The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 295 Vodka: My Big Brother and I Go Out on a Mission Today

Chapter 295 Vodka: My Big Brother and I Go Out on a Mission Today
Grandfather Qian engraved very high-level Yin-Yang runes on Ling Huohuo's clothes. After Ling Huohuo refined it with his own spiritual power, the clothes would become spiritual and melt into Ling Huohuo's body. When Ling Huohuo communicated with the clothes, Then there will be another appearance, fully dressed.

This kind of clothes is very common in the headquarters of Onmyoji. After all, Onmyoji are human beings and need to live. It is impossible to wear hunting clothes and other equipment all the time. Usually, their clothes are spiritualized and hidden in the body. They will only appear when they need to fight. It not only shortens the wearing time, but also greatly increases the onmyoji's ability to deal with emergencies.

It's just that flexible clothes are more advanced.

Ling Huohuo also found the name of her suit in the database - Hei Lian.

This set of clothes was also used as equipment for a demon slayer, but since the slayer retired, this set of equipment was sent back to the headquarters of Onmyoji, and was finally given to Ling Huohuo by Grandpa Qian.

Ling Huohuo, the spiritual weapon long sword, also communicated.

The speed of communication was very fast. Originally, as a weapon spirit, Ling Huohuo had to be tested, but when Ling Huohuo put the sword intent on the sword spirit's neck, the sword spirit knelt decisively.

Although most of the power cannot harm the sword spirit, the sword intent is not within the range of that majority.

The name of the long sword is Yingyu, a very beautiful name, but the sword spirit does not speak English.

Sword Spirit also fits this name, she is a very cute girl with pink hair and cute hair.

Looking at this cute girl in front of her, the sword spirit girl who is taking big brothers one at a time, Ling Huohuo couldn't help but think of the bad attitude of the sword spirit when it first appeared, and almost called herself a worm.

Sure enough, the pink cuts are all black.

Yingyu's strength is not weak, Ling Huohuo made Babai firm up a bit, it is a fourth-tier long sword, and it is also the best sword Ling Huohuo has ever seen.

Even Ling Huohuo had never seen this kind of sword with a sword spirit in the exchange warehouse of the military region.

One of the powers of Yingyu is the ability to create hallucinations to confuse enemies.

If it weren't for the illusion created by Yingyu that there are only floating cherry blossoms, Ling Huohuo changed her name to Mirror Flower and Water Moon.

The second is the sharpness and hardness of Yingyu, so there is no need to talk about it.

Moreover, apart from these, the most important thing is that Yingyu also has a fire attribute!This goes well with Ling Huo Huo.

She has a high synchronization rate with the fire attribute ability, and can fully display the full power of the fire attribute. After attacking the enemy, it has a burning effect. As long as it does not exceed Yingyu's tolerance, the more power input, the greater the burning effect. powerful.

Then Ling Huohuo sorted out the stack of spells and put them on the spell sleeves on both thighs of Hei Lian, so that they can be used in future battles.

The last piece of cloth was wrapped around Ling Huohuo's left hand.

Wearing a black lotus, with the sword box behind her back, Yingyu pinned to her waist, she got a nice dagger and stuck it in the dagger position on her trouser leg, pulled up the hood, and Ling Huohuo stared at the mirror for a long time—— Awesome!


In a flash, it was night again.

This is already Ling Huohuo's third day in Japan.

Ling Huohuo, who had nothing to do, planned to go to Akihabara again, but at this time, the Balrog found him.

"Ling Jun, long time no see."

"Ling Jun, do you miss me?"

"Ah, it's Big Brother Zuoyan and Sadako." Ling Huohuo smiled when he saw the two people following behind the Balrog.

It's been a long time since I saw Saoyan and Sadako who have been working overtime.

Zuo Yan looked a lot more mature, and his beard came out. He looked a bit vicissitudes, and he seemed to be really tired recently.

Sadako didn't change much, she was wearing cool clothes, with a pure face, and the foul part was still foul.

Have you ever seen what is called "one step and three swings"?Ling Huohuo saw it.

"Thank you for the hospitality!" Ling Huohuo clasped his hands together at Sadako.

"Oh? What's wrong with Ling Jun?" Sadako blinked her eyes in confusion, and looked at Zuo Yan and Balrog.

Zuo Yan and Balrog smiled awkwardly.

"Ling Huohuo, quickly change your clothes and go out with us." Balrog changed the topic.

"Hey, where are you going?" At this moment, Ling Huohuo was still wearing Hei Lian.

"Tokyo Tower!"


Tokyo Tower, officially known as the Japan Radio Tower, also known as Tokyo Tower, is a red and white iron tower built on the model of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, located in Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

In addition to sending various radio waves such as TV and radio, Tokyo Tower also sends JR train stop signals when a major earthquake occurs, and also has functions such as navigation marks, wind direction and speed measurement, and temperature measurement.

At the 250-meter-high Tokyo Tower, there is a two-story observatory; at the [-]-meter-high place, there is a glass observatory, where you can overlook the entire city of Tokyo.The lower part of the tower is the iron tower building, the first floor is a lounge, the second floor is a shopping mall, the third floor is a wax museum with the largest scale in the Far East, and the fourth floor is a modern science museum and a TV studio.

Tonight, there is a celebration near the Tokyo Tower. It is an event jointly organized by many large companies, and it is extremely lively.

Ling Huohuo also remembered that he blackmailed himself for a fare that day. The man in black once said that there would be excitement here in three days, so it turned out to be the case.

Because it was still early, the four of Ling Huohuo first went to the shopping mall on the second floor of the Iron Tower Building.

There are indeed a lot of people here today, and the traffic of so many customers has also made the mall start discounts and promotions, which is definitely another big profit.


Inside a black vintage car parked near Tokyo Tower.

It was the car that once carried Ling Huohuo, and the silver-haired man in it was looking outside.

Vodka surreptitiously took a selfie of herself with gin.

"Today, I went out to carry out the task with my elder brother. Under the leadership of my elder brother, I will definitely complete the task perfectly. @That adult"

Click to send.

Vodka posted a statement of its own on the internal platform of the winery.

In an instant, countless people followed and replied.

The grown-up said: "Work hard, and I will give you a promotion and a raise when you come back."

Sister Bei: "I wish you prosperity in martial arts!"

Pisco: "Abscond with Gin while performing tasks, old iron, you have a tough head!"

Vodka: "@pisco, my brother doesn't look at the platform when performing tasks, don't worry."

Kiel wine: "Come on! Come on!"

Erguotou: "666."


"Vodka, how's everything going?" the cold silver-haired man asked.

"Brother, everything is ready." Vodka carefully put away the phone.

"Huh, huh?" The silver-haired man raised his voice.

"What's wrong? Brother?" Vodka asked curiously.

"The man is here."


"The guy who did our car that night."

Vodka looked around and happened to see Ling Huohuo who had just squeezed out of the crowd.

"Go ahead and pay attention to this person."

"Yes." Vodka took out the phone again, secretly took a picture of Ling Huohuo, thought about it, added a beautification, and then sent it to the group of the mission team with a key number.

The others returned a row of OK gestures.

"Let's go." Gin said, and then pulled down his hat to cover his face, looking like he was going to sleep.



"Why don't you leave?" Gin raised his head and looked at Vodka unhappily.

"That... big brother, there is a traffic jam."

"..." Looking at the crowd walking back and forth, Qin Jiu was silent for a while, then took out his mobile phone and flipped through it.

"Vodka, you actually deserted me!"

"I'm sorry, brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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