Chapter 306 Feng Xiuya

"Then you should go to the hospital for an examination if you have time." Feng Xiuya approached Ling Huohuo and said with concern.

"Ah, haha, I really need to go to the hospital for a check-up when I have time." Ling Huohuo swallowed, and when he saw Feng Xiuya, he felt his heart beating a little faster, smelling the smell of Feng Xiuya, this is... ...the taste of a mature woman!

The feeling that Feng Xiuya brought to Ling Huohuo was something he had never felt before, it was a wonderful feeling.

However, at this time, the "Sword Code" was in operation, and an invisible energy was separated from Ling Huohuo's body. If Walliver was here, he would find that it was "lust"!
With the separation of this mass of energy, Ling Huohuo's eyes regained clarity instantly. Although looking at Feng Xiuya, her heart beat a little faster, but that strong feeling disappeared, and Ling Huohuo didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

But Yao, who stayed in the small world, was keenly aware of it.

"This kid... But, having said that, Lord Sword God doesn't have any restrictions on his descendants."

After thinking about it, Babai's sword trembled, ready to intercept the energy. Although it didn't use any spells, its spiritual sense was extremely powerful, and it could easily block the energy.

The lack of "lust" will make Ling Huohuo's soul incomplete, but it has no effect on the current Ling Huohuo, and with the protection of "Sword Code", there is no need to worry about being attacked from the soul, but the cultivation To go to a higher level requires the integrity of the soul.

But when Ling Huohuo needs it, his strength is enough. By virtue of the induction with his own soul, he can naturally find this missing piece of "passion". It's better to stop it now, and give it to Ling Huohuo directly when he needs it in the future.

This method of cutting and separating lust was developed by Sword God himself.

The sword god was a genius in the sky back then, and naturally attracted countless women. The world the sword god lived in was not an ordinary world, and there were many ways to seduce people. , I developed this method when I first came into contact with soul power.

At that time, the Sword God directly cut off all his "passion" with a single knife, and the result was that his cultivation was so fast that it was like drinking Xuanmai. Except for cultivation, nothing else could affect the Sword God, and he was almost crazy, scaring other people He didn't dare to seduce the Sword God at all.

And when the Sword God fused lust back into his own soul, other people also respected the Sword God because of the previous influence, and because the Sword God seldom interacted with others, he would not communicate with other people at all. , the sword god, who was not disturbed, continued to practice silently alone.

Then, Sword God became a very powerful... single dog!

Now Babai discovered that Lord Sword God actually incorporated this ability into the "Sword Code", which obviously did not affect the cultivation of his inheritors because "lust" was mistaken.

However, Lord Sword God did not tell them these things!

This kind of thing didn't happen to Ling Huohuo before, and he didn't cut out "lust" when he was having an affair with Xiao Yunyun. Could it be that Lord Sword God has improved this ability?What restrictions have been added?
Regardless, it's more important to deal with the immediate matter first, although it's not extreme enough to cut it across the board, but with such a small cut, something will happen sooner or later!

Although Babai can't change this point, after all, this is the decision of Lord Sword God, but it can collect this "lust" first for Ling Huohuo's future.

With Ling Huohuo's current strength, he still doesn't have access to the energy at the soul level, so this matter can only be done by himself.

However, just as Babai was about to make a move, Ling Huohuo's "passion" seemed to be attracted by something, and slowly drifted towards Feng Xiuya's back.

"What's the situation?" Babai was taken aback.

I saw a floating purple ghost face flashing behind Feng Xiuya's back, and Ling Huohuo's "passion" also melted into the ghost face behind Feng Xiuya, but the ghost face didn't seem to notice it.

Feng Xiuya's face changed when the purple ghost face appeared, but the ghost face disappeared soon, and Feng Xiuya's face returned to normal.

Ling Huohuo seemed to feel something, looked behind Feng Xiuya, found nothing, then looked at Feng Xiuya again.

Babai was taken aback, what is that?
However, when it took a closer look at Feng Xiuya, it found that Feng Xiuya did not seem to be powerful, no matter how you looked at it, she was an ordinary person, and there was no trace of a grimace on her body.

However, I can be sure that Feng Xiuya is definitely not an ordinary person.

Then she should also pay attention to the contact between her and Ling Huohuo, and she must remind Ling Huohuo.

Feng Xiuya seemed to have something on her mind, she didn't chat with Ling Huohuo much, and left in a hurry after exchanging contact information.

"Is this an Aventure?" Ling Huohuo sighed, smelling the handkerchief that Feng Xiuya lent to herself but didn't take back, it still smelled good from Feng Xiuya.

"I found that you are really a pervert sometimes..." Babai's voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

"What's wrong with the boy being perverted?" Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

"Be careful with that woman, don't fall down at that time." Babai said.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

Babai told Ling Huohuo what happened just now, and Ling Huohuo's expression also began to change.

"Women really shouldn't be underestimated. They managed to hide it from me. It's amazing." Babai said, smelling the smell on the handkerchief.

"Can you put down your handkerchief before you say this? Besides, it's not something to be proud of if you can hide it from you." Babai couldn't help but said.

"Cut." Sensing the strange eyes of the people around him, Ling Huohuo reluctantly
"People like you, hey!!!" Babai said to Ling Huohuo contemptuously.

"Slightly slightly." Ling Huohuo stuck out his tongue, his face suddenly became serious, "Babai, I want you to check it for me."

"Huh?" Babai was taken aback.

It was a coincidence that I met Feng Xiuya after my body suddenly went wrong. My body cleared itself, and it was impossible for something to happen suddenly. Ling Huohuo doubted what everyone had done to my body. The possible target is Feng Xiuya!

On the other side, after Feng Xiuya walked away, she took off her glasses.

Feng Xiuya frowned and thought for a while.

At this time, a red grimace appeared beside Feng Xiuya.

"What's wrong?" Feng Xiuya asked.

"Miss Xiuling received news that Ling Huohuo met Yu Yihu today."

"Yuyihu..." Feng Xiuya nodded her chin, and suddenly showed a smile, "It seems that Ling Huohuo's sudden condition may have something to do with Yuyihu, let's go, go to my sister's place, for this matter , I want to get to know..."

(End of this chapter)

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