The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 320 Children's Chapter Story: Guo Xiaoyu, the Golden Lion and the Treasure

Chapter 320 Fairy Tale: Guo Xiaoyu, the Golden Lion, and the Treasure (Part [-])

"I'm going to use my sword intent too, so be careful." Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

When Lu Sisi heard that Ling Huohuo said sword intent, her expression changed. She didn't know that Ling Huohuo had sword intent!
And the reason why she cultivated sword intent was because she met a friend at the headquarters of Onmyoji, and with her help, she found an interesting thing. During this period of time, she had been practicing near that thing, and finally practiced Out of the sword intent, how did Ling Huohuo's sword intent come from?

In the past, Ling Huohuo taught Lu Sisi only about swordsmanship. As for sword intent, Ling Huohuo never mentioned it. After all, Ling Huohuo always believed that ordinary people could not cultivate sword intent.

A layer of transparent power was attached to the long sword in Ling Huohuo's hand, and the non-attributed sword intent was attached to the long sword by Ling Huohuo.

This kind of attachment is only attached to the surface of the sword, and it is not the same as the attachment of the sword intent used by monsters to form the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. That kind of attachment is to implant the sword intent into the sword, and it will not dissipate the sword intent easily. This made it impossible for the sword to give birth to a sword spirit, and now this kind of attachment is only similar to strengthening the sword. After Ling Huohuo let go, the sword will dissipate, which does not conflict with the existence of the sword spirit.

Seeing that Ling Huohuo really used the sword intent, Lu Sisi's face also became serious. She didn't understand much about the sword intent, even her friend didn't know much about the sword intent, and couldn't see what Ling Huohuo used. What kind of sword intent is it, and what aspect is it blessing.

Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi fought again, and faced swords again. The long sword in Ling Huohuo's hand was not damaged, but the long sword in Lu Sisi's hand trembled a little.

After all, Ling Huohuo had been cultivating his sword intent longer, and his sword intent was also stronger. Lu Sisi's newly condensed sword intent was incomparable.

Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi fought together again.

The advantage of Lu Sisi's sword intent was gone. After fighting for a while, the long sword in Lu Sisi's hand was finally lifted by Ling Huohuo and the battle ended.

The onlookers also applauded.

Lu Sisi smiled helplessly.

"It's amazing. If it weren't for my physical fitness and reflexes being stronger than yours, I might be the loser." Ling Huohuo said.

"Then you still lost, by the way, how did you comprehend the sword intent?" Lu Sisi looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Well, I'm not very clear about this. My sword intent appeared for a special reason, and I don't know the specific situation. Babai said that sword intent depends on enlightenment. I think enlightenment is a bit nonsense. How did you understand it? "Ling Huohuo asked.

Lu Sisi knew eight hundred people.

"That's it, I want to know how I comprehended the sword intent. I'll take you to meet someone tomorrow, but you'll know in time." Lu Sisi didn't answer directly, but said to Ling Huohuo with a smile.

At this time, other people also came over.

After a brief exchange, everyone also left.


Go back to where you live.

Ling Huohuo pushed open the door.

A dazzling golden color dyed everyone golden.

When everyone got used to it, they couldn't help opening their mouths and swallowing.

I saw a cleared space in the middle of the living room, where a golden lion statue was placed.

The golden statue was more than one meter high and almost two meters long. If it wasn't for its golden color, everyone would almost have thought it was a real lion.

And Guo Xiaoyu was riding on the lion's body in a disfigured way, holding a piece of cloth, breathing while wiping it, and occasionally went up to take a bite, and then showed a satisfied look.

Hongqiewan was standing next to the lion with a water basin, apparently waiting for Guo Xiaoyu to wash the cloth used to wipe the lion.

Yu Nu was sitting on the side, with a look of doubts about life and broken views.

"Yu Nu, what's the matter?" Big Tengu approached Yu Nu and asked curiously.

"Why? Why can I pick up the treasure map when I go out? Why is such a big golden lion placed on the mountain and no one picks it up? Are all people in Tokyo blind?" Yu Nu asked.


I always thought the story was kind of weird.

"Guo Xiaoyu, what is this?" Ling Huohuo asked, pointing at the golden lion.

Guo Xiaoyu jumped down from the lion, opened her hands, protected the golden lion behind her, and raised her head.


"No, I'm asking..." Ling Huohuo wanted to explain.


"Uh... I am..."


"..." Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, "Okay, yours, it's yours."

"It's good that you know." Guo Xiaoyu glanced at Ling Huohuo vigilantly, and climbed onto the golden lion again.

"Where did this thing come from?" Ling Huohuo asked Xiang Yunu.

Yunu began to slowly tell what happened today...

On a sunny morning, the girl went out, and a treasure map was blown by the strong wind. The girl felt that there must be something strange in it, so the girl took her partner on a journey to find the treasure. They found the sign made by the "Golden Lion" and dug up the treasure buried under the Golden Lion - a golden key with a Leo pattern.

The girl took the golden lion and the golden key back home and lived a happy life.

This is the end of the story, gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate... what a ghost!

Is this a fairy tale for children?Children nowadays don't read this kind of story!

I got the treasure map that Guo Xiaoyu got - a piece of A4 paper with a map drawn on it. The person who drew it seemed to have good skills and made it look old, but this can't be changed. This is an A4 paper. Paper Facts!

"It was a coincidence that the wind blew the treasure map to Guo Xiaoyu's side. Such a big golden lion was placed on the mountains around Tokyo, and no one found it. No matter how you look at it, it's too weird." Ling Huohuo frowned. eyebrow.

Moreover, looking at the golden key with the Leo symbol, isn't this the kind of golden key that is often encountered recently?

In addition to this Leo, I and others already have three keys in their hands.

At this time, Babai floated out.

"Not necessarily." Yabai said.

"Guo Xiaoyu is the child of luck in this world. Going out to pick up money is a trivial matter, and it's nothing to pick up a treasure map."

Everyone nodded together. This explanation seems to make sense.

Then everyone looked at Guo Xiaoyu jealously, this is fate.

Endless tears of Africa, endless kills of European dogs.

"Then what's the situation with this treasure?" Yu Nu asked.

"This golden lion is golden. Generally speaking, gold will change color after being exposed to the air for a period of time. This is not the case, so this golden lion should not have been made for a long time. It is likely that someone left it recently. The mark, most likely the one left today, but the other party lost the map, and Guo Xiaoyu picked it up, and then..." Babai didn't continue, but everyone understood what was going on .


On the other side, on a mountain near the city of Tokyo.

A group of people in black robes looked at the big pit in front of them, their faces were silent, and they couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

A man in black made gestures for a long time.

"What about the trade?"

The map was lost by them for some reason, and they finally found it, but found that the things were gone.

The man in black always has the feeling that he has missed a hundred million...

"I remember that the sign is a golden lion. Looking at the traces around, this lion seems to be quite big." Another black-robed man squatted down, observed for a while, and said.

The black-robed people fell silent again, the first black-robed person held back for a long time...

"Who came up with such a sign of mental retardation?"

The roar of the black-robed man echoed in the mountains and lingered for a long time.


Guo Xiaoyu, who fell asleep on the golden lion, left a happy saliva...

 There is a third change

(End of this chapter)

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