, it can be seen that it is very similar to the feather fox Ling Huohuo saw last night. She looks like a twin sister.

This is very scary.


After quickly looking at the photos, Ling Huohuo left with Balrog in melancholy.

Seeing that Ling Huohuo was about to be spoiled, Balrog's eyes on Toyotomi Hideyoshi began to change. Legend has it that Toyotomi Hideyoshi is a shiver, and the look in the room just now...could it be...drink!

Watching Ling Huohuo and Balrog leave, Toyotomi Hidetomi squinted her eyes.

The short-haired girl came from nowhere and stood beside Toyotomi Hiderei.

"Sister Xiuling, is there any problem with that person's identity?" the short-haired girl asked.

Toyotomi Hideling took out the talisman paper she had put in her pocket, and handed it to the short-haired girl.

"The eyes of truth are not opened, so there shouldn't be any problem with his identity." Toyotomi Xiuling said.

"Does this thing work?" The girl shook the talisman paper.

"Who knows, but at this time, the talisman paper created by combining the skills of those magicians, the things of those magicians who shouted 'root, root' every day should be very reliable, I have to admit, the group of magicians Magician stuff is really magical."

Said that it was because of the Balrog that she believed in Ling Huohuo, Toyotomi Xiuling herself was not confident, and the Balrog didn't have that much face.

It was all because the talisman did not respond that Toyotomi Xiuling believed Ling Huohuo's identity, felt that he was not an enemy, and did not lie.

If there was a slight change in this talisman, Ling Huohuo would not be able to stand there safely.

"Sister Xiuling, what are you going to do next?" The girl handed the talisman paper back to Toyotomi Hideling, but Toyotomi Hideling did not accept it.

"You can keep this one. It hasn't been used yet. It's been so messy recently. It's better to have a guarantee when you go out in the future. Don't let people with ulterior motives mix with you."

"This, it's not good, it's very expensive."

"It's okay, do you think I'm short of that money?"

"Then, well, I will definitely treasure what Miss Xiuling gave me!" The girl looked moved.

Toyotomi Xiuling has a black thread, not for you to treasure it, but for you to use it, dear!

But, forget it, with me on the side, this sister will not be hurt.

"Okay, come back to the family with me, you must report the appearance of the feather fox to the family."


 Although it's New Year's Eve, but... If you add more... Let's see, everyone, wait a minute, when I'm on vacation, can I change three times a day?

(End of this chapter)

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