The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 314 The money is not yours, don't feel bad about spending it

Chapter 314 The Money Is Not Yours
The auction has officially started!
Presiding over the auction was a tall, thin British man with a false smile and squinting at the crowd.

Ling Huohuo found out that there were quite a few western faces in this auction, and they all looked not to be trifled with.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with this auction." Ling Huohuo thought to himself, his eyes a little serious.

From the eyes and movements of these people, Ling Huohuo could tell that the purpose of these Westerners seemed to be the same. Is there anything else in this auction?

"First of all, everyone is welcome to participate in this auction. Then, the following auction is just beginning."

There was sparse applause from below, but the host didn't care. After clapping, a scantily clad woman came up with a tray.

"This is the first auction item, the lotus jade pendant..."

The auction will proceed in an orderly manner.

Ling Huohuo looked at the auction list. There were most of the auction items on the auction list. Only the last three items had big question marks on them. I didn't know what they were.

Fortunately, the order to enter the city was not in the last question mark, but the fifth last auction item.

"The starting price is 300 million US dollars, tsk tsk tsk." Ling Huohuo shook his head.

This is the case with the fifth last item. I don't know how much the last three auction items are worth.

The auction went on very quickly, and the rich people present were very aggressive about the prices of the previous auction items, and they seemed to like the appearance of these auction items.

Soon, the penultimate auction item arrived, and the order to enter the city was put on a tray by the scantily clad staff and brought up.

The eyes of Ling Huohuo and everyone in the Balrog team lit up.

"The item auctioned below is the identity card of the nobles of the ancient Heian capital. Of course, there is no need to say more about the age and cultural value, and..." The host paused here, showing a mysterious smile, "This token is really In the eyes of those who need it, it is a priceless treasure, after all, this is the entry order of the Heian capital back then."

Ling Huohuo's expression changed.

Entry order?
Remember that in the external literature, these tokens are not called city entry orders, and the city entry orders are only called by people who really know how to use them, so this host...

"Things are really not that simple." Feeling the several forces in the venue that began to fluctuate the moment the city entry order appeared, Ling Huohuo clearly felt the monster energy hidden in it.

"The following is the official auction of this Heianjing Noble Status Order. The starting price is 300 million US dollars, and each increase must not be less than [-] US dollars."




As soon as the host finished speaking, someone started quoting.

Soon, the price climbed to 500 million.

Under Ling Huohuo's obstruction, Yanmo and others did not make an offer.

On the one hand, it is to observe other bidders. On the other hand, it is meaningless to quote so early. The last thing to look at is who has the most money. The Balrog has already told him the amount they brought this time. In the end, if the price exceeds this price, not only will you not be able to buy it, but your purpose will also be exposed.

Fortunately, when the quotation exceeded 600 million, the speed slowed down, and after more than 700 million, there were only three people left.

Ling Huohuo glanced at the three of them, all three of them had oriental faces.

One of them is a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, smiling, and his strength is actually at the fifth level. If Ling Miao is here, he will find that this man is the military adviser of the mercenary group he fought with in the National Bank of the United States .

The second one is a woman who looks very charming, but Ling Huohuo feels a monster in her body, and her strength is at the fourth level.

The last person was a gloomy middle-aged man with a very ordinary appearance, and his strength was actually at the fifth level.

Soon, the man in the gold-rimmed glasses dropped his offer.

"Military division, why did you give up?" The second leader sitting next to him patted his stomach and asked.

"Although this token is recorded in the literature, it doesn't have a specific description. It's okay to buy it and study it, but our purpose is not this token. It’s a waste of money, it’s better to stay and shoot our goals, now this token has exceeded the bottom line in my heart, so I can only give up.”

"I just feel like I don't have enough money."

"That's it."

At this time, the price had risen to 830 million, and the only people participating in the auction were a charming woman and a middle-aged man.

Seeing that it was almost done, Ling Huohuo patted Balrog on the shoulder.

"Old Tie, it's time for us to act."

"How much more?" Balrog asked in a low voice. It was his first time participating in an auction, and he was still a little excited when he thought about how much money he could still spend.

"Give him the whole ruthless first, 900 million!" Ling Huohuo whispered.

"So many?" Balrog was a little surprised.

"Relax, the money is not ours anyway, spend it casually, and we call it the first move, understand?"

Balrog nodded half understanding.

The two members of the Balrog looked at Ling Huohuo, so it's not your money that you can spend casually?Moreover, the idiom "striking the first sound" doesn't seem to be used in this way, does it?

In fact, what they didn't know was that even if it was Ling Huohuo's own money, he spent it casually.

"900 million!" Balrog's face was calm, and he raised the sign in his hand pretendingly, as if 900 million was drizzle and he didn't care.

Hearing the quotation from Balrog, everyone looked at Balrog in surprise, and found that there was no such a rich man in their impression.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the charming woman looking at Balrog, and then she resumed her smile, while the middle-aged man took a deep look at Balrog.

Only the group of men wearing gold-rimmed glasses looked at Ling Huohuo with a look of surprise.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill him!" Er Dangjia said and was about to get up.

The military division hurriedly grabbed the second leader.

"Hey, wait, wait until you get out, there are mixed dragons and snakes here, so it's not easy to make trouble."

"Fortunately, let him live a little longer."

Obviously everyone recognized Ling Huohuo as Ling Miao.

After all, the two look exactly alike.

The military adviser looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously. Although this person looked exactly the same as the one who snatched food from them last time, he always felt that something was wrong, eh?Wait, his strength?Why can't you see it?
On the other side, feeling the killing intent of the second master, Ling Huohuo looked in their direction, scratched his head, and looked puzzled.

I don't seem to know each other, and... two fifth-order?what's the situation?
However, don't make trouble for me, otherwise... hum.

"Nine million and fifty thousand." The charming woman gritted her teeth and offered another price, but the middle-aged man seemed to have given up.

The Balrog looked at Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo stretched out a finger, and the Balrog nodded to express his understanding.

"1000 million." Balrog held up the sign in his hand.

Ling Huohuo almost bit his own tongue, brother, I mean let you increase it to 910 million!Did you get it wrong?Do you want to be so domineering?Prodigal child.

However, the effect was still very good, and everyone was overwhelmed by the Balrog's arrogance, and did not speak for a long time.

People are adding one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand, but you are adding one million and one million. We are not playing a game, right?

Finally, after hesitating for a while, the charming woman snorted coldly and gave up the bidding. Just like that, the entry order was successfully auctioned by the Balrog team.

In fact, for this auction, 1000 million US dollars is not much, but if you only look at the historical value, the value of the city entry order is not high. Except for those who know its true value, there are not many people who participated in the auction, and those who participated The auctioneer also gave up continuing to bid for various reasons, which allowed Balrog to succeed, and installed a 13 by the way, which is really exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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