The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 311 Snow Maiden Red Frost

Chapter 311 Snow Maiden Red Frost (Part [-])
"This is..." Seeing the figure that appeared, Da Tengu's eyes changed.

The figure that appeared was a beautiful woman in a blue kimono, but whether it was silver-white hair, blue lips, or the ice and snow surrounding the woman, it proved that this was not a human being!
Ling Huohuo also raised the database in his hand.

"Snow girl, a humanoid monster, good at making ice and snow. Snow girl, also known as Xueji, Xuetong, is a traditional Japanese monster known to women and children. She lives in the deep mountains, similar to human beings, and has a stunningly beautiful appearance. The man in the snow mountain attracted him to a place where no one was around and kissed him, and at the same time completely frozen him, and took his soul to eat."

"This is not an ordinary monster. Even in the Hachiku group, Yukino can be the main combat force." Ootengu said.

Ling Huohuo licked his lips, and finally someone who could fight came.

Then, under the bewildered gazes of Ling Huohuo and others, Xue Nu stepped aside and started... hitting a tree!
That's right, seeing Xuenv hitting the tree with her head on one side, and the scene of broken ice falling every time she hits, Ling Huohuo felt that this style of painting was a bit wrong.

"Stop!" Ling Huohuo grabbed Xue Nu, "Can I ask, what are you doing?"

Xuenv raised her head, there were some traces of ice on her forehead, but they disappeared quickly, and then she looked at Ling Huohuo with a mentally retarded look, "Are you mentally retarded? You didn't see that he was hitting a tree ?"


"I think this Xuenv's brain may not be very good." Big Tengu leaned towards Ling Huohuo and said.

"You're not out of your mind!" Suddenly, the snow girl who was hitting the tree seemed to have heard the big tengu's words, and ran over with her waist in her waist.

"You're out of your mind, why don't you let me tell you if you keep bumping into a tree?" Big Tengu said, the demon king's aura was fully on display.

"Actually, there's a reason for this..." Xue Nu said, feeling the aura of the big tengu, Xue Nu's face changed a little, but she didn't show any expression of fear, but her eyes were a little red, looking extremely dangerous.

"Wait, let's talk about the reason first." Ling Huohuo stretched out his hand and asked.

"Hmph." The big tengu snorted unhappily.

"Who are you?" Xue Nu looked at Ling Huohuo, a little puzzled. She didn't find that Ling Huohuo seemed to have strength, but she was definitely not too weak to stop a demon king.

"Ah, my name is Ling Huohuo, I'm the owner of this place, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Because...he has a headache." Xue Nu said.

"Headache?" Everyone was taken aback, the fourth-order big monster said she had a headache?what's the situation?
"Oh, I've been suffering from this disease for a long time, and my head has been aching all the time, and it can't be cured at all." Xuenv made a weak and pitiful look, and she was about to lean into Ling Huohuo's arms as she spoke.

The moment Ling Huohuo was about to support Xue Nu, the big tengu pulled Ling Huohuo behind him and looked at Xue Nu vigilantly.

"What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"Yuki-onna is not a talkative monster, look at her arm." Ootengu pointed to Yuk-inn's arm and said.

Ling Huohuo lowered his head, although Xuenv moved back a bit, but Ling Huohuo could still see that there was a glint of ice crystals on one of Xuenv's arms.

If Ling Huohuo remembered correctly, this was the arm that Xue Nu leaned on her just now. If it was an ordinary person who was stabbed in this way, there would definitely be two more blood holes in his body in an instant.

"Ah, I'm just trying to see what kind of strength I can have as the owner of this place, but...hehe." Although Xuenv's tone and voice are nice, Ling Huohuo always feels that she is being ridiculed up.

So Ling Huohuo drew out his big sword.

"Oh, are you going to do it? You really don't feel sorry for the fragrance." Xue Nu said with a smile, her sky blue eyes gradually turned red.

10 minutes later……

"Ah, a man as wise and powerful as Ling Jun is worthy to be the master of this family. Not only is he powerful, but also... he can pose in many poses~"

"Don't talk nonsense, drink up the wine, and you will be a member of my Hundred Ghosts Night Walk from now on."

"Is it a cup of wine? Isn't our speed too fast, people haven't..."

"Cut you!"

"He just drinks it. His name is Hongshuang. Remember it, General."

Seeing Xue Nu aggrieved and finishing the wine that announced her joining the group with herself, Ling Huohuo sighed.

Although he has joined a combat force, he always feels that there is something wrong with this snow girl.

The strength of the Yukino is very strong. According to Ootengu, the strength of this Yuki is stronger than that of the Hachichi group. You know, this is the Yuki who just came out of the seal!
As expected of a big monster who can be sealed here!
But in terms of the gap in strength and the restraint of attributes, Xue Nu still knelt down.

After all, both Yuyi's strength and Ling Huohuo's fire attribute are very restrained to Xuenv, and Ling Huohuo is at the fifth level, so the advantage against the fourth-level Xuenv is simply too great.

After subduing Xuenv, Ling Huohuo took a brief rest, and then continued to break the seal.

To subdue monsters, in addition to subduing each other with strength, you can also communicate with each other and gain their approval, but there are very few monsters who can communicate, because the world of monsters is "rigid".

A day was fleeting, and Ling Huohuo did not touch a stronger seal, but lifted more than 20 fourth-order seals.

Ling Huohuo only knew after being reminded by the big tengu that all monsters that come out of the seal, even if they have just broken the seal, are stronger and more ferocious than the monsters of the same kind outside.

After one day, together with Xuenv, Ling Huohuo subdued a total of 27 big monsters, all joined the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, and all got swords with Ling Huohuo's sword intent, and successfully got in touch with Ling Huohuo, What made Ling Huohuo even more satisfying was that although these monsters were a little fierce, there was nothing too weird about them, and they fit Ling Huohuo's image of monsters very well.

The world of monsters is "rigid". As long as you can defeat the opponent, no matter what you say, the monsters will think that what you say is reasonable and will be convinced.

Afterwards, Ling Huohuo directly led all the monsters to stay in the small world to unblock and subdue them...

A week later...

Ling Huohuo subdued almost all the big monsters in the small world in a week, but did not touch a stronger seal. You must know that there are more than a hundred seals suspected of sealing fifth-level monsters, let alone more Strongly sealed, and Ling Huohuo can't guarantee that the demon king of the same level as him will really listen to him.

If Ling Huohuo alone relied on himself, it would be difficult for him to subdue so many monsters in a week. However, the monsters he subdued have been sealed for such a long time, and they also want to be active, so he started to help Ling Huohuo subdued other monsters with extremely high efficiency and remarkable results.

After a week, although Ling Huohuo didn't notice it himself, Babai could tell that Ling Huohuo's aura had become more stable, and he acted with style, so he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

It has to be said that the formation of the Hundred Ghosts of the Night is really amazing. The will of so many monsters is concentrated on Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo's aura has begun to change.

Now Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk includes a demon king-Datengu, 760 nine big monsters, third-level high-level monsters-Happy, Ling Yuer (Pisces Splitting Cloud Furnace), Ghost Lantern, Sansu Bird, and finally Add the blue jay and goldfinch to make up the count.

Looking at the imposing monsters standing in front of him, Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction.

"Next, we will practice our Hyakki Night Walk!"


 There is a third update! (Repeated post, still can't delete, you can skip it)
(End of this chapter)

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